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Time Series Database:Transformation functions

Last Updated:Sep 27, 2023

This topic describes the syntax and parameters of transformation functions. It also provides multiple examples.


Returns the absolute values for field values.

Basic syntax

SELECT ABS([*|<field_key>])[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause][GROUP_BY_clause][ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


ABS(field_key): returns the absolute values for the field values of the specified field key.

ABS(*): returns the absolute values for the field values of each field key in the specified measurement.

The ABS() function supports INT64 or FLOAT64 field values.

The basic syntax supports the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by tag. However, the basic syntax does not support the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by time.

Example 1: Calculate the absolute values for the field values of the specified field key

SELECT ABS("a") FROM "data" WHERE time >='2018-06-24T12:00:00Z' AND time <='2018-06-24T12:05:00Z'

name: data
time                 abs

This query returns the absolute values of the field values for the a field key in thedata measurement.

Example 2: Calculate the absolute values for the field values of each field key in the specified measurement

SELECT ABS(*) FROM "data" WHERE time >='2018-06-24T12:00:00Z' AND time <='2018-06-24T12:05:00Z'

name: data
time                 abs_a              abs_b

This query returns the absolute values of the field values for each field key that stores numeric values in the data measurement. The data measurement contains the a and b fields.

Example 3: Calculate the absolute values for the field values of the specified field key by using a query that includes multiple clauses

SELECT ABS("a") FROM "data" WHERE time >='2018-06-24T12:00:00Z' AND time <='2018-06-24T12:05:00Z' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 4 OFFSET 2

name: data
time                 abs

This query returns the absolute values of the field values for the a field key in the data measurement. The specified time range is from 2018-06-24T12:00:00Z to 2018-06-24T12:05:00Z. The query results are sorted in descending order based on timestamps. The query limits the number of returned points to 4. The point offset is set to 2, which indicates that the first two points are not returned.

Advanced syntax

SELECT ABS(<function>([*|<field_key>]))[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause] GROUP_BY_clause [ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


The SIN() advanced syntax requires a GROUP BY time() clause and a nested InfluxQL function. The queries that use the advanced syntax first calculate the results of the nested functions based on the time intervals that are specified by the GROUP BY time() clauses. Then, the queries calculate the absolute values of these results.

ABS() supports the following nested functions:

  • COUNT()

  • MEAN()

  • MEDIAN()

  • MODE()

  • SUM()

  • FIRST()

  • LAST()

  • MIN()

  • MAX()


Example: Calculate the absolute values of the average field values for the specified field key

SELECT ABS(MEAN("a")) FROM "data" WHERE time >='2018-06-24T12:00:00Z' AND time <='2018-06-24T13:00:00Z' GROUP BY time(12m)

time                 abs

This query returns the absolute value of each average field value that is calculated based on a 12-minute interval for the a field key.

To obtain the results, TSDB for InfluxDB® first calculates the average field values of the a field key based on a 12-minute interval. This process returns the same result as a query if the query uses the MEAN()function and the GROUP BY time() clause, but does not use the ABS() function.

SELECT MEAN("a") FROM "data" WHERE time >='2018-06-24T12:00:00Z' AND time <='2018-06-24T13:00:00Z' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: data
time                 mean

Then, TSDB for InfluxDB® calculates the absolute value of each average field value.


Returns the arc cosines for the field values. These arc cosines are returned in radians. The field values range from -1 to +1.

Basic syntax

SELECT ACOS([*|<field_key>])[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause][GROUP_BY_clause][ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


ACOS(field_key): returns the arc cosines of the field values for the specified field key.

ACOS(*): returns the arc cosines of the field values for each field key in the specified measurement.

The ACOS() function supports INT64 and FLOAT64 field values. The field values range from -1 to +1.

The basic syntax supports the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by tag, but does not support the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by time. For more information about how to use ACOS() functions in combination with GROUP BY time() clauses, see the "Advanced syntax" section.


The following data is used in the examples that are provided in this section. The data describes the simulated ratio of the occupied park space to the total park space. Note: All the field values fall within the valid range for the field values of the ACOS() function. The valid field values range from -1 to +1.

SELECT "of_capacity" FROM "park_occupancy" WHERE time >='2017-05-01T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2017-05-09T00:00:00Z'

name: park_occupancy
time                  capacity

Example 1: Calculate the arc cosines of the field values for the specified field key

SELECT ACOS("of_capacity") FROM "park_occupancy" WHERE time >='2017-05-01T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2017-05-09T00:00:00Z'

name: park_occupancy
time                  acos

This query returns the arc cosines of the field values for the of_capacity field key in the park_occupancy measurement

Example 2: Calculate the arc cosines of the field values for each field key in the specified measurement

SELECT ACOS(*) FROM "park_occupancy" WHERE time >='2017-05-01T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2017-05-09T00:00:00Z'

name: park_occupancy
time                  acos_of_capacity

This query returns the arc cosines of the field values for each field key that stores numeric values in the park_occupancy measurement. The park_occupancy measurement contains only the numeric of_capacity field.

Example 3: Calculate the arc cosines of the field values for the specified field key by using a query that includes multiple clauses

SELECT ACOS("of_capacity") FROM "park_occupancy" WHERE time >='2017-05-01T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2017-05-09T00:00:00Z' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 4 OFFSET 2

name: park_occupancy
time                  acos

This query returns the arc cosines of the field values for the of_capacity field key in the park_occupancy measurement. The specified time range is from 2017-05-01T00:00:00Z to 2017-05-09T00:00:00Z. The query results are sorted in descending order based on timestamps. The query limits the number of returned points to 4. The point offset is set to 2, which indicates that the first two points are not returned.

Advanced syntax

SELECT ACOS(<function>([*|<field_key>]))[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause] GROUP_BY_clause [ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


The ACOS() advanced syntax requires a GROUP BY time() clause and a nested InfluxQL function. The queries that use the advanced syntax first calculate the results of the nested functions based on the time intervals specified by the GROUP BY time() clauses. Then, the queries calculate the arc cosines of these results.

ACOS() supports the following nested functions:

  • COUNT()

  • MEAN()

  • MEDIAN()

  • MODE()

  • SUM()

  • FIRST()

  • LAST()

  • MIN()

  • MAX()


Example: Calculate the arc cosines of the average field values for the specified field key

SELECT ACOS(MEAN("of_capacity")) FROM "park_occupancy" WHERE time >='2017-05-01T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2017-05-09T00:00:00Z' GROUP BY time(3d)

name: park_occupancy
time                  acos

This query returns the arc cosines of the average field values for the of_capacity field key. The average field values are calculated based on a 3-day interval.

To obtain the results, TSDB for InfluxDB® first calculates the average field values of the of_capacity field key based on a 3-day interval. This process returns the same result as a query if the query uses the MEAN() function in combination with the GROUP BY time() clause, and does not use the ACOS() function.

