You must renew your subscription resources at the earliest opportunity to prevent service interruption. If you renew a resource, an event is generated. This topic provides the log of a sample event in which a resource was renewed. This topic also describes the key fields involved in the event log.

Note If you renew a resource in the Alibaba Cloud Management Console or by calling an API operation, the generated event may have the same name as the relevant API operation. For example, if you renew an instance by calling the RenewInstances operation or in the Alibaba Cloud Management Console, a RenewInstances event is generated. In most cases, if you renew a resource on the buy page of an Alibaba Cloud service, an event named Renew is generated.

The following sample event log shows that the Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance with the ID of i-bp67acfmxazb4p**** was automatically renewed at 12:06:36 on August 2, 2021, UTC+8.

  "requestId": "2546c4b7-6b56-403e-97d3-500d8d29339a",
  "eventType": "AliyunServiceEvent",
  "userIdentity": {
    "type": "system"
  "acsRegion": "cn-hangzhou",
  "eventName": "Renew",
  "requestParameters": {},
  "eventSource": "",
  "serviceName": "Ecs",
  "eventTime": "2021-08-02T04:06:36Z",
  "referencedResources": {
    "ACS::ECS::Instance": [
  "userAgent": "",
  "eventId": "2546c4b7-6b56-403e-97d3-500d8d29****",
  "additionalEventData": {
      "2105464****": {
      "resourceId": "i-bp67acfmxazb4p****",
      "articleConfig": {
        "vm_bandwidth": "0,1",
        "systemdisk": "cloud_efficiency,/dev/xvda,80",
        "vm_region_no": "cn-hangzhou-dg-a01",
        "iooptimized": "optimized",
        "vm_cpu": "2",
        "vm_iz": "cn-hangzhou-i",
        "datadisk": "cloud_ssd,40,true",
        "instance_type": "ecs.g6,ecs-5,ecs.g6.large",
        "vm_os": "linux,64,centos_8_3_x64_20G_alibase_2021****.vhd",
        "vm_ram": "8192",
        "vm_web_type": "1"
    "orderIds": "2105464****"
  "errorCode": "",
  "errorMessage": "",
  "eventVersion": "1",
  "sourceIpAddress": "Internal"

The sample event log contains the following key fields:

  • userIdentity.type: the identity type of the requester. The value in this example is system, which indicates that an Alibaba Cloud service initiated the renewal operation.
  • eventName: the name of the event. The value in this example is Renew, which indicates that a resource was renewed.
  • referencedResources: the renewed resource. The value in this example is {"ACS::ECS::Instance": ["i-bp67acfmxazb4p****"]}. i-bp67acfmxazb4p**** indicates the ID of the ECS instance.
  • eventTime: the time when the event was generated in UTC. The value in this example is 2021-08-02T04:06:36Z, which indicates that the event was generated at 12:06:36 on August 2, 2021, UTC+8.