The Tablestore CLI allows you to write and import time series data to time series tables and query time series data in time series tables. You can also use the Tablestore CLI to retrieve, scan, and update the time series in time series tables.

Write time series data

Write time series data to a time series table.

  • Command syntax
    putts --k '["measurement_name","data_source",["tagKey1=tagValue1","tagKey2=tagValue2"]]' --field '[{"c":"fieldname","v":"fieldvalue"},{"c":"bool_field","v":true},{"c":"double_field","v":1.1},{"c":"int_value","v":10,"isint":true}]' --time 1635162859000000

    The following table describes the parameters that you can configure to write time series data to a time series table.

    Parameter Required Example Description
    --k Yes '["cpu","localhost",["region=hangzhou","os=ubuntu"]]' The time series identifier, which is an array that contains the following content:
    • Measurement name: the metric name. In this example, the metric name is cpu.
    • Data source: the data source from which data is generated. In this example, the data source is localhost.
    • Tags: the tags. The value is an array in which each tag consists of tagKey and tagValue in the format tagKey=tagValue.
    --field Yes '[{"c":"fieldname","v":"fieldvalue"},{"c":"bool_field","v":true},{"c":"double_field","v":1.1},{"c":"int_value","v":10,"isint":true}]' The data column of time series data, which is in the JSON format and contains the following content:
    • c: This parameter is required and specifies the name of the data column.
    • v: This parameter is required and specifies the value of the data column. The value of this parameter can be of the string, numeric, or Bool type.
    • isint: This parameter is optional and specifies whether the value of the numeric data column is converted to a value of the integer type. The value of this parameter is of the Bool type. Valid values: true and false. The default value is false, which specifies that the value of the numeric data column is converted to a value of the floating-point type.

      If you set this parameter to true, the value of the numeric data column is converted to a value of the integer type.

    --time No 1635162859000000 The time when the row of time series data is generated. The value of this parameter is a timestamp. Unit: microseconds (μs).
  • Example

    Write a row of time series data.

    putts --k '["cpu","localhost",["region=hangzhou","os=ubuntu"]]' --field '[{"c":"fieldname","v":"fieldvalue"},{"c":"bool_field","v":true},{"c":"double_field","v":1.1},{"c":"int_value","v":10,"isint":true}]' --time 1635162859000000

Import time series data

Import time series data from a local file to a time series table.

  • Command syntax
    • Windows
      import_timeseries --input D:\\localpath\\filename.txt
    • Linux and macOS
      import_timeseries --input /localpath/filename.txt
    The following table describes the parameters that you must configure to import time series data from a local file to a time series table.
    Parameter Required Example Description
    -i, --input Yes /temp/import_timeseries.txt The configuration file from which you want to import time series data.
    The following example shows the content of a configuration file:
    cpu,hostname=host_0,region=cn-hangzhou usage_user=58i,usage_system=2i,usage_idle=24i 1609459200000000000
    cpu,hostname=host_1,region=cn-hangzhou usage_user=58i,usage_system=2i,usage_idle=24i 1609459200000000000
    Each row in the example is a row of time series data in the format measurement_name,tags fields timestamp. The following table describes the parameters.
    Parameter Required Example Description
    measurement Yes cpu The metric type.
    tags Yes hostname=host_0,region=cn-hangzhou The tags. Each tag consists of tagKey and tagValue in the format tagKey=tagValue.

    The tagValue of the first tag specifies the data source from which the data is generated. In this example, host_0 specifies the data source of the time series data in the row.

    fields Yes usage_user=58i,usage_system=2i,usage_idle=24i The data column of the time series data. Each data column consists of columnKey and columnValue in the format columnKey=columnValue.

    The value of columnValue can be of the integer or floating-point type. If you add i to the end of the value, the data type of the value is integer. Otherwise, the data type of the value is floating-point.

    timestamp Yes 1609459200000000000 The time when the row of time series data is generated. The value of this parameter is a timestamp. Unit: nanoseconds (ns).
    Notice After data is imported to the time series table, the timestamp in nanoseconds in the configuration file is automatically converted into a timestamp in microseconds.
  • Example

    Import the time series data from the import_timeseries.txt file to a time series table.

    import_timeseries --input /temp/import_timeseries.txt

Query time series data

Query the time series data in a specific time range.

