This article describes the error codes in Message Service (MNS) error responses.

Error code Error message HTTP status code Description
AccessDenied The OwnerId that your Access Key Id associated to is forbidden for this operation. 403 The error message returned because the AccessKey ID and AccessKey secret are invalid. Check the AccessKey ID and AccessKey secret.
InvalidAccessKeyId The AccessKey Id you provided is not exist. 403 The error message returned because the AccessKey ID is invalid. Check the AccessKey ID.
InternalError Interal error. 500 The error message returned because a system error has occurred. Contact MNS technical support.
InternalServerError Interal error. 500 The error message returned because a system error has occurred. Contact MNS technical support.
InvalidAuthorizationHeader The Authorization header format is invalid. 400 The error message returned because the signature format is invalid. For more information, see Sign requests.
InvalidDateHeader The Date header format is invalid. 400 The error message returned because the format of the Date header is invalid. For more information, see Common parameters.
InvalidArgument The error message returned because the specified XML format is invalid. 400 For more information, see API Reference. For more information, see API Reference.
InvalidArgument The value of Element (2) must be between Low (3) and High (4) seconds/bytes. 400 The error message returned because the value of the parameter is invalid. You must specify a valid value as prompted.
InvalidDegist The Content-MD5 you specified is invalid. 400 The error message returned because the value of the Content-MD5 header is invalid.
InvalidRequestURL Http request URL format invalid. 400 The error message returned because the format of the requested URL is invalid. For more information, see API Reference.
InvalidQueryString Http request URL contains invalid querystring item "Element (5)". 400 The error message returned because the format of the requested URL is invalid. For more information, see API Reference.
MalformedXML The XML you provided was not well-formed. 400 The error message returned because the specified XML format is invalid. For more information, see API Reference.
MissingAuthorizationHeader Authorization header is required. 400 The error message returned because the Authorization header is not specified. For more information, see Common parameters.
MissingDateHeader Date header is required. 400 The error message returned because the Date header is not specified. For more information, see Common parameters.
MissingReceiptHandle ReceiptHandle is required. 400 The error message returned because the ReceiptHandle parameter is not specified. For more information, see API Reference.
MissingVisibilityTimeout VisibilityTimeout is required. 400 The error message returned because the VisibilityTimeout is not specified. For more information, see API Reference.
MessageNotExist Message not exist. 404 The error message returned because no visible message exists in the queue.
The receipt handle you provided has expired. 404 The error message returned because you have not consumed a message within the invisibility period and the receipt handle of the message has expired. Consume messages within the invisibility period or specify a longer invisibility period.
QueueAlreadyExist The queue you want to create is already exist. 409 The error message returned because the specified queue has the same name as an existing queue, but has different parameters from the existing queue.
InvalidQueueName The queue name you provided is invalid. QueueName should start with alpha and contain only alpha, digit or - . 400 The error message returned because the specified queue name is invalid. For more information, see API Reference.
QueueNameLengthError Queue name length should between 1 and 255. 400 The error message returned because the specified queue name is invalid. For more information, see API Reference.
QueueNotExist The queue name you provided is not exist. 404 The error message returned because the specified queue does not exist. Create a queue.
ReceiptHandleError The receipt handle you provide is not valid. 400 The error message returned because the ReceiptHandle parameter is invalid. For more information, see API Reference.
SignatureDoesNotMatch The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method. 403 The error message returned because the request signature is invalid. For more information, see Sign requests.
TimeExpired The http request you sent is expired. 408 The error message returned because the interval between the time when the request is sent and the time when the MNS server receives the request exceeds 15 minutes. Check the local system time.
QpsLimitExceeded The qps limit of the queue is exceeded (6). 400 The error message returned because the number of queries per second (QPS) for the queue exceeds the limit. Contact MNS technical support.
TopicAlreadyExist The topic you want to create already exists. 409 The error message returned because the specified topic has the same name as an existing topic, but has different parameters from the existing topic.
TopicNameInvalid The topic name you provided is invalid. TopicName should start with alpha or digit and contain only alpha, digit or -. 400 The error message returned because the specified topic name is invalid. For more information, see API Reference.
TopicNameLengthError Topic name length is out of range, should be between 1 and 255. 400 The error message returned because the specified topic name is invalid. For more information, see API Reference.
TopicNotExist The Topic you provided does not exist. 404 The error message returned because the topic does not exist. Create a topic.
SubscriptionNameInvalid The subscription name you provided is invalid. SubscriptionName should start with alpha or digit and contain only alpha, digit or -. 400 The error message returned because the specified subscription name is invalid. For more information, see API Reference.
SubscriptionNameLengthError Subscription name length is out of range, should be between 1 and 255. 400 The error message returned because the specified subscription name is invalid. For more information, see API Reference.
SubscriptionNotExist The subscription you provided does not exist. 404 The error message returned because the specified subscription does not exist. Create a subscription.
SubscriptionAlreadyExist The subscription you want to create already exists. 409 The error message returned because the specified subscription has the same name as an existing subscription, but has different parameters from the existing subscription.
EndpointInvalid The format of endpoint you provided is invalid. 400 The error message returned because the specified endpoint is invalid. For more information, see Endpoint.
InvalidArgument The length of message should not be larger than MaximumMessageSize. 400 The error message returned because the message body is oversized. For more information, see API Reference.
  • (1) (2): a parameter in the request body. The content format of the request body is XML.
  • (3): the minimum value of a parameter in MNS.
  • (4): the maximum value of a parameter in MNS.
  • (5): the QueryString parameter in the requested URL.
  • (6): The QPS of an MNS queue can be a maximum of 3,000.