SELECT MEAN("of_capacity") FROM "park_occupancy" WHERE time >='2017-05-01T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2017-05-09T00:00:00Z' GROUP BY time(3d)

name: park_occupancy
time                  mean

Then, TSDB for InfluxDB® calculates the arc cosine of each average field value.


Returns the arcsines of the field values for the specified field keys. The arcsines are returned in radians. The field values range from -1 to +1.

Basic syntax

SELECT ASIN([*|<field_key>])[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause][GROUP_BY_clause][ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


ASIN(field_key): returns the arcsines of the field values for the specified field key.

ASIN(*): returns the arcsines of the field values for each field key in the specified measurement.

The ASIN() function supports INT64 and FLOAT64 field values. The field values range from -1 to +1.

The basic syntax supports the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by tag. However, it does not support the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by time. For more information about how to use ASIN() functions in combination with GROUP BY time() clauses, see the "Advanced syntax" section.


The following data is used in the examples that are provided in this section. The data describes the simulated ratio of the occupied park space to the total park space. All the field values fall within the valid range for the field values of the ASIN() function. The valid field values range from -1 to +1.

> SELECT "of_capacity" FROM "park_occupancy" WHERE time >='2017-05-01T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2017-05-09T00:00:00Z'

name: park_occupancy
time                  capacity

Example 1: Calculate the arcsines of the field values for the specified field key

SELECT ASIN("of_capacity") FROM "park_occupancy" WHERE time >='2017-05-01T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2017-05-09T00:00:00Z'

name: park_occupancy
time                  asin

This query returns the arcsines of the field values for the of_capacity field key in the park_occupancy measurement.

Example 2: Calculate the arcsines of the field values for each field key in the specified measurement

SELECT ASIN(*) FROM "park_occupancy" WHERE time >='2017-05-01T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2017-05-09T00:00:00Z'

name: park_occupancy
time                  asin_of_capacity

This query returns the arcsines of the field values for each field key that stores numeric values in the park_occupancy measurement. The park_occupancy measurement contains only the numeric of_capacity field.

Example 3: Calculate the arcsines of the field values for the specified field key by using a query that includes multiple clauses

SELECT ASIN("of_capacity") FROM "park_occupancy" WHERE time >='2017-05-01T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2017-05-09T00:00:00Z' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 4 OFFSET 2

name: park_occupancy
time                  asin

This query returns the arcsines of the field values for the of_capacity field key in the park_occupancy measurement. The specified time range is from 2017-05-01T00:00:00Z to 2017-05-09T00:00:00Z. The query results are sorted in descending order based on timestamps. The query limits the number of returned points to 4. The point offset is set to 2, which indicates that the first two points are not returned.

Advanced syntax

SELECT ASIN(<function>([*|<field_key>]))[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause] GROUP_BY_clause [ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


The ASIN() advanced syntax requires a GROUP BY time() clause and a nested InfluxQL function. The queries that use the advanced syntax first calculate the results of the nested functions based on the time intervals that are specified by the GROUP BY time() clauses. Then, the queries calculate the arcsines of these results.

ASIN() supports the following nested functions:

  • COUNT()

  • MEAN()

  • MEDIAN()

  • MODE()

  • SUM()

  • FIRST()

  • LAST()

  • MIN()

  • MAX()


Example: Calculate the arcsines of the average field values for the specified field key

> SELECT ASIN(MEAN("of_capacity")) FROM "park_occupancy" WHERE time >='2017-05-01T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2017-05-09T00:00:00Z' GROUP BY time(3d)

name: park_occupancy
time                  asin

This query returns the arcsines of the average field values for the of_capacity field key. The average field values are calculated based on a 3-day interval.

To obtain the results, TSDB for InfluxDB® first calculates the average field values of the of_capacity field key based on a 3-day interval. This process returns the same result as a query if the query uses the MEAN() function in combination with the GROUP BY time() clause, and does not use the ASIN() function.

> SELECT MEAN("of_capacity") FROM "park_occupancy" WHERE time >='2017-05-01T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2017-05-09T00:00:00Z' GROUP BY time(3d)

name: park_occupancy
time                  mean

Then, TSDB for InfluxDB® calculates the arcsine of each average field value.


Returns the arc tangents of the field values for the specified field keys. The arc tangents are returned in radians. The field values range from -1 to +1.

Basic syntax

SELECT ATAN([*|<field_key>])[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause][GROUP_BY_clause][ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


ATAN(field_key): returns the arc tangents of the field values for the specified field key.

ATAN(*): returns the arc tangents of the field values for each field key in the specified measurement.

The ATAN() function supports INT64 and FLOAT64 field values. The field values range from -1 to +1.

The basic syntax supports the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by tag. However, it does not support the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by time. For more information about how to use ATAN() functions in combination with GROUP BY time() clauses, see the "Advanced syntax" section.


The following data is used in the examples that are provided in this section. The data describes the simulated ratio of the occupied park space to the total park space. Note: All the field values fall within the valid range for the field values of the ATAN() function. The valid field values range from -1 to 1.

> SELECT "of_capacity" FROM "park_occupancy" WHERE time >='2017-05-01T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2017-05-09T00:00:00Z'

name: park_occupancy
time                  capacity

Example 1: Calculate the arc tangents for the field values of the specified field key

SELECT ATAN("of_capacity") FROM "park_occupancy" WHERE time >='2017-05-01T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2017-05-09T00:00:00Z'

name: park_occupancy
time                  atan

This query returns the arc tangents of the field values for the of_capacity field key in the park_occupancy measurement.

Example 2: Calculate the arc tangents of the field values for each field key in the specified measurement

SELECT ATAN(*) FROM "park_occupancy" WHERE time >='2017-05-01T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2017-05-09T00:00:00Z'

name: park_occupancy
time                  atan_of_capacity

This query returns the arc tangents of the field values for each field key that stores numeric values in the park_occupancy measurement. The park_occupancy measurement contains only the numeric of_capacity field.

Example 3: Calculate the arc tangents of the field values for the specified field key by using a query that includes multiple clauses

SELECT ATAN("of_capacity") FROM "park_occupancy" WHERE time >='2017-05-01T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2017-05-09T00:00:00Z' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 4 OFFSET 2

name: park_occupancy
time                  atan

This query returns the arc tangents of the field values for the of_capacity field key in the park_occupancy measurement. The specified time range is from 2017-05-01T00:00:00Z to 2017-05-09T00:00:00Z. The query results are sorted in descending order based on timestamps. The query limits the number of returned points to 4. The point offset is set to 2, which indicates that the first two points are not returned.

Advanced syntax

SELECT ATAN(<function>([*|<field_key>]))[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause] GROUP_BY_clause [ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


The ATAN() advanced syntax requires a GROUP BY time() clause and a nested InfluxQL function. The queries that use the advanced syntax first calculate the results of the nested functions based on the time intervals that are specified by the GROUP BY time() clauses. Then, the queries calculate the arc tangents of these results.

