This topic describes the error codes that may be returned when you use the HTTP client SDK for commercial use provided by ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ to send and subscribe to messages.

Error codeDescriptionHTTP status codeDescription
AccessDeniedThe OwnerId that your Access Key Id associated to is forbidden for this operation.403The error message returned because you are not authorized to perform this operation. Check whether the configurations such as the AccessKey ID and AccessKey Secret are correct.
InvalidAccessKeyIdThe AccessKey Id you provided is not exist.403The error message returned because the AccessKey ID does not exist. Check whether the AccessKey ID is correct. For more information, see Create an AccessKey pair.
InternalErrorInteral error.500The error message returned because an internal error has occurred.Submit a ticket to contact the technical support.
InternalServerErrorInteral error.500The error message returned because an internal server error has occurred.Submit a ticket to contact the technical support.
InvalidAuthorizationHeaderThe Authorization header format is invalid.400The error message returned because the format of the Authorization header is invalid. For more information, see Request signatures.
InvalidDateHeaderThe Date header format is invalid.400The error message returned because the format of the Date header is invalid. For more information, see Common parameters.
InvalidArgumentThe XML you provided did not validate against our published schema, cause by Element (1).400The error message returned because the provided XML request content is not validated against the published schema. For more information about valid XML structures, see the following topics:
InvalidArgumentThe value of Element (2) must be between Low (3) and High (4) seconds/bytes.400The error message returned because the value of the parameter is invalid. You must specify a valid value as prompted.
InvalidDigestThe Content-MD5 you specified is invalid.400The error message returned because the value of the Content-MD5 header is invalid. Pass in a valid value or leave it empty.
InvalidRequestURLHttp request URL format invalid.400The error message returned because the format of the requested URL is invalid. For more information about valid URLs, see the following topics:
InvalidQueryStringHttp request URL contains invalid querystring item "Element (5)".400The error message returned because the requested URL contains an invalid query string. For more information about valid URLs, see the following topics:
MalformedXMLThe XML you provided was not well-formed.400The error message returned because the XML file you provided is malformed. For more information about valid XML structures, see the following topics:
MissingAuthorizationHeaderAuthorization header is required.400The error message returned because the Authorization header is not specified. For more information, see Common parameters.
MissingDateHeaderDate header is required.400The error message returned because the Date header is not specified. For more information, see Common parameters.
MissingReceiptHandleReceiptHandle is required.400The error message returned because the ReceiptHandle parameter is not specified. For more information, see the following topics:
MessageNotExistMessage not exist.404The error message returned because no messages are available in the topic.
The receipt handle you provided has expired.404The error message returned because the consumer has failed to consume a message within the visibility timeout of the message and the ReceiptHandle of the message has expired.
ReceiptHandleErrorThe receipt handle you provide is not valid.400The error message returned because the ReceiptHandle parameter is invalid. For more information, see the following topics:
SignatureDoesNotMatchThe request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.403The error message returned because the calculated request signature does not match the specified signature. For more information, see Request signatures.
TimeExpiredThe http request you sent is expired.408The error message returned because the interval between the time when the request is sent and the time when the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ HTTP server receives the request exceeds 15 minutes. Check the local system time.
QpsLimitExceededThe QPS limit (6) is exceeded.400The number of requests per second for a topic exceeds the queries-per-second (QPS) limit. To increase the QPS limit, submit a ticket.
HTTPForbiddenConsume message through HTTP and TCP at the same time is forbidden.400The error message returned because the same group ID has been used by both the TCP client SDK and the HTTP client SDK.
InvalidArgumentThe length of message should not be larger than MaximumMessageSize.400The error message returned because the message body is too long. For more information, see the following topics:
  • (1) (2): a parameter in the request body. The content format of the request body is XML.
  • (3): the minimum value of a parameter in ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ.
  • (4): the maximum value of a parameter in ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ.
  • (5): the QueryString parameter in the requested URL.
  • (6): the QPS limit for a single topic in ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ. For more information, see Limits.