This topic describes the syntax, clauses, parameters, and basic methods that can be used to create a table by executing a DDL statement. This syntax applies to only DRDS mode databases.


    (create_definition, ...)

    col_name column_definition
  | mysql_create_definition
  | [UNIQUE] GLOBAL INDEX index_name [index_type] (index_sharding_col_name,...)
      [index_option] ...

# Clauses that are related to global secondary indexes
    [COVERING (col_name,...)]

# Clauses that can be used for sharding
    DBPARTITION BY db_partition_algorithm
    [TBPARTITION BY table_partition_algorithm [TBPARTITIONS num]]

  | UNI_HASH(col_name)
  | RIGHT_SHIFT(col_name, n)
  | RANGE_HASH(col_name, col_name, n)

  | UNI_HASH(col_name)
  | RIGHT_SHIFT(col_name, n)
  | RANGE_HASH(col_name, col_name, n)

# Syntax that is used to specify the storage location of a table when you create the table

# DDL syntax that is supported by MySQL
    col_name [(length)] [ASC | DESC]

    KEY_BLOCK_SIZE [=] value
  | index_type
  | WITH PARSER parser_name
  | COMMENT 'string'

Note The PolarDB-X DDL syntax is developed based on the MySQL syntax. The preceding section lists the difference between the MySQL syntax and the PolarDB-X DDL syntax. For more information, see the MySQL documentation.

Clauses and parameters that can be used for sharding

  • DBPARTITION BY hash(partition_key): specifies the database shard key and the database sharding algorithm.
  • TBPARTITION BY { HASH(column) | {MM|DD|WEEK|MMDD|YYYYMM|YYYYWEEK|YYYYDD|YYYYMM_OPT|YYYYWEEK_OPT|YYYYDD_OPT}(column): optional. This clause specifies the method that is used to map data to a physical table. By default, this clause works in the same manner as the DBPARTITION BY clause.
  • TBPARTITIONS num: optional. TBPARTITIONS num specifies the number of physical tables in each database. The default value of this parameter is 1. If no table sharding is required, you do not need to specify this parameter.
  • For more information about sharding functions, see Sharding functions.

Clauses and parameters that can be used to define a global secondary index

  • [UNIQUE] GLOBAL: specifies that the index is a global secondary index. UNIQUE GLOBAL specifies that the index is a unique global secondary index.
  • index_name: specifies the name of the index. The specified name is the same as the name of the index table.
  • index_type: specifies the type of the local secondary index on a shard key in the index table. For information about the supported types of a local secondary index, see the MySQL documentation.
  • index_sharding_col_name,...: specifies the index columns. The index columns include all the shard key columns of the index table and cannot include other columns. For more information, see .
  • global_secondary_index_option: specifies the extended syntax for PolarDB-X global secondary indexes.
    • COVERING (col_name,...): specifies the covering columns. The covering columns include all columns of the index table except the index columns. By default, the covering columns include the primary key columns and the shard key columns of the base table. For more information, see Global secondary indexes.
    • drds_partition_options: specifies one or more sharding clauses for the index table. For more information, see Clauses and parameters that can be used for sharding.
  • index_option: specifies the attributes of the local secondary index on a shard key of the index table. For more information, see the MySQL documentation.

Shadow table clause that can be used for full-link stress testing

SHADOW: creates a shadow table that can be used for full-link stress testing. The table name must contain the _test_ prefix. The table name that is specified after the prefix and the name of the associated formal table must be consistent. The formal table must be created before the shadow table is created.


LOCALITY specifies the storage location of a single table.
  • If you specify the storage location of a database or a single table by using LOCALITY, the storage location cannot be changed.
  • The storage location of a single table in a database is independent of the storage location of the database. If the storage location is not specified when you create a single table in a PolarDB-X instance, the table is stored on a random data node. if you create more single tables in the PolarDB-X instance and do not specify the storage location for these tables, the tables are stored on the same data node.

Create a non-sharded table

Create a non-sharded table. The table is a logical table. No sharding is required.