ATAN() supports the following nested functions:

  • COUNT()

  • MEAN()

  • MEDIAN()

  • MODE()

  • SUM()

  • FIRST()

  • LAST()

  • MIN()

  • MAX()


Example: Calculate the arc tangents of the average field values for the specified field key

> SELECT ATAN(MEAN("of_capacity")) FROM "park_occupancy" WHERE time >='2017-05-01T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2017-05-09T00:00:00Z' GROUP BY time(3d)

name: park_occupancy
time                 atan

This query returns the arc tangents of the average field values for the of_capacity field. The average field values are calculated based on a 3-day interval.

To obtain the results, TSDB for InfluxDB® first calculates the average field values of the of_capacity field key based on a 3-day interval. This process returns the same result as a query if the query uses the MEAN() function in combination with the GROUP BY time() clause, and does not use the ATAN() function.

> SELECT MEAN("of_capacity") FROM "park_occupancy" WHERE time >='2017-05-01T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2017-05-09T00:00:00Z' GROUP BY time(3d)

name: park_occupancy
time                  mean

Then, TSDB for InfluxDB® calculates the arc tangent of each average field value.


Returns the arc tangents of the values that are calculated based on the y/x formula. The arc tangents are returned in radians.

Basic syntax

SELECT ATAN2([*|<field_key>| num ],[<field_key>| num ])[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause][GROUP_BY_clause][ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


ATAN2(field_key_y, field_key_x): returns the arc tangents of the values that are calculated based on the formula: Field values of Field key y/Field values of Field key x.

ATAN2(*, field_key_x)<br />: returns the arc tangents of the values that are calculated based on the formula: Field values of each field key in the specified measurement/Field values of Field key x.

The ATAN2() function supports INT64 and FLOAT64 field values.

The basic syntax supports the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by tag. However, it does not support the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by time. For more information about how to use ATAN2() functions in combination with GROUP BY time() clauses, see the "Advanced syntax" section.


The following simulated flight data is used in the examples that are provided in this section:

> SELECT "altitude_ft","distance_ft" FROM "flight_data" WHERE time >='2018-05-16T12:01:00Z' AND time <='2018-05-16T12:10:00Z'

name: flight_data
time                  altitude_ft  distance_ft

Example 1: Calculate the arc tangents of the values that are calculated based on the formula: Field values of each field key in the specified measurement/Field values of Field key x

> SELECT ATAN2("altitude_ft","distance_ft") FROM "flight_data" WHERE time >='2018-05-16T12:01:00Z' AND time <='2018-05-16T12:10:00Z'

name: flight_data
time                  atan2

This query returns the arc tangents of the values that are calculated based on the formula: Field values of the altitude_ft field key/Field values of the distance_ft field key. The two field keys are contained in the flight_data measurement.

Example 2: Calculate the arc tangents of the values that are calculated based on the formula: Field values of each field key in the specified measurement/Field values of Field key x

> SELECT ATAN2(*,"distance_ft") FROM "flight_data" WHERE time >='2018-05-16T12:01:00Z' AND time <='2018-05-16T12:10:00Z'

name: flight_data
time                  atan2_altitude_ft     atan2_distance_ft

This query returns the arc tangents of the values that are calculated based on the formula: Field values of each field key that stores numeric values in the flight_data measurement/Field values of the distance_ft field key. The flight_data measurement contains the numeric altitude_ft and distance_ft fields.

Example 3: Calculate the arc tangents of the values by using a query that includes multiple clauses

> SELECT ATAN2("altitude_ft","distance_ft") FROM "flight_data" WHERE time >='2018-05-16T12:01:00Z' AND time <='2018-05-16T12:10:00Z' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 4 OFFSET 2

name: flight_data
time                  atan2

This query returns the arc tangents of the values that are calculated based on the formula: Field values of the altitude_ft field key/Field values of the distance_ft field key. The specified time range is from 2018-05-16T12:10:00Z to 2018-05-16T12:10:00Z. The query results are sorted in descending order based on timestamps. The query limits the number of returned points to 4. The point offset is set to 2, which indicates that the first two points are not returned.

Advanced syntax

SELECT ATAN2(<function()>,<function()>)[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause] GROUP_BY_clause [ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


The ATAN2() advanced syntax requires a GROUP BY time() clause and a nested InfluxQL function. The queries that use the advanced syntax first calculate the results of the nested functions based on the time intervals that are specified by the GROUP BY time() clauses. Then, the queries calculate the arc tangents (ATAN2()) of these results.

ATAN2() supports the following nested functions:

  • COUNT()

  • MEAN()

  • MEDIAN()

  • MODE()

  • SUM()

  • FIRST()

  • LAST()

  • MIN()

  • MAX()


Example: Calculate the arc tangents of the values that are calculated based on the formula: Average field values of Field key y/Average field values of Field key x

> SELECT ATAN2(MEAN("altitude_ft"), MEAN("distance_ft")) FROM "flight_data" WHERE time >='2018-05-16T12:01:00Z' AND time <='2018-05-16T13:01:00Z' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: flight_data
time                  atan2

This query returns the arc tangents of the values that are calculated based on the formula: Average field values of the altitude_ft field key/Average field values of the distance_ft field key. The average field values are calculated based on a 12-minute interval.

To obtain the results, TSDB for InfluxDB® first calculates the average field values of the altitude_ft and distance_ft field keys based on a 12-minute interval. This process returns the same result as a query if the query uses the MEAN() function in combination with the GROUP BY time() clause, and does not use the ATAN2() function.

> SELECT MEAN("altitude_ft"), MEAN("distance_ft") FROM "flight_data" WHERE time >='2018-05-16T12:01:00Z' AND time <='2018-05-16T13:01:00Z' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: flight_data
time                  mean                mean_1

Then, TSDB for InfluxDB® calculates the arc tangent of each average field value.


Rounds each specified field value up to the nearest integer.

Basic syntax

SELECT CEIL([*|<field_key>])[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause][GROUP_BY_clause][ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


CEIL(field_key): rounds each field value of the specified field key up to the nearest integer.

CEIL(*): rounds each field value of all the field keys in the specified measurement up to the nearest integer.

The CEIL() function supports INT64 and FLOAT64 field values.

The basic syntax supports the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by tag. However, it does not support the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by time. For more information about how to use CEIL() functions in combination with GROUP BY time() clauses, see the "Advanced syntax" section.


The following data in the NOAA_water_database dataset is used in the examples that are provided in this section:

> SELECT "water_level" FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  water_level

Example 1: Round each field value of the specified field key up to the nearest integer

> SELECT CEIL("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  ceil

The CEIL() function in this query rounds each field value of the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement up to the nearest integer.

Example 2: Round each field value of all the field keys in the specified measurement up to the nearest integer

> SELECT CEIL(*) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  ceil_water_level

The CEIL() function in this query rounds each field value of all the specified field keys up to the nearest integer. The specified field keys store numeric values in the h2o_feet measurement. The h2o_feet measurement contains only the water_level field.

