This topic provides the log of a sample event in which Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) created a TCP listener by assuming a RAM role. This topic also describes the key fields involved in the event log.


The following example shows that ACK created a TCP listener for the Alibaba Cloud account whose ID is 159498693826**** by assuming the aliyuncsdefaultrole RAM role of the account at 08:00:00 on January 1, 2021, UTC+8.

  "apiVersion": "2014-05-15",
  "requestId": "A2D14EC1-BE40-4AF2-92D5-E54A",
  "eventType": "ApiCall",
  "userIdentity": {
    "accessKeyId": "STS.NUQNP4PiGyckMsNiGELCs****",
    "sessionContext": {
      "attributes": {
        "mfaAuthenticated": "false",
        "creationDate": "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z"
    "accountId": "159498693826****",
    "principalId": "34359792600393****:ccm-provision-role-1627631749",
    "type": "assumed-role",
    "userName": "aliyuncsdefaultrole:ccm-provision-role-1627631749"
  "acsRegion": "cn-hangzhou",
  "eventName": "CreateLoadBalancerTCPListener",
  "requestParameters": {
    "ListenerPort": 6443,
    "AcsHost": "",
    "RequestId": "A2D14EC1-BE40-4AF2-92D5-***",
    "LoadBalancerId": "lb-bp19byhscefk3x0li****",
    "SignatureType": "",
    "HostId": "",
    "BackendServerPort": 6443,
    "StsTokenPrincipalName": "aliyuncsdefaultrole/cs-provision-role-1623911494",
    "AcsProduct": "Slb",
    "Bandwidth": -1,
    "RegionId": "cn-hangzhou",
    "StsTokenPlayerUid": 178498693826****,
    "HealthCheckType": "tcp"
  "eventSource": "",
  "serviceName": "Slb",
  "eventTime": "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "referencedResources": {
    "ACS::SLB::LoadBalancer": [
  "userAgent": "AlibabaCloud (linux; amd64) Golang/1.11.4 Core/0.0.1",
  "eventId": "A2D14EC1-BE40-4AF2-92D5-****",
  "additionalEventData": {
    "Scheme": "http"
  "responseElements": {
    "requestId": "A2D14EC1-BE40-4AF2-92D5-EA54"
  "errorCode": "",
  "errorMessage": "",
  "eventVersion": "1",
  "sourceIpAddress": "192.168.XX.XX"

The sample event log contains the following key fields:

  • userIdentity.accountId: the ID of the Alibaba Cloud account of the requester. The value in the example is 159498693826****, which indicates the ID of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the RAM role belongs.
  • userIdentity.principalId: the ID of the requester. The value is in the format of {roleId}:{sessionName}. roleId indicates the ID of the RAM role that was assumed. sessionName indicates the name that was specified when the requester assumed the RAM role. The value in the example is 34359792600393****:ccm-provision-role-1627631749, which indicates that the ID of the RAM role that was assumed is 34359792600393**** and the role name specified when the requester assumed the RAM role is ccm-provision-role-1627631749.
  • userIdentity.type: the type of the identity of the requester. The value in the example is assumed-role, which indicates that the requester performs operations by assuming the RAM role.
  • userIdentity.userName: the username of the requester. The value is in the format of {roleName}:{sessionName}. roleName indicates the name of the RAM role that was assumed. sessionName indicates the name that was specified when the requester assumed the RAM role. The value in the example is aliyuncsdefaultrole:ccm-provision-role-1627631749, which indicates that the name of the RAM role that was assumed is aliyuncsdefaultrole and the role name specified when the requester assumed the RAM role is ccm-provision-role-1627631749.
    Note aliyuncsdefaultrole is the default RAM role assumed by ACK to access resources in other cloud services.
  • requestParameters.stsTokenPlayerUid: the ID of the Alibaba Cloud account of the requester. The value in the example is 178498693826****.
  • eventTime: the time when the event occurred in UTC. The value in the example is 2021-01-01T00:00:00Z, which indicates that the event occurred at 08:00:00 on January 1, 2021, in UTC+8.