Creates one or more convenience users.


Convenience users are dedicated Elastic Desktop Service (EDS) user accounts and are suitable for scenarios in which you do not need to connect to enterprise AD systems. The information about a convenience user includes the username, email address, and mobile number. The username and email address are required.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Yes CreateUsers

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to CreateUsers.

Password String No Test123****

The initial password. If you leave this parameter empty, an email for password reset is sent to the email address that you specify.

Users.N.EndUserId String Yes test1

The name of convenience user N. The name can contain lowercase letters, digits, and underscores (_), and must be 3 to 24 characters in length.

Users.N.Email String Yes test1@example***.com

The email address of convenience user N. The email address is used to receive notifications about events such as desktop assignment from the system.

Users.N.Phone String No 1871234****

The mobile number of convenience user N.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
RequestId String F7475910-CB38-4994-9EC4-5B8893FF0AA6

The ID of the request.

CreateResult Object

The result of user creation.

CreatedUsers Array of createdUsers

Details about the created convenience users.

EndUserId String test1

The name of the convenience user.

Email String test1@example***.com

The email address of the convenience user.

Phone String 1871234****

The mobile number of the convenience user.

FailedUsers Array of failedUsers

Details about the convenience users that failed to be created.

EndUserId String test2

The name of the convenience user.

Email String test2@example***.com

The email address of the convenience user.

Phone String 1871234****

The mobile number of the convenience user.

ErrorCode String ExistedEndUserId

The error code returned if the request fails.

ErrorMessage String username test is used by other user

The error message returned if the request fails.


Sample requests
&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "RequestId" : "C048E8AB-1084-5017-8355-0B5FBF10CE99",
  "CreateResult" : {
    "FailedUsers" : [ ],
    "CreatedUsers" : [ {
      "EndUserId" : "test1",
      "Email" : "test1@example***.com",
      "Phone" : "1871234****"
    } ]