December 2021

Release dateDescriptionReferences
2021-12ApsaraVideo Player SDK V5.4.4.0 for Android and ApsaraVideo Player SDK V5.4.4.0 for iOS are released. Release notes for ApsaraVideo Player SDK for Android and Release notes for ApsaraVideo Player SDK for iOS

November 2021

Release dateDescriptionReferences
2021-11ApsaraVideo Player SDK V2.9.14 and V2.9.16 for web are released. Release notes for ApsaraVideo Player SDK for Web

October 2021

Release dateDescriptionReferences
  • Remote authentication can be configured in the ApsaraVideo VOD console.
  • Videos of a specified resolution can be uploaded in the Singapore (Singapore) region.
  • ApsaraVideo VOD allows you to call the media fingerprinting and tag operations of ApsaraVideo Media Processing based on the ID of a media asset in the China (Shanghai) region. The media fingerprinting and tag features provided by ApsaraVideo Media Processing are more abundant. This solution can be used when the media fingerprinting and tag features of ApsaraVideo VOD cannot meet your requirements.
  • The cross-cloud transcoding feature based on the Simple Storage Service (S3) protocol is supported in the Singapore (Singapore) region.

September 2021

Release dateDescriptionReferences
  • The validity period for HTTP status codes can be configured.
  • The Transport Layer Security (TLS) version control feature is supported to ensure the security and integrity of data transmitted over the Internet.
  • A User-Agent blacklist or whitelist can be configured to identify and filter users. Only authorized users have access to resources in ApsaraVideo VOD. This improves service security.
  • A custom HTTP response header can be configured. If you want to request resources that belong to an accelerated domain name, you can add the configured HTTP response header to responses returned from your origin servers. This way, you can perform cross-origin resource sharing (CORS).

August 2021

Release dateDescriptionReferences
  • The digital rights management (DRM) encryption feature is released. You can use DRM encryption in different scenarios, such as device diversity, network complexity, multi-bitrate streams, file alignment, and adaptive bitrate streaming.
  • Media files can be uploaded from URLs in the Singapore (Singapore) region.

March 2021

Release dateDescriptionReferences
2021-03The online editing service is released to provide you with audio and video editing, merging, transition, and export features. You can use the online editing service by using an integrated web SDK or in the ApsaraVideo VOD console.