This topic describes the limits on SQL query statements in Cloud Config.

  • You can search for only existing resources.
  • For statements that use the SELECT * syntax, only the following properties can be returned: AccountId, RegionId, ResourceId, ResourceType, ResourceName, ResourceCreationTime, and ResourceGroupId.
  • The ALL, DISTINCT, FROM, HAVING, JOIN, and UNION keywords are not supported. The NULL keyword is supported.
  • Cloud Config imposes the following limits on wildcards:
    • Wildcards are supported for only property values. Wildcards are not supported for property keys. For example, ...WHERE ResourceId LIKE 'Value%' is supported, but ...WHERE 'ResourceId%' LIKE 'Value%' is not supported.
    • A wildcard can be used as a suffix. Examples: ...ResourceType LIKE 'ACS::ECS::%' and ...ResourceType LIKE 'ACS::ECS::_'.
  • Aggregate functions are supported, such as the AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, and SUM functions. Cloud Config imposes the following limits on aggregate functions:
    • You can specify only one parameter or property for an aggregate function.
    • Aggregate functions cannot be nested.
    • If you use the GROUP BY clause together with the ORDER BY clause, an aggregate function can contain only one property.
    • The HAVING clause is not supported for aggregation functions.
  • If you query multiple properties in an array, all elements in the array are checked to match the conditions. For example, Resource R has Tag A and Tag B, as shown in the following code:
    configTagList: [
    { configTagName: 'A', tagType: 'ecs' },
    { configTagName: 'B', tagType: 'sls' }
    In this case, the following statement can be used to retrieve Resource R:
    SELECT * WHERE configTagList.configTagName = 'A' AND configTagList.tagType = 'sls'

    The first condition configTagList.configTagName = 'A' and the second condition configTagList.tagType = 'sls' are evaluated for all elements in the configTagList array. The first condition is evaluated as true because Resource R has Tag A. The second condition is also evaluated as true because Resource R has Tag B. As a result, Resource R is returned.