Example 3: Round each field value of the specified field key up to the nearest integer by using a query that includes multiple clauses

> SELECT CEIL("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 4 OFFSET 2

name: h2o_feet
time                  ceil

The CEIL() function in this query rounds each field value of the water_level field key up to the nearest integer. The specified time range is from 2015-08-18T00:00:00Z to 2015-08-18T00:30:00Z. The query results are sorted in descending order based on timestamps. The query limits the number of returned points to 4. The point offset is set to 2, which indicates that the first two points are not returned.

Advanced syntax

SELECT CEIL(<function>([*|<field_key>|/<regular_expression>/]))[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause] GROUP_BY_clause [ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


The CEIL() advanced syntax requires a GROUP BY time() clause and a nested InfluxQL function. The queries that use the advanced syntax first calculate the results of the nested functions based on the time intervals that are specified by the GROUP BY time() clauses. Then, the queries apply the CEIL() function to these results.

CEIL() supports the following nested functions:

  • COUNT()

  • MEAN()

  • MEDIAN()

  • MODE()

  • SUM()

  • FIRST()

  • LAST()

  • MIN()

  • MAX()


Example: Round each average field value up to the nearest integer

> SELECT CEIL(MEAN("water_level")) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                  ceil

The CEIL() function in this query rounds each average field value of the water_level field key up to the nearest integer. The average field values are calculated based on a 12-minute interval.

To obtain the results, TSDB for InfluxDB® first calculates the average field values of the water_level field key based on a 12-minute interval. This process returns the same result as a query if the query uses the MEAN() function in combination with the GROUP BY time() clause, and does not use the CEIL() function.

> SELECT MEAN("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                   mean

Then, TSDB for InfluxDB® rounds each average field value up to the nearest integer.


Returns the cosines of the field values for the specified field keys.

Basic syntax

SELECT COS([*|<field_key>])[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause][GROUP_BY_clause][ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


COS(field_key): returns the cosines of the field values for the specified field key.

COS(*): returns the cosines of the field values for each field key in the specified measurement.

The COS() function supports INT64 and FLOAT64 field values.

The basic syntax supports the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by tag. However, it does not support the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by time. For more information about how to use COS() functions in combination with GROUP BY time() clauses, see the "Advanced syntax" section.


The following data in the NOAA_water_database dataset is used in the examples that are provided in this section:

> SELECT "water_level" FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  water_level

Example 1: Calculate the cosines of the field values for the specified field key

> SELECT COS("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  cos

This query returns the cosines of the field values for the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement.

Example 2: Calculate the cosines of the field values for each field key in the specified measurement

> SELECT COS(*) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  cos_water_level

This query returns the cosines of the field values for each field key that stores numeric values in the h2o_feet measurement. The h2o_feet measurement contains only the numeric water_level field.


Returns the cosines of the field values for the specified field keys.

Basic syntax

SELECT COS([*|<field_key>])[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause][GROUP_BY_clause][ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


COS(field_key): returns the cosines of the field values for the specified field key.

COS(*): returns the cosines of the field values for each field key in the specified measurement.

The COS() function supports INT64 and FLOAT64 field values.

The basic syntax supports the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by tag. However, it does not support the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by time. For more information about how to use COS() functions in combination with GROUP BY time() clauses, see the "Advanced syntax" section.


The following data in the NOAA_water_database dataset is used in the examples that are provided in this section:

> SELECT "water_level" FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  water_level

Example 1: Calculate the cosines of the field values for the specified field key

> SELECT COS("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  cos

This query returns the cosines of the field values for the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement.

Example 2: Calculate the cosines of the field values for each field key in the specified measurement

> SELECT COS(*) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  cos_water_level

This query returns the cosines of the field values for each field key that stores numeric values in the h2o_feet measurement. The h2o_feet measurement contains only the numeric water_level field.

Advanced syntax

SELECT COS(<function>([*|<field_key>]))[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause] GROUP_BY_clause [ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


The COS() advanced syntax requires a GROUP BY time() clause and a nested InfluxQL function. The queries that use the advanced syntax first calculate the results of the nested functions based on the time intervals specified by the GROUP BY time() clauses. Then, the queries calculate the cosines of these results.

COS() supports the following nested functions:

  • COUNT()

  • MEAN()

  • MEDIAN()

  • MODE()

  • SUM()

  • FIRST()

  • LAST()

  • MIN()

  • MAX()


Example: Calculate the cosines of the average field values for the specified field key

> SELECT COS(MEAN("water_level")) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                  cos

This query returns the cosines of the average field values for the water_level field key. The average field values are calculated based on a 12-minute interval.

To obtain the results, TSDB for InfluxDB® first calculates the average field values of the water_level field key based on a 12-minute interval. This process returns the same result as a query if the query uses the MEAN() function in combination with the GROUP BY time() clause, and does not use the COS() function.

> SELECT MEAN("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                   mean

Then, TSDB for InfluxDB® calculates the cosine of each average field value.


Returns the cumulative sum of the field values for each specified field key.

Basic syntax

SELECT CUMULATIVE_SUM([*|<field_key>|/<regular_expression>/])[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause][GROUP_BY_clause][ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


CUMULATIVE_SUM(field_key): returns the cumulative sum of the field values for the specified field key.

CUMULATIVE_SUM(/regular_expression/): returns the cumulative sum of the field values for each field key that matches the specified regular expression.

CUMULATIVE_SUM(*): returns the cumulative sum of the field values for each field key in the specified measurement.

The CUMULATIVE_SUM() function supports INT64 and FLOAT64 field values.

The basic syntax supports the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by tag. However, it does not support the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by time. For more information about how to use CUMULATIVE_SUM() functions in combination with GROUP BY time() clauses, see the "Advanced syntax" section.


The following data in the NOAA_water_database data set is used in the examples that are provided in this section:

> SELECT "water_level" FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                   water_level

Example 1: Calculate the cumulative sum of the field values for the specified field key

> SELECT CUMULATIVE_SUM("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                   cumulative_sum

This query returns the cumulative sum of the field values for the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement.

Example 2: Calculate the cumulative sum of the field values for each field key in the specified measurement

> SELECT CUMULATIVE_SUM(*) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                   cumulative_sum_water_level

This query returns the cumulative sum of the field values for each field key that stores numeric values in the h2o_feet measurement. The h2o_feet measurement contains only the numeric water_level field.

Example 3: Calculate the cumulative sum of field values for each field key that matches the specified regular expression

> SELECT CUMULATIVE_SUM(/water/) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                   cumulative_sum_water_level

This query returns the cumulative sum of the field values for each field key that contains water and stores numeric values in the h2o_feet measurement.