CREATE TABLE single_tbl(
 id bigint not null auto_increment, 
 name varchar(30), 
 primary key(id)

View the node topology of the logical table. The node topology shows that a non-sharded table is created in database 0.

mysql> show topology from single_tbl;
| ID   | GROUP_NAME                                                       | TABLE_NAME |
|    0 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | single_tbl |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
For example, a PolarDB-X instance is created and contains two data nodes: polardbx-storage-0-master and polardbx-storage-1-master. A database named db1 is created on the polardbx-storage-1-master data node. In this case, you can create a table in the db1 database and set the storage location of the table to polardbx-storage-0-master by using the following syntax:
mysql>CREATE TABLE tb1 (id int) LOCALITY='dn=polardbx-storage-0-master';
After the table is created, you can view the topology of the table by executing the following statement:
The following result is returned:
| 0  | DB1_000000_GROUP | tb1        |
1 row in set
Note The preceding result shows that the tb1 table is stored in the DB1_000000_GROUP database shard.

Create a table on which only database sharding instead of table sharding is performed

For example, eight database shards are created. Create a table on which only database sharding instead of table sharding is performed, and on which hashing is performed as the database sharding method based on the ID column. The table is a logical table.

CREATE TABLE multi_db_single_tbl(
  id bigint not null auto_increment, 
  name varchar(30), 
  primary key(id)
) dbpartition by hash(id);

View the node topology of the logical table. The node topology shows that one table shard is created in each database shard. This indicates that only database sharding is performed.

mysql> show topology from multi_db_single_tbl;
| ID   | GROUP_NAME                                                       | TABLE_NAME          |
|    0 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | multi_db_single_tbl |
|    1 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0001_RDS | multi_db_single_tbl |
|    2 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0002_RDS | multi_db_single_tbl |
|    3 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0003_RDS | multi_db_single_tbl |
|    4 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0004_RDS | multi_db_single_tbl |
|    5 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0005_RDS | multi_db_single_tbl |
|    6 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0006_RDS | multi_db_single_tbl |
|    7 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | multi_db_single_tbl |
8 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Create a table on which database sharding and table sharding are performed

You can use the following sharding methods to create a table on which database sharding and table sharding are performed:

  • Use a hash function for sharding
  • Use a hash function that contains double fields for sharding
  • Use a date function for sharding
Note In the following examples, eight database shards that have been created are used.

Use a hash function for sharding

Create a table on which database sharding and table sharding are performed. The table is a logical table. Each database shard contains three physical tables. Hashing is performed as the database sharding method based on the ID column and as the table sharding method based on the bid column. Perform a hash operation on the data in the ID column to split the data into eight database shards. Then, perform a hash operation on the data in the bid column to split the data into three physical tables in each database shard.

CREATE TABLE multi_db_multi_tbl(
 id bigint not null auto_increment, 
 bid int, 
 name varchar(30), 
 primary key(id)
) dbpartition by hash(id) tbpartition by hash(bid) tbpartitions 3;

View the node topology of the logical table. The node topology shows that three table shards are created in each database shard.

mysql> show topology from multi_db_multi_tbl;
| ID   | GROUP_NAME                                                       | TABLE_NAME            |
|    0 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | multi_db_multi_tbl_00 |
|    1 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | multi_db_multi_tbl_01 |
|    2 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | multi_db_multi_tbl_02 |
|    3 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0001_RDS | multi_db_multi_tbl_03 |
|    4 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0001_RDS | multi_db_multi_tbl_04 |
|    5 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0001_RDS | multi_db_multi_tbl_05 |
|    6 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0002_RDS | multi_db_multi_tbl_06 |
|    7 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0002_RDS | multi_db_multi_tbl_07 |
|    8 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0002_RDS | multi_db_multi_tbl_08 |
|    9 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0003_RDS | multi_db_multi_tbl_09 |
|   10 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0003_RDS | multi_db_multi_tbl_10 |
|   11 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0003_RDS | multi_db_multi_tbl_11 |
|   12 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0004_RDS | multi_db_multi_tbl_12 |
|   13 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0004_RDS | multi_db_multi_tbl_13 |
|   14 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0004_RDS | multi_db_multi_tbl_14 |
|   15 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0005_RDS | multi_db_multi_tbl_15 |
|   16 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0005_RDS | multi_db_multi_tbl_16 |
|   17 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0005_RDS | multi_db_multi_tbl_17 |
|   18 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0006_RDS | multi_db_multi_tbl_18 |
|   19 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0006_RDS | multi_db_multi_tbl_19 |
|   20 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0006_RDS | multi_db_multi_tbl_20 |
|   21 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | multi_db_multi_tbl_21 |
|   22 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | multi_db_multi_tbl_22 |
|   23 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | multi_db_multi_tbl_23 |
24 rows in set (0.01 sec)  