  • Command syntax
    getts --k '["measurement_name","data_source",["tagKey1=tagValue1","tagKey2=tagValue2"]]' --time_start 0 --time_end 1635162900000000 --limit 100

    The following table describes the parameters that you can configure to query time series data.

    Parameter Required Example Description
    --k Yes '["cpu","localhost",["region=hangzhou","os=ubuntu"]]' The time series identifier, which is an array that contains the following content:
    • Measurement name: the metric name. In this example, the metric name is cpu.
    • Data source: the data source from which data is generated. In this example, the data source is localhost.
    • Tags: the tags. The value is an array in which each tag consists of tagKey and tagValue in the format tagKey=tagValue.
    --time_start Yes 0 The beginning of the time range to query.
    --time_end Yes 1667638230000000 The end of the time range to query.
    --limit No 100 The maximum number of entries to return. Valid values: 1 to 5000. The actual number of returned entries is determined by the server.
  • Example

    Query all time series data that is generated before 1667638230000000 in the time series whose metric name is cpu, data source is localhost, and tags are "region=hangzhou" and "os=ubuntu".

    getts --k '["cpu","localhost",["region=hangzhou","os=ubuntu"]]' --time_start 0 --time_end 1667638230000000 --limit 100

Retrieve time series

Retrieve the time series that meet the specified conditions.

  • Command syntax
    Note You can abbreviate query_ts_meta in the command as qtm.
    query_ts_meta --measurement measurement_name --datasource data_source --limit 10

    The following table describes the parameters that you can configure to retrieve time series.

    Parameter Required Example Description
    --measurement No cpu The metric name.
    --datasource No localhost The data source.
    --limit No 100 The maximum number of entries to return. Valid values: 1 to 1000. The actual number of returned entries is determined by the server.
    -e, --edit No {"measurement":"cpu","data_source":"localhost"} The query condition in the JSON format.
    You can also run the qtm -e command and specify the query conditions to perform a complex query. The following example shows the query conditions:
  • Example
    Retrieve the time series whose metric name is cpu and data source is localhost.
    query_ts_meta --measurement cpu --datasource localhost --limit 10

Scan time series

Obtain all time series or a specified number of time series in a time series table.

  • Command syntax
    Note You can abbreviate query_ts_meta in the command as qtm.
    query_ts_meta --limit limit
    The following table describes the parameter that you can configure to scan time series.
    Parameter Required Example Description
    --limit No 10 The maximum number of rows to return for this scan. If you do not configure this parameter, all data in the table is scanned.
  • Example
    query_ts_meta --limit 10

Update a time series

Modify the properties of a time series.

  • Command syntax
    Note You can abbreviate update_ts_meta in the command as utm.
    update_ts_meta --k '["measurement_name","data_source",["tag1=value1","tag2=value2"]]' --attrs '["key1=value1","key2=value2"]' 

    The following table describes the parameters that you can configure to modify the properties of a time series.

    Parameter Required Example Description
    --k Yes '["cpu","localhost",["region=hangzhou","os=ubuntu"]]' The time series identifier, which is an array that contains the following content:
    • Measurement name: the metric name. In this example, the metric name is cpu.
    • Data source: the data source from which data is generated. In this example, the data source is localhost.
    • Tags: the tags. The value is an array in which each tag consists of tagKey and tagValue in the format tagKey=tagValue.
    --attrs No '["city=nanjing","region=jiangning"]' The properties of the time series. The value is an array in which each property consists of a key and a value in the format key=value.
  • Example

    Modify the properties of the specified time series to "city=nanjing" and "region=jiangning".

    update_ts_meta --k '["cpu","localhost",["city=hangzhou","region=xihu"]]' --attrs '["city=nanjing","region=jiangning"]'