Troubleshooting dashboards include the following dashboards: Global Alert Pipeline Center, Global Alert Rule Center, Global Alert Troubleshooting Center, and Pub Alert Center. The preceding dashboards display information about alerts.

Go to the dashboard page

  1. Log on to the Log Service console.
  2. On the Intelligent O&M tab of the Log Application section, click Alert OpsCenter.
  3. On the Alert OpsCenter page, find the business that you want to manage in the business list and click the ID of the business.
  4. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Alert Status > Troubleshooting.

Alert link

The Global Alert Pipeline Center dashboard displays the historical information about the alerts that are triggered within a specified period of time for the current Alibaba Cloud account. The historical information includes how alerts are triggered, how alerts are denoised, and how alert notification are sent. The dashboard also displays all historical data. The data includes the number of enabled alert monitoring rules, the number of alerts by severity, the number of merged alerts, the number of deduplicated alerts, the number of silenced alerts, the number of alert notifications that are sent, and the number of alert notifications for each notification method.

Alert troubleshooting

Alert monitoring rules

The Global Alert Rule Center dashboard displays all alert monitoring rules within a specified period of time for the current Alibaba Cloud account. The dashboard also displays the number of enabled rules, the distribution of rule status, and the details of rules.

Alert monitoring rules

Alert troubleshooting

The Global Alert Troubleshooting Center dashboard displays information about alert configuration errors that occur within a specified period of time for the current Alibaba Cloud account. The information includes the number and details of global configuration errors, the number and details of configuration errors for each notification method, and the number and details of configuration errors for alert monitoring rules.

Alert troubleshooting

Alert ingestion

The Pub Alert Center dashboard displays the data of the alert ingestion system within a specified period of time for the current Alibaba Cloud account. The data includes the number of active alert ingestion services, the number of alert ingestion applications, the number of protocols, the number of requests that are sent by active alert ingestion services, and the number of ingested alerts.

Alert ingestion