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Object Storage Service:bucket-cname

Last Updated:Apr 01, 2024

You can run the bucket-cname command to create a CNAME token that is used to verify the ownership of the domain names mapped to a bucket and manage CNAME configurations.

Usage notes

  • To create a CNAME token, you must have the oss:CreateCnameToken permission. To query the CNAME token, you must have the oss:GetCnameToken permission. To add CNAME configurations, you must have the oss:PutCname permission. To query CNAME configurations, you must have the oss:ListCname permission. To delete CNAME configurations, you must have the oss:DeleteCname permission. For more information, see Attach a custom policy to a RAM user.

  • This topic provides sample command lines that are based on the 64-bit Linux system. For other systems, replace ./ossutil64 in the commands with the corresponding binary name. For more information, see ossutil command reference.

Create a CNAME token


Only ossutil 1.7.13 and later can be used to create a CNAME token.

  • Command syntax

    ./ossutil64 bucket-cname --method put --item token oss://bucketname domainname

    The following table describes the parameters in the preceding command.




    The name of the bucket to which the domain name for which you want to add a CNAME record maps.


    The custom domain name.

  • Examples

    The following sample code provides an example on how to create a CNAME token for the custom domain name to be mapped to the bucket named examplebucket.

    ./ossutil64 bucket-cname --method put --item token oss://examplebucket

    The following output is returned:

     <ExpireTime>Thu, 26 May 2022 19:14:12 GMT</ExpireTime>
    0.270654(s) elapsed

    After the CNAME token is created, you must add a TXT record. For more information, see Map a custom domain name to the default domain name of a bucket.

Query the CNAME token

  • Command syntax

    ./ossutil64 bucket-cname --method get --item token oss://bucketname  domainname local_xml_file
  • Examples

    • The following sample code provides an example on how to query and display the CNAME token:

      ./ossutil64 bucket-cname --method get --item token oss://examplebucket

      The following output is returned:

       <ExpireTime>Thu, 26 May 2022 19:53:19 GMT</ExpireTime>
      0.144356(s) elapsed
    • The following sample code provides an example on how to query the CNAME token and store it in a local file:

      ./ossutil64 bucket-cname --method get --item token oss://examplebucket local.xml

      The local file contains the following content:

       <ExpireTime>Thu, 26 May 2022 19:53:19 GMT</ExpireTime>

Add CNAME configurations


Before you add CNAME configurations, you must create a CNAME token. For more information, see Create a CNAME token.

  • Command syntax

    ./ossutil64 bucket-cname --method put oss://bucketname domainname
  • Examples

    The following sample code provides an example on how to add CNAME configurations to a bucket named examplebucket.

    ./ossutil64 bucket-cname --method put oss://examplebucket

    If the following output is displayed, the CNAME configurations are added:

    0.227834(s) elapsed

Query CNAME configurations

  • Command syntax

    ./ossutil64 bucket-cname --method get oss://bucketname local_xml_file
  • Examples

    • The following sample code provides an example on how to query and display the CNAME configurations of a bucket named examplebucket:

      ./ossutil64 bucket-cname --method get oss://examplebucket

      If the following output is displayed, the CNAME configurations of the bucket are queried: The following output shows that the domain names and are mapped to the bucket named examplebucket and these domain names are enabled:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      0.164039(s) elapsed
    • The following sample code provides an example on how to query the CNAME configurations of a bucket named examplebucket and store the CNAME configurations in a local file:

      ./ossutil64 bucket-cname --method get oss://examplebucket local.xml

      If an SSL certificate is hosted, the following output is displayed:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <CreationDate>Mon, 27 Feb 2023 06:51:34 GMT</CreationDate>
            <ValidStartDate>Feb 10 00:00:00 2023 GMT</ValidStartDate>
            <ValidEndDate>Feb 10 23:59:59 2024 GMT</ValidEndDate>

      If no SSL certificate is hosted, the following output is displayed:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Add a CNAME record to the DNS records of the domain name and host an SSL certificate

  • Command syntax

    ./ossutil64 bucket-cname --method put --item certificate oss://bucketname local_xml_file
  • Examples

    1. Specify the local configuration file.

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <Certificate>-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDhDCCAmwCCQCFs8ixARsyrDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADCBgzELMAkGA1UEBhMC **** -----END CERTIFICATE-----</Certificate>
            <PrivateKey>-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDhDCCAmwCCQCFs8ixARsyrDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADCBgzELMAkGA1UEBhMC **** -----END CERTIFICATE-----</PrivateKey>
    2. Add a CNAME record to the DNS records of the domain name and host an SSL certificate.

      ./ossutil64 bucket-cname --method put --item certificate oss://examplebucket local.xml

Disassociate SSL certificates

  • Command syntax

    ./ossutil64 bucket-cname --method put --item certificate oss://bucketname local_xml_file
  • Examples

    1. Specify the local configuration file.

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    2. Disassociate SSL certificates.

      ./ossutil64 bucket-cname --method put --item certificate oss://examplebucket local.xml

Delete CNAME configurations

  • Command syntax

    ./ossutil64 bucket-cname --method delete oss://bucketname domainname 
  • Examples

    The following sample code provides an example on how to delete CNAME configurations for a bucket named examplebucket.

    ./ossutil64 bucket-cname --method delete oss://examplebucket

    If the following output is displayed, the CNAME configurations are deleted:

    0.227389(s) elapsed

Common options

If you use ossutil to switch to a bucket that is located in another region, add the -e option to the command to specify the endpoint of the region in which the specified bucket is located. If you use ossutil to switch to a bucket that belongs to another Alibaba Cloud account, you can add the -i option to the command to specify the AccessKey ID of the specified account, and add the -k option to the command to specify the AccessKey secret of the specified account.

For example, you can run the following command to add CNAME configurations for a bucket named testbucket that is located in the China (Hangzhou) region and that belongs to another Alibaba Cloud account:

./ossutil64 bucket-cname --method put oss://testbucket -e -i LTAI4Fw2NbDUCV8zYUzA****  -k 67DLVBkH7EamOjy2W5RVAHUY9H****

For more information about common options, see Common options.