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Mobile Platform as a Service:How to troubleshoot the problem of a 7014 error reported by MGS

Last Updated:Jun 28, 2023

Problem description

Filter RPC Exception in the output log. 7014 is reported.

Troubleshooting procedure

  1. Check whether the package information configured in build.gradle of the application is correct.

    signingConfigs {
        release {
            keyAlias 'mpaas123'
            keyPassword 'mpaas123'
            storeFile file('keystore/custom_title.jks')// A .jks signature is preferred. If a .kstore signature is used, three blue loading dots may appear when Mini Program is launched.
            storePassword 'mpaas123'
        debug {
            keyAlias 'mpaas123'
            keyPassword 'mpaas123'
            storeFile file('keystore/custom_title.jks')
            storePassword 'mpaas123'
     buildTypes {
            release {
                minifyEnabled false
                shrinkResources false  // Change to false. Disable obfuscation for debug and release resources.
                proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), '', 'mpProguard.cfg'

    If the APK package uploaded to the mPaaS console is a release package, you must use the release package for testing. If the APK package uploaded to the mPaaS console is a debug package, you must use the debug package for testing.

  2. Check whether the Security Guard of obfuscation configuration "keep" is added.

    If no, pack "keep" to generate a Security Guard image drawable/yw_1222 with reference to Add obfuscation configuration.

  3. If Gradle in Android Studio is version 4.2 or later, you must add android.enableResourceOptimizations=false to

    dependencies {
        classpath ""
        classpath ''
    # The causes for 7014 include: Gradle 4.2 in Android Studio, no Security Guard image, and resource confusion.
    # Disable resource optimization.
  4. If 7014 persists after the preceding troubleshooting procedure is performed, re-upload APK, download the config file, and import the file again for testing.