View the sharding rule of the logical table. The rule shows that hashing is used for sharding. The shard key for database sharding is ID and the shard key for table sharding is bid.

mysql> show rule from multi_db_multi_tbl;
|    0 | multi_db_multi_tbl |         0 | id               | hash                | 8                  | bid              | hash                | 3                  |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

Use a hash function that contains double fields for sharding

  • A shard key must be of a character data type or a numeric data type
  • Routing method: Calculate a hash value by using the last N characters of a shard key. Then, use a hash function to calculate a route. N specifies the third argument for the hash function. For example, if the RANGE_HASH(COL1, COL2, N) function is used, COL1 is selected and then truncated to obtain the last N characters for calculation. If COL1 does not exist, COL2 is selected for calculation.
  • Scenarios: Two shard keys are required and the values of only one shard key are used for queries. For example, data in your PolarDB-X database can be routed to eight physical database shards, and the following business requirements must be met:
    • Database sharding is performed on an order table based on buyer IDs and order IDs.
    • Only buyer IDs or order IDs are specified as a condition for queries.

In this case, you can execute the following DDL statement to create an order table:

create table test_order_tb (
 id bigint not null auto_increment,
 seller_id varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
 order_id varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
 buyer_id varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
 create_time datetime DEFAULT NULL,
 primary key(id)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 dbpartition by RANGE_HASH(buyer_id, order_id, 10) tbpartition by RANGE_HASH(buyer_id, order_id, 10) tbpartitions 3;  
  • The two shard keys cannot be changed.
  • If the two shard keys point to different database shards or table shards, data fails to be inserted.

Use a date function for sharding

You can use a hash function as the sharding algorithm. You can also use the MM, DD, WEEK, or MMDD date function as a sharding algorithm to shard tables. The following examples show how to use a date function for sharding.

Create a table on which both database sharding and table sharding are performed. The table is a logical table. Database sharding is performed by implementing hashing based on the userId column. Table sharding is performed by using the WEEK(actionDate) date function based on the actionDate column to calculate DAY_OF_WEEK. Data in the logical table is routed to seven physical tables based on the number of days in a week.

For example, if a value in the actionDate column is 2017-02-27 for which the day is Monday, the value that the WEEK(actionDate) function returns is 2. In this case, the data record that includes 2017-02-27 is stored in the table shard that corresponds to 2 based on the following equation: 2 % 7 = 2. This table shard is located in a database shard and is named user_log_2. If a value in the actionDate column is 2017-02-26 for which the day is Sunday, the value that the WEEK(actionDate) function returns is 1. In this case, the data record that includes 2017-02-26 is stored in the table shard that corresponds to 1 based on the following equation: 1 % 7 = 1. This table shard is located in a database shard and is named user_log_1.

CREATE TABLE user_log(
 userId int, 
 name varchar(30), 
 operation varchar(30), 
 actionDate DATE
) dbpartition by hash(userId) tbpartition by WEEK(actionDate) tbpartitions 7;

View the node topology of the logical table. The node topology shows that seven table shards are created in each database shard based on the number of days in a week.

show topology from user_log;
| ID   | GROUP_NAME                                                       | TABLE_NAME |
|    0 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log_0 |
|    1 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log_1 |
|    2 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log_2 |
|    3 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log_3 |
|    4 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log_4 |
|    5 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log_5 |
|    6 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log_6 |
|    7 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0001_RDS | user_log_0 |
|    8 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0001_RDS | user_log_1 |
|    9 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0001_RDS | user_log_2 |
|   10 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0001_RDS | user_log_3 |
|   11 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0001_RDS | user_log_4 |
|   12 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0001_RDS | user_log_5 |
|   13 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0001_RDS | user_log_6 |
|   49 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log_0 |
|   50 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log_1 |
|   51 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log_2 |
|   52 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log_3 |
|   53 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log_4 |
|   54 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log_5 |
|   55 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log_6 |
56 rows in set (0.01 sec)
Note An ellipsis (…) is used to omit some data because the returned result is long.

View the sharding rule of the logical table. The rule shows that the database sharding method is hashing and the shard key for database sharding is userId. The rule also shows that the WEEK date function is used to shard the table and the shard key for table sharding is actionDate.

show rule from user_log;
|    0 | user_log   |         0 | userId           | hash                | 8                  | actionDate       | week                | 7                  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

This way, if you specify a database shard key and a table shard key, you can view the physical database shards and the physical tables that belong to the physical database shards to which the SQL statement is routed.