Example 4: Calculate the cumulative sum of the field values for the specified field key by using a query that includes multiple clauses

> SELECT CUMULATIVE_SUM("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 4 OFFSET 2

name: h2o_feet
time                  cumulative_sum

This query returns the cumulative sum of the field values for the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement. The specified time range is from 2015-08-18T00:00:00Z to 2015-08-18T00:30:00Z. The query results are sorted in descending order based on timestamps. The query limits the number of returned points to 4. The point offset is set to 2. This indicates that the first two points are not returned.

Advanced syntax

SELECT CUMULATIVE_SUM(<function>([*|<field_key>|/<regular_expression>/]))[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause] GROUP_BY_clause [ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


The CUMULATIVE_SUM() advanced syntax requires a GROUP BY time() clause and a nested InfluxQL function. The queries that use the advanced syntax first calculate the results of the nested functions based on the time intervals specified by the GROUP BY time() clauses. Then, the queries calculate the cumulative sum of these results.

CUMULATIVE_SUM() supports the following nested functions:

  • COUNT()

  • MEAN()

  • MEDIAN()

  • MODE()

  • SUM()

  • FIRST()

  • LAST()

  • MIN()

  • MAX()


Example: Calculate the cumulative sum of the average field values for the specified field key

> SELECT CUMULATIVE_SUM(MEAN("water_level")) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                   cumulative_sum

This query returns the cumulative sum of the average field values for the water_level field key. The average field values are calculated based on a 12-minute interval.

To obtain the results, TSDB for InfluxDB® first calculates the average field values of the water_level field key based on a 12-minute interval. This process returns the same result as a query if the query uses the MEAN() function in combination with the GROUP BY time() clause, and does not use the CUMULATIVE_SUM() function.

> SELECT MEAN("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                   mean

Then, TSDB for InfluxDB® calculates the cumulative sum of the average field values. In the query results, the second point 4.167 is the sum of 2.09 and 2.077, and the third point 6.213 is the sum of 2.09, 2.077, and 2.0460000000000003.


Returns the change rates or the derivatives for the field values of the specified field keys.

Basic syntax

SELECT DERIVATIVE([*|<field_key>|/<regular_expression>/][,<unit>])[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause][GROUP_BY_clause][ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


TSDB for InfluxDB® calculates the difference between two field values and converts the results into change rates. The change rates indicate how much the field values have changed based on the time granularity that is specified by the unit parameter. The value of the unit parameter is an integer that is suffixed by a unit of time. This parameter is optional. If you do not specify the unit parameter in your query, the unit parameter is set to 1s, which is the default value.

DERIVATIVE(field_key): returns the change rates of the field values for the specified field key.

DERIVATIVE(/regular_expression/): returns the change rates of the field values for each field key that matches the specified regular expression.

DERIVATIVE(*): returns the change rates of the field values for each field key in the specified measurement.

The DERIVATIVE() function supports INT64 and FLOAT64 field values.

The basic syntax supports the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by tag. However, it does not support the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by time. For more information about how to use DERIVATIVE() functions in combination with GROUP BY time() clauses, see the "Advanced syntax" section.


The following data in the NOAA_water_database data set is used in the examples that are provided in this section:

> SELECT "water_level" FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE "location"='santa_monica' AND time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z'

name: h2o_feet
time                   water_level

Example 1: Calculate the derivatives between the field values of the specified field key

> SELECT DERIVATIVE("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE "location"='santa_monica' AND time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z'

name: h2o_feet
time                   derivative

This query returns the change rates of the field values for the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement. The change rates indicate how much the field values have changed every second.

The first result 0.00014444444444444457 is the one-second rate of change between the first two field values in the raw data. TSDB for InfluxDB® calculates the difference between the two field values. Then, it normalizes the result to the 1-second rate of change.

|          the difference between the field values' timestamps / the default unit
second field value - first field value

Example 2: Calculate the derivatives between the field values of the specified field key and specify the unit parameter

> SELECT DERIVATIVE("water_level",6m) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE "location"='santa_monica' AND time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z'

name: h2o_feet
time                    derivative

This query returns the change rates of the field values for the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement. The change rates indicate how much the field values have changed every 6 minutes.

The first result 0.052000000000000046 is the 6-minute rate of change between the first two field values in the raw data. TSDB for InfluxDB® calculates the difference between the two field values. Then, it normalizes the result to the 6-minute rate of change.

|          the difference between the field values' timestamps / the specified unit
second field value - first field value

Example 3: Calculate the derivatives between the field values of each field key in the specified measurement and specify the unit parameter

> SELECT DERIVATIVE(*,3m) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE "location"='santa_monica' AND time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z'

name: h2o_feet
time                   derivative_water_level

This query returns the change rates of the field values for each field key that stores numeric values in the h2o_feet measurement. The change rates indicate how much the field values have changed every 3 minutes. The h2o_feet measurement contains only the numeric water_level field.

The first result 0.026000000000000023 is the 3-minute rate of change between the first two field values in the raw data. TSDB for InfluxDB® calculates the difference between the two field values. Then, it normalizes the result to the 3-minute rate of change.

|          the difference between the field values' timestamps / the specified unit
second field value - first field value

Example 4: Calculate the derivatives between the field values of each field key that matches the specified regular expression and specify the unit parameter

> SELECT DERIVATIVE(/water/,2m) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE "location"='santa_monica' AND time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z'

name: h2o_feet
time                   derivative_water_level

This query returns the change rates of the field values for each field key that contains water and stores numeric values in the h2o_feet measurement. The change rates indicate how much the field values have changed every 2 minutes. The h2o_feet measurement contains only the numeric water_level field.

The first result 0.01733333333333335 is the 2-minute rate of change between the first two field values in the raw data. TSDB for InfluxDB® calculates the difference between the two field values. Then, it normalizes the result to the 2-minute rate of change.

|          the difference between the field values' timestamps / the specified unit
second field value - first field value

Example 5: Calculate the derivative between the field values of the specified field key by using a query that includes multiple clauses

> SELECT DERIVATIVE("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE "location"='santa_monica' AND time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 2

name: h2o_feet
time                   derivative

This query returns the change rate of the field values for the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement. The change rate indicates how much the field values have changed within 1 second. The specified time range is from 2015-08-18T00:00:00Z to 2015-08-18T00:30:00Z. The query results are sorted in descending order based on timestamps. The query limits the number of returned points to 1. The point offset is set to 2. This indicates that the first two points are not returned.

The only result -0.0002722222222222218 is the 1-second rate of change between the first two field values in the raw data. TSDB for InfluxDB® calculates the difference between the two field values. Then, it normalizes the result to the 1-second rate of change.

|          the difference between the field values' timestamps / the default unit
second field value - first field value

Advanced syntax

SELECT DERIVATIVE(<function>([*|<field_key>|/<regular_expression>/])[,<unit>])[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause] GROUP_BY_clause [ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


The DERIVATIVE() advanced syntax requires a GROUP BY time() clause and a nested InfluxQL function. The queries that use the advanced syntax first calculate the results of the nested functions based on the time intervals specified by the GROUP BY time() clauses. Then, the queries are used to calculate the derivatives of these results.