Create a table on which both database sharding and table sharding are performed. The table is a logical table. Database sharding is performed by implementing hashing based on the userId column. Table sharding is performed by using the MM(actionDate) date function based on the actionDate column to calculate MONTH_OF_YEAR. Data in the logical table is routed to 12 physical tables based on the number of months in a year.

For example, if a value in the actionDate column is 2017-02-27, the value that the MM(actionDate) function returns is 02. In this case, the data record that includes 2017-02-27 is stored in the table shard that corresponds to 02 based on the following equation: 02 % 12 = 02. This table shard is located in a database shard and is named user_log_02. If a value in the actionDate column is 2016-12-27, the value that the MM(actionDate) function returns is 12. In this case, the data record that includes 2016-12-27 is stored in the table shard that corresponds to 00 based on the following equation: 12 % 12 = 00. This table shard is located in a database shard and is named user_log_00.

CREATE TABLE user_log2(
 userId int, 
 name varchar(30), 
 operation varchar(30), 
 actionDate DATE
) dbpartition by hash(userId) tbpartition by MM(actionDate) tbpartitions 12; 

View the node topology of the logical table. The node topology shows that 12 table shards are created in each database shard based on the number of months in a year.

show topology from user_log2;
| ID   | GROUP_NAME                                                       | TABLE_NAME   |
|    0 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log2_00 |
|    1 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log2_01 |
|    2 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log2_02 |
|    3 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log2_03 |
|    4 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log2_04 |
|    5 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log2_05 |
|    6 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log2_06 |
|    7 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log2_07 |
|    8 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log2_08 |
|    9 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log2_09 |
|   10 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log2_10 |
|   11 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log2_11 |
|   12 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0001_RDS | user_log2_00 |
|   13 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0001_RDS | user_log2_01 |
|   14 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0001_RDS | user_log2_02 |
|   15 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0001_RDS | user_log2_03 |
|   16 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0001_RDS | user_log2_04 |
|   17 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0001_RDS | user_log2_05 |
|   18 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0001_RDS | user_log2_06 |
|   19 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0001_RDS | user_log2_07 |
|   20 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0001_RDS | user_log2_08 |
|   21 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0001_RDS | user_log2_09 |
|   22 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0001_RDS | user_log2_10 |
|   23 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0001_RDS | user_log2_11 |
|   84 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log2_00 |
|   85 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log2_01 |
|   86 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log2_02 |
|   87 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log2_03 |
|   88 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log2_04 |
|   89 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log2_05 |
|   90 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log2_06 |
|   91 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log2_07 |
|   92 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log2_08 |
|   93 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log2_09 |
|   94 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log2_10 |
|   95 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log2_11 |
96 rows in set (0.02 sec)
Note An ellipsis (…) is used to omit some data because the returned result is long.

View the sharding rule of the logical table. The rule shows that the database sharding method is hashing and the shard key for database sharding is userId. The rule also shows that the MM date function is used to shard the table and the shard key for table sharding is actionDate.

show rule from user_log2;
|    0 | user_log2  |         0 | userId           | hash                | 8                  | actionDate       | mm                  | 12                 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Create a table on which both database sharding and table sharding are performed. The table is a logical table. Database sharding is performed by implementing hashing based on the userId column. Table sharding is performed by using theDD(actionDate) function to calculate DAY_OF_MONTH. Data in the logical table is routed to 31 physical tables based on the maximum number of days in a month.

For example, if a value in the actionDate column is 2017-02-27, the value that the DD(actionDate) function returns is 27. In this case, the data record that includes 2017-02-27 is stored in the table shard that corresponds to 27 based on the following equation: 27 % 31 = 27. This table shard is located in a database shard and is named user_log_27.

CREATE TABLE user_log3(
 userId int, 
 name varchar(30), 
 operation varchar(30), 
 actionDate DATE
) dbpartition by hash(userId) tbpartition by DD(actionDate) tbpartitions 31;

View the node topology of the logical table. The node topology shows that 31 table shards are created in each database shard based on the maximum number of days in a month.

show topology from user_log3;
| ID   | GROUP_NAME                                                       | TABLE_NAME   |
|    0 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log3_00 |
|    1 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log3_01 |
|    2 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log3_02 |
|    3 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log3_03 |
|    4 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log3_04 |
|    5 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log3_05 |
|    6 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log3_06 |
|    7 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log3_07 |
|    8 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log3_08 |
|    9 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log3_09 |
|   10 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log3_10 |
|   11 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log3_11 |
|   12 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log3_12 |
|   13 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log3_13 |
|   14 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log3_14 |
|   15 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log3_15 |
|   16 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log3_16 |
|   17 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log3_17 |
|   18 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log3_18 |
|   19 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log3_19 |
|   20 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log3_20 |
|   21 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log3_21 |
|   22 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log3_22 |
|   23 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log3_23 |
|   24 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log3_24 |
|   25 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log3_25 |
|   26 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log3_26 |
|   27 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log3_27 |
|   28 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log3_28 |
|   29 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log3_29 |
|   30 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log3_30 |
|  237 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log3_20 |
|  238 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log3_21 |
|  239 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log3_22 |
|  240 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log3_23 |
|  241 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log3_24 |
|  242 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log3_25 |
|  243 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log3_26 |
|  244 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log3_27 |
|  245 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log3_28 |
|  246 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log3_29 |
|  247 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log3_30 |
248 rows in set (0.01 sec)
Note An ellipsis (…) is used to omit some data because the returned result is long.

View the sharding rule of the logical table. The rule shows that the database sharding method is hashing and the shard key for database sharding is userId. The rule also shows that the DD date function is used to shard the table and the shard key for table sharding is actionDate.

show rule from user_log3;
|    0 | user_log3  |         0 | userId           | hash                | 8                  | actionDate       | dd                  | 31                 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

Create a table on which both database sharding and table sharding are performed. The table is a logical table. Database sharding is performed by implementing hashing based on the userId column. Table sharding is performed by using the MMDD(actionDate) tbpartitions 365 date function to calculate DAY_OF_YEAR % 365. Data in the logical table is routed to 365 physical tables based on 365 days that are counted as a year.

For example, if a value in the actionDate column is 2017-02-27, the value that the MMDD(actionDate) function returns is 58. In this case, the data record that includes 2017-02-27 is stored in the table shard that corresponds to 58. This table shard is located in a database shard and is named user_log_58.

CREATE TABLE user_log4(
 userId int, 
 name varchar(30), 
 operation varchar(30), 
 actionDate DATE
) dbpartition by hash(userId) tbpartition by MMDD(actionDate) tbpartitions 365;

View the node topology of the logical table. The node topology shows that 365 table shards are created in each database shard based on 365 days that are counted as a year.

show topology from user_log4;
| ID   | GROUP_NAME                                                       | TABLE_NAME   |
| 2896 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log4_341 |
| 2897 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log4_342 |
| 2898 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log4_343 |
| 2899 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log4_344 |
| 2900 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log4_345 |
| 2901 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log4_346 |
| 2902 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log4_347 |
| 2903 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log4_348 |
| 2904 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log4_349 |
| 2905 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log4_350 |
| 2906 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log4_351 |
| 2907 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log4_352 |
| 2908 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log4_353 |
| 2909 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log4_354 |
| 2910 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log4_355 |
| 2911 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log4_356 |
| 2912 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log4_357 |
| 2913 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log4_358 |
| 2914 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log4_359 |
| 2915 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log4_360 |
| 2916 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log4_361 |
| 2917 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log4_362 |
| 2918 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log4_363 |
| 2919 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log4_364 |
2920 rows in set (0.07 sec)
Note An ellipsis (…) is used to omit some data because the returned result is long.

View the sharding rule of the logical table. The rule shows that the database sharding method is hashing and the shard key for database sharding is userId. The rule also shows that the MMDD date function is used to shard the table and the shard key for table sharding is actionDate.

show rule from user_log4;
|    0 | user_log4  |         0 | userId           | hash                | 8                  | actionDate       | mmdd                | 365                |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)

Create a table on which both database sharding and table sharding are performed. The table is a logical table. Database sharding is performed by implementing hashing based on the userId column. Table sharding is performed by using MMDD(actionDate) tbpartitions 10 to calculate DAY_OF_YEAR % 10. The logical table is sharded by using 365 days as a year, and the data in the logical table is routed to 10 physical tables.