The value of the unit parameter is an integer that is suffixed by a unit of time. This parameter is optional. You do not need to specify the unit parameter. By default, the unit parameter is set to the time interval that is specified by the GROUP BY time() clause. Note: The default value of the unit parameter in the advanced syntax is different from that of the unit parameter in the basic syntax.

DERIVATIVE() supports the following nested functions:

  • COUNT()

  • MEAN()

  • MEDIAN()

  • MODE()

  • SUM()

  • FIRST()

  • LAST()

  • MIN()

  • MAX()



Example 1: Calculate the derivatives between average field values

> SELECT DERIVATIVE(MEAN("water_level")) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE "location"='santa_monica' AND time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                   derivative

This query returns the change rates of the average field values that are calculated based on a 12-minute interval for the water_level field key. The change rates indicate how much the field values have changed every 12 minutes.

To obtain the results, TSDB for InfluxDB® first calculates the average field values of the water_level field key based on a 12-minute interval. This process returns the same result as a query if the query uses the MEAN() function in combination with the GROUP BY time() clause, and does not use the DERIVATIVE() function.

> SELECT MEAN("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE "location"='santa_monica' AND time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                   mean

Then, TSDB for InfluxDB® calculates the change rates of these average field values. The change rates indicate how much the field values have changed every 12 minutes. The first result -0.0129999999999999 is the 12-minute rate of change between the first two field values in the raw data. TSDB for InfluxDB® calculates the difference between the two field values. Then, it normalizes the result to the 12-minute rate of change

|          the difference between the field values' timestamps / the default unit
second field value - first field value

Example 2: Calculate the derivatives between average field values and specify the unit parameter

> SELECT DERIVATIVE(MEAN("water_level"),6m) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE "location"='santa_monica' AND time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                   derivative

This query returns the change rates of the average field values that are calculated based on a 12-minute interval for the water_level field key. The change rates indicate how the field values have changed every 6 minutes.

To obtain the results, TSDB for InfluxDB® first calculates the average field values of the water_level field key based on a 12-minute interval. This process returns the same result as a query if the query uses the MEAN() function in combination with the GROUP BY time() clause, and does not use the DERIVATIVE() function.

> SELECT MEAN("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE "location"='santa_monica' AND time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                   mean

Then, TSDB for InfluxDB® calculates the change rates of these average field values. The change rates indicate how much the field values have changed every 6 minutes. The first result -0.00649999999999995 is the 6-minute rate of change between the first two field values in the raw data. TSDB for InfluxDB® calculates the difference between the two field values. Then, it normalizes the result to the 6-minute rate of change.

|          the difference between the field values' timestamps / the specified unit
second field value - first field value


Returns the difference between field values.

Basic syntax

SELECT DIFFERENCE([*|<field_key>|/<regular_expression>/])[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause][GROUP_BY_clause][ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


DIFFERENCE(field_key): returns the difference between the field values of the specified field key.

DIFFERENCE(/regular_expression/): returns the difference between the field values of each field key that matches the specified regular expression.

DIFFERENCE(*): returns the difference between the field values of each field key in the specified measurement.

The DIFFERENCE() function supports INT64 and FLOAT64 field values.

The basic syntax supports the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by tag, but does not support the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by time. For more information about how to use DIFFERENCE() functions in combination with GROUP BY time() clauses, see the "Advanced syntax" section.


The following data in the NOAA_water_database dataset is used in the examples that are provided in this section:

> SELECT "water_level" FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                   water_level

Example 1: Calculate the difference between the field values of the specified field key

> SELECT DIFFERENCE("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                   difference

This query returns the difference between the field values for the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement.

Example 2: Calculate the difference between the field values of each field key in the specified measurement

> SELECT DIFFERENCE(*) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                   difference_water_level

This query returns the difference between the field values of each field key that stores numeric values in the h2o_feet measurement. The h2o_feet measurement contains only the numeric water_level field.

Example 3: Calculate the difference between the field values of each field key that matches the specified regular expression

> SELECT DIFFERENCE(/water/) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                   difference_water_level

This query returns the difference between the field values of each field key that contains water and stores numeric values in the h2o_feet measurement.

Example 4: Calculate the difference between the field values of the specified field key by using a query that includes multiple clauses

> SELECT DIFFERENCE("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 2 OFFSET 2

name: h2o_feet
time                   difference

This query returns the difference between the field values of the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement. The specified time range is from 2015-08-18T00:00:00Z to 2015-08-18T00:30:00Z. The query results are sorted in descending order based on timestamps. The query limits the number of returned points to 2. The point offset is set to 2, which indicates that the first two points are not returned.

Advanced syntax

SELECT DIFFERENCE(<function>([*|<field_key>|/<regular_expression>/]))[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause] GROUP_BY_clause [ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


The DIFFERENCE() advanced syntax requires a GROUP BY time() clause and a nested InfluxQL function. The queries that use the advanced syntax first calculate the results of the nested functions based on the time intervals that are specified by the GROUP BY time() clauses. Then, the queries calculate the difference between the results.

DIFFERENCE() supports the following nested functions:

  • COUNT()

  • MEAN()

  • MEDIAN()

  • MODE()

  • SUM()

  • FIRST()

  • LAST()

  • MIN()

  • MAX()


Example: Calculate the difference between the maximum values

> SELECT DIFFERENCE(MAX("water_level")) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                   difference

This query returns the difference between the maximum values that are calculated based on a 12-minute interval for the water_level field key.

To obtain the results, TSDB for InfluxDB® first calculates the largest field values of the water_level field key based on a 12-minute interval. This process returns the same result as a query if the query uses the MAX() function in combination with the GROUP BY time() clause, and does not use the DIFFERENCE() function.

> SELECT MAX("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                   max

Then, TSDB for InfluxDB® calculates the difference between these maximum values. In the query results, the first point 0.009999999999999787 is the difference between 2.126 and 2.116, and the second point -0.07499999999999973 is the difference between 2.051 and 2.126.


Returns the difference between the timestamps of the field values for the specified field keys.


SELECT ELAPSED([*|<field_key>|/<regular_expression>/][,<unit>])[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause][GROUP_BY_clause][ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


TSDB for InfluxDB® calculates the difference between timestamps. The value of the unit parameter is an integer that is suffixed by a unit of time. The difference between timestamps is measured in the time unit. This parameter is optional. If you do not specify the unit parameter in queries, the difference between timestamps is measured in nanoseconds.

ELAPSED(field_key): returns the difference between the timestamps of the field values for the specified field key.

ELAPSED(/regular_expression/): returns the difference between the timestamps of the field values for each field key that matches the specified regular expression.

ELAPSED(*): returns the difference between the timestamps of the field values for each field key in the specified measurement.

The ELAPSED() function supports field values of all data types.


The following data in the NOAA_water_database dataset is used in the examples that are provided in this section:

> SELECT "water_level" FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE "location"='santa_monica' AND time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:12:00Z'

name: h2o_feet
time                   water_level

Example 1: Calculate the time interval between the field values of the specified field key

> SELECT ELAPSED("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE "location"='santa_monica' AND time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:12:00Z'

name: h2o_feet
time                   elapsed

This query returns the difference between the timestamps of the field values for the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement. The difference between the timestamps is measured in nanoseconds.

Example 2: Calculate the time interval between the field values of the specified field key and specify the unit parameter

> SELECT ELAPSED("water_level",1m) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE "location"='santa_monica' AND time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:12:00Z'

name: h2o_feet
time                   elapsed

This query returns the difference between the timestamps of the field values of the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement. The difference between the timestamps is measured in minutes.

Example 3: Calculate the time interval between the field values of each field key in the specified measurement and specify the unit parameter

> SELECT ELAPSED(*,1m) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE "location"='santa_monica' AND time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:12:00Z'

name: h2o_feet
time                   elapsed_level description   elapsed_water_level

This query returns the difference between the timestamps of the field values of each field key in the h2o_feet measurement. The difference between the timestamps is measured in minutes. The h2o_feet measurement contains the level description and water_level field keys.

Example 4: Calculate the time interval between the field values of each field key that matches the specified regular expression, and specify the unit parameter.

> SELECT ELAPSED(/level/,1s) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE "location"='santa_monica' AND time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:12:00Z'

name: h2o_feet
time                   elapsed_level description   elapsed_water_level

This query returns the difference between the timestamps of the field values for each field key that contains level in the h2o_feet measurement. The difference between the timestamps is measured in seconds.

Example 5: Calculate the time interval between the field values of the specified field key by using a query that includes multiple clauses

> SELECT ELAPSED("water_level",1ms) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE "location"='santa_monica' AND time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:12:00Z' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1

name: h2o_feet
time                   elapsed

This query returns the difference between the timestamps of the field values for the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement. The difference between the timestamps is measured in milliseconds. The specified time range is from 2015-08-18T00:00:00Z to 2015-08-18T00:12:00Z. The query results are sorted in descending order based on timestamps. The query limits the number of returned points to 1. The point offset is set to 1, which indicates that the first point is not returned.


The query returns a negative value. This occurs when the ORDER BY time DESC clause sorts the timestamps in descending order. Therefore, the ELAPSED() function calculates the difference between the timestamps that are sorted in reverse order.


What are the impacts if the value of the unit parameter in the ELAPSED() function is greater than the difference between the timestamps?

If the value of the unit parameter is greater than the difference between the timestamps, TSDB for InfluxDB® returns 0.

Example: One point is generated for the h2o_feet measurement every 6 minutes. If you set the unit parameter in queries to 1 hour, TSDB for InfluxDB® returns0.

> SELECT ELAPSED("water_level",1h) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE "location"='santa_monica' AND time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:12:00Z'

name: h2o_feet
time                   elapsed

What are the impacts if ELAPSED() functions are used in combination with GROUP BY time() clauses in queries?

ELAPSED() functions can be used in combination with GROUP BY time() clauses in queries. However, the query results are used for reference only. If an ELAPSED() query contains a nested InfluxQL function and a GROUP BY time() clause, the query returns only the time interval that is specified by the GROUP BY time() clause.

The GROUP BY time() clause determines the timestamps that are returned in the query results. Each timestamp indicates the start time of each time interval. This rule also applies to nested selector functions, such as FIRST() and MAX(). If the GROUP BY time() clause is not used, these functions return the original timestamps of raw data. The GROUP BY time() clause overwrites the original timestamps. Therefore, the ELAPSED() function always returns the same value as the time interval that is specified by the GROUP BY time() clause.

Example: The first query in the following code uses the ELAPSED() function and the GROUP BY time() clause. This query returns the difference between the timestamps of the smallest field values for the water_level field key. The difference is measured in minutes. In the query results, the difference between the timestamps for each of the two time intervals is 12 minutes.

To obtain the results, TSDB for InfluxDB® first calculates the minimum field values of the water_level field key based on a 12-minute interval. The second query in the following code returns the minimum value for each time interval. This process returns the same result as a query if the query uses the MIN() function in combination with the GROUP BY time() clause, and does not use the ELAPSED() function. Note: The difference between the timestamps returned in the second query is 12 minutes. In raw data, the first result 2.057 occurs at 2015-08-18T00:42:00Z. However, this original timestamp is overwritten by the GROUP BY time() clause. The returned timestamps are determined by the time interval that is specified by the GROUP BY time() clause rather than the original timestamps in raw data. Therefore, the ELAPSED() function always returns the difference between the timestamps as the same value as the time interval that is specified by the GROUP BY time() clause.

> SELECT ELAPSED(MIN("water_level"),1m) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE "location"='santa_monica' AND time >='2015-08-18T00:36:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:54:00Z' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                   elapsed

> SELECT MIN("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE "location"='santa_monica' AND time >='2015-08-18T00:36:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:54:00Z' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                   min
2015-08-18T00:36:00Z2.057<---Actually occurs at 2015-08-18T00:42:00Z


Returns the exponential of a field value.

Basic syntax

SELECT EXP([*|<field_key>])[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause][GROUP_BY_clause][ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


EXP(field_key): returns the exponential of the field values for the specified field key.

EXP(*): returns the exponentials of the field values for each field key in the specified measurement.

The EXP() function supports INT64 and FLOAT64 field values.

The basic syntax supports the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by tag. However, it does not support the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by time. For more information about how to use EXP() functions in combination with GROUP BY time() clauses, see the "Advanced syntax" section.


The following sample data is used in the examples that are provided in this section:

> SELECT "water_level" FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  water_level

Example 1: Calculate the exponential of the field values for the specified field key

> SELECT EXP("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  exp

This query returns the exponential of the field values for the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement.

Example 2: Calculate the exponential of the field values for each field key in the specified measurement

> SELECT EXP(*) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  exp_water_level

This query returns the exponential of the field values for each field key that stores numeric values in the h2o_feet measurement. The h2o_feet measurement contains only the numeric water_level field.

Example 3: Calculate the exponential of the field values for the specified field key by using a query that includes multiple clauses

> SELECT EXP("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 4 OFFSET 2

name: h2o_feet
time                  exp

This query returns the exponential of the field values for the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement. The specified time range is from 2015-08-18T00:00:00Z to 2015-08-18T00:30:00Z. The query results are sorted in descending order based on timestamps. The query limits the number of returned points to 4. The point offset is set to 2, which indicates that the first two points are not returned.

Advanced syntax

SELECT EXP(<function>([*|<field_key>]))[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause] GROUP_BY_clause [ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


The EXP() advanced syntax requires a GROUP BY time() clause and a nested InfluxQL function. The queries that use the advanced syntax first calculate the results of the nested functions based on the time intervals that are specified by the GROUP BY time() clauses. Then, the queries calculate the exponentials of these results.

EXP() supports the following nested functions:

  • COUNT()

  • MEAN()

  • MEDIAN()

  • MODE()

  • SUM()

  • FIRST()

  • LAST()

  • MIN()

  • MAX()


Example: Calculate the exponential of the average field values for the specified field key

> SELECT EXP(MEAN("water_level")) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                  exp

This query raises e to the power of the average field values for the water_level field key. The average field values are calculated based on a 12-minute interval.

To obtain the results, TSDB for InfluxDB® first calculates the average field values of the water_level field key based on a 12-minute interval. This process returns the same result as a query if the query uses the MEAN() function in combination with the GROUP BY time() clause, and does not use the EXP() function.

> SELECT MEAN("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                   mean

Then, TSDB for InfluxDB® calculates the exponential of each average field value.


Rounds each specified field value down to the nearest integer.

Basic syntax

SELECT FLOOR([*|<field_key>])[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause][GROUP_BY_clause][ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


FLOOR(field_key): rounds each field value of the specified field key down to the nearest integer.

FLOOR(*): rounds each field value of all the field keys in the specified measurement down to the nearest integer.

The FLOOR() function supports INT64 and FLOAT64 field values.

The basic syntax supports the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by tag. However, it does not support the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by time. For more information about how to use FLOOR() functions in combination with GROUP BY time() clauses, see the "Advanced syntax" section.


The following data in the NOAA_water_database dataset is used in the examples that are provided in this section:

> SELECT "water_level" FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  water_level

Example 1: Round each field value of the specified field key down to the nearest integer

> SELECT FLOOR("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  floor

The FLOOR() function in this query rounds each field value of the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement down to the nearest integer.

Example 2: Round each field value of all the field keys in the specified measurement down to the nearest integer

> SELECT FLOOR(*) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  floor_water_level

The FLOOR() function in this query rounds each field value of the specified field keys down to the nearest integer. The specified field keys store numeric values in the h2o_feet measurement. The h2o_feet measurement contains only the numeric water_level field.

Example 3: Round each field value of the specified field key down to the nearest integer by using a query that includes multiple clauses

> SELECT FLOOR("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 4 OFFSET 2

name: h2o_feet
time                  floor

The FLOOR() function in this query rounds each field value of the water_level field key down to the nearest integer. The specified time range is from 2015-08-18T00:00:00Z to 2015-08-18T00:30:00Z. The query results are sorted in descending order based on timestamps. The query limits the number of returned points to 4. The point offset is set to 2, which indicates that the first two points are not returned.

Advanced syntax

SELECT FLOOR(<function>([*|<field_key>]))[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause] GROUP_BY_clause [ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


The FLOOR() advanced syntax requires a GROUP BY time() clause and a nested InfluxQL function. The queries that use the advanced syntax first calculate the results of the nested functions based on the time intervals specified by the GROUP BY time() clauses. Then, the queries apply the FLOOR() function to these results.

FLOOR() supports the following nested functions:

  • COUNT()

  • MEAN()

  • MEDIAN()

  • MODE()

  • SUM()

  • FIRST()

  • LAST()

  • MIN()

  • MAX()


Example: Round each average field value down to the nearest integer

> SELECT FLOOR(MEAN("water_level")) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                  floor

The FLOOR() function in this query rounds each average field value of the water_level field key down to the nearest integer. The average field values are calculated based on a 12-minute interval.

To obtain the results, TSDB for InfluxDB® first calculates the average field values of the water_level field key based on a 12-minute interval. This process returns the same result as a query if the query uses the MEAN() function in combination with the GROUP BY time() clause, and does not use the FLOOR() function.

> SELECT MEAN("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                   mean

Then, TSDB for InfluxDB® rounds each average field value down to the nearest integer.


Returns the natural logarithms of the field values for the specified field keys.

Basic syntax

SELECT LN([*|<field_key>])[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause][GROUP_BY_clause][ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


LN(field_key): returns the natural logarithms of the field values for the specified field key.

LN(*): returns the natural logarithms of the field values for each field key in the specified measurement.

The LN() function supports INT64 and FLOAT64 field values.

The basic syntax supports the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by tag. However, it does not support the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by time. For more information about how to use LN() functions in combination with GROUP BY time() clauses, see the "Advanced syntax" section.

Examples of basic syntax

The following sample data is used in the examples provided in this section:

> SELECT "water_level" FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  water_level

Example 1: Calculate the natural logarithms of the field values for the specified field key

> SELECT LN("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  ln

This query returns the natural logarithms of the field values for the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement.

Example 2: Calculate the natural logarithms of the field values for each field key in the specified measurement

> SELECT LN(*) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  ln_water_level

This query returns the natural logarithms of the field values for each field key that stores numeric values in the h2o_feet measurement. The h2o_feet measurement contains only the numeric water_level field.

Example 3: Calculate the natural logarithms of the field values for the specified field key by using a query that includes multiple clauses

> SELECT EXP("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 4 OFFSET 2

name: h2o_feet
time                  exp

This query returns the natural logarithms of the field values for the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement. The specified time range is from 2015-08-18T00:00:00Z to 2015-08-18T00:30:00Z. The query results are sorted in descending order based on timestamps. The query limits the number of returned points to 4. The point offset is set to 2, which indicates that the first two points are not returned.

Advanced syntax

SELECT LN(<function>([*|<field_key>]))[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause] GROUP_BY_clause [ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


The LN() advanced syntax requires a GROUP BY time() clause and a nested InfluxQL function. The queries that use the advanced syntax first calculate the results of the nested functions based on the time intervals specified by the GROUP BY time() clauses. Then, the queries calculate the natural logarithms of these results.

LN() supports the following nested functions:

  • COUNT()

  • MEAN()

  • MEDIAN()

  • MODE()

  • SUM()

  • FIRST()

  • LAST()

  • MIN()

  • MAX()


Example: Calculate the natural logarithms of the average field values for the specified field key

> SELECT LN(MEAN("water_level")) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                  ln

This query returns the natural logarithms of the average field values for the water_level field key. The average field values are calculated based on a 12-minute interval.

To obtain the results, TSDB for InfluxDB® first calculates the average field values of the water_level field key based on a 12-minute interval. This process returns the same result as a query if the query uses the MEAN() function in combination with the GROUP BY time() clause, and does not use the LN() function.

> SELECT MEAN("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                   mean

Then, TSDB for InfluxDB® calculates the natural logarithms of each average field value.


Returns the base-b logarithms of the field values for the specified field keys.

Basic syntax

SELECT LOG([*|<field_key>],<b>)[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause][GROUP_BY_clause][ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


LOG(field_key, b): returns the base-b logarithms of the field values for the specified field key.

LOG(*, b): returns the base-b logarithms of the field values for each field key in the specified measurement.

The LOG() function supports INT64 and FLOAT64 field values.

The basic syntax supports the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by tag. However, it