CREATE TABLE user_log5(
 userId int, 
 name varchar(30), 
 operation varchar(30), 
 actionDate DATE
) dbpartition by hash(userId) tbpartition by MMDD(actionDate) tbpartitions 10;

View the node topology of the logical table. The node topology shows that 10 table shards are created in each database shard. The logical table is sharded by using 365 days as a year, and the data in the logical table is routed to 10 physical tables.

show topology from user_log5;
| ID   | GROUP_NAME                                                       | TABLE_NAME   |
|    0 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log5_00 |
|    1 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log5_01 |
|    2 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log5_02 |
|    3 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log5_03 |
|    4 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log5_04 |
|    5 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log5_05 |
|    6 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log5_06 |
|    7 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log5_07 |
|    8 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log5_08 |
|    9 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0000_RDS | user_log5_09 |
|   70 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log5_00 |
|   71 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log5_01 |
|   72 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log5_02 |
|   73 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log5_03 |
|   74 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log5_04 |
|   75 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log5_05 |
|   76 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log5_06 |
|   77 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log5_07 |
|   78 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log5_08 |
|   79 | SANGUAN_TEST_123_1488766060743ACTJSANGUAN_TEST_123_WVVP_0007_RDS | user_log5_09 |
80 rows in set (0.02 sec)
Note An ellipsis (…) is used to omit some data because the returned result is long.

View the sharding rule of the logical table. The rule shows that the database sharding method is hashing and the shard key for database sharding is userId. The rule also shows that the table is sharded by using the MMDD date function based on the actionDate shard key and the table data is routed to 10 physical tables.

show rule from user_log5;
|    0 | user_log5  |         0 | userId           | hash                | 8                  | actionDate       | mmdd                | 10                 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

Other attributes in the MySQL CREATE TABLE statement

When you execute the MySQL CREATE TABLE statement to create a table, you can specify a sharding method and other attributes for the table. The following sample code provides an example on how to specify other attributes:

CREATE TABLE multi_db_multi_tbl(
  id bigint not null auto_increment, 
  name varchar(30), 
  primary key(id)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 dbpartition by hash(id) tbpartition by hash(id) tbpartitions 3;

Global secondary indexes

Note In the following examples, eight database shards that have been created are used.

Define a global secondary index


CREATE TABLE t_order (
 `id` bigint(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
 `order_id` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
 `buyer_id` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
 `seller_id` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
 `order_snapshot` longtext DEFAULT NULL,
 `order_detail` longtext DEFAULT NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
 GLOBAL INDEX `g_i_seller`(`seller_id`) dbpartition by hash(`seller_id`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 dbpartition by hash(`order_id`);


  • t_order: the base table on which database sharding instead of table sharding is performed. Database sharding is performed by using hashing based on the order_id column.
  • g_i_seller: the index table on which database sharding instead of table sharding is performed. Database sharding is performed by using hashing based on the seller_id column. No covering column is specified.
  • GLOBAL INDEX `g_i_seller`(`seller_id`) dbpartition by hash(`seller_id`): the clause that is used to define the global secondary index.

Execute the SHOW INDEX statement to view index information, such as the information about the local secondary index on the order_id shard key and the global secondary indexes on seller_id, id, and order_id. seller_id is the shard key of the index table, and id and order_id are the default covering columns. Default covering columns include the primary key columns and the shard key columns of the base table.

mysql> show index from t_order;
| t_order |          0 | PRIMARY                 |            1 | id          | A         |           0 |     NULL | NULL   |      | BTREE      |          |               |
| t_order |          1 | auto_shard_key_order_id |            1 | order_id    | A         |           0 |     NULL | NULL   | YES  | BTREE      |          |               |
| t_order |          1 | g_i_seller              |            1 | seller_id   | NULL      |           0 |     NULL | NULL   | YES  | GLOBAL     | INDEX    |               |
| t_order |          1 | g_i_seller              |            2 | id          | NULL      |           0 |     NULL | NULL   |      | GLOBAL     | COVERING |               |
| t_order |          1 | g_i_seller              |            3 | order_id    | NULL      |           0 |     NULL | NULL   | YES  | GLOBAL     | COVERING |               |

You can execute the SHOW GLOBAL INDEX statement to query information about the global secondary index. For more information, see SHOW GLOBAL INDEX.

 mysql> show global index from t_order;
| d7     | t_order | 1          | g_i_seller | seller_id   | id, order_id   | NULL       | seller_id        | HASH                | 8                  |                  | NULL                | NULL               | PUBLIC |

View the schema of the index table. The index table contains the primary key of the base table, the shard keys, and the default covering columns. The primary key column does not contain the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute, and the base table does not contain a local secondary index.

mysql> show create table g_i_seller;
| Table      | Create Table                                              |
| g_i_seller | CREATE TABLE `g_i_seller` (
 `id` bigint(11) NOT NULL,
 `order_id` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
 `seller_id` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
 KEY `auto_shard_key_seller_id` (`seller_id`) USING BTREE
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 dbpartition by hash(`seller_id`) |

Define a unique global secondary index

CREATE TABLE t_order (
 `id` bigint(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
 `order_id` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
 `buyer_id` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
 `seller_id` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
 `order_snapshot` longtext DEFAULT NULL,
 `order_detail` longtext DEFAULT NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
 UNIQUE GLOBAL INDEX `g_i_buyer`(`buyer_id`) COVERING(`seller_id`, `order_snapshot`) 
   dbpartition by hash(`buyer_id`) tbpartition by hash(`buyer_id`) tbpartitions 3
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 dbpartition by hash(`order_id`);


  • t_order: the base table on which database sharding instead of table sharding is performed. Database sharding is performed by using hashing based on the order_id column.
  • g_i_buyer: the index table on which database sharding and table sharding are performed. Table sharding and database sharding are performed by using hashing based on the buyer_id column. Covering columns include the seller_id and order_snapshot columns.
  • UNIQUE GLOBAL INDEX `g_i_buyer`(`buyer_id`) COVERING(`seller_id`, `order_snapshot`) dbpartition by hash(`buyer_id`) tbpartition by hash(`buyer_id`) tbpartitions 3: the clause that is used to define the unique global secondary index.

Execute the SHOW INDEX statement to view index information, such as the information about the local secondary index on the order_id shard key and the unique global secondary index on buyer_id, id, order_id, seller_id, and order_snapshot. buyer_id is the shard key of the index table, and id and order_id are the default covering columns. The default covering columns include the primary key columns and the shard key columns of the base table. seller_id and order_snapshot are the covering columns that are specified when the unique global secondary index is defined.

mysql> show index from t_order;
| t_order_dthb |          0 | PRIMARY                 |            1 | id             | A         |           0 |     NULL | NULL   |      | BTREE      |          |               |
| t_order_dthb |          1 | auto_shard_key_order_id |            1 | order_id       | A         |           0 |     NULL | NULL   | YES  | BTREE      |          |               |
| t_order      |          0 | g_i_buyer               |            1 | buyer_id       | NULL      |           0 |     NULL | NULL   | YES  | GLOBAL     | INDEX    |               |
| t_order      |          1 | g_i_buyer               |            2 | id             | NULL      |           0 |     NULL | NULL   |      | GLOBAL     | COVERING |               |
| t_order      |          1 | g_i_buyer               |            3 | order_id       | NULL      |           0 |     NULL | NULL   | YES  | GLOBAL     | COVERING |               |
| t_order      |          1 | g_i_buyer               |            4 | seller_id      | NULL      |           0 |     NULL | NULL   | YES  | GLOBAL     | COVERING |               |
| t_order      |          1 | g_i_buyer               |            5 | order_snapshot | NULL      |           0 |     NULL | NULL   | YES  | GLOBAL     | COVERING |               |

You can execute the SHOW GLOBAL INDEX statement to query information about the global secondary index. For more information, see SHOW GLOBAL INDEX.

mysql> show global index from t_order;
| d7     | t_order | 0          | g_i_buyer | buyer_id    | id, order_id, seller_id, order_snapshot | NULL       | buyer_id         | HASH                | 8                  | buyer_id         | HASH                | 3                  | PUBLIC |

View the schema of the index table. The index table contains the primary key of the base table, the shard keys, the default covering columns, and the covering columns that are specified when the unique global secondary index is defined. The primary key column does not contain the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute, and the base table does not contain a local secondary index. By default, a table is created for the unique global secondary index. This way, the data that corresponds to the unique global secondary index is unique.

mysql> show create table g_i_buyer;
| Table     | Create Table                                                                                           |
| g_i_buyer | CREATE TABLE `g_i_buyer` (
  `id` bigint(11) NOT NULL,
  `order_id` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `buyer_id` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `seller_id` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `order_snapshot` longtext,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `auto_shard_key_buyer_id` (`buyer_id`) USING BTREE
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 dbpartition by hash(`buyer_id`) tbpartition by hash(`buyer_id`) tbpartitions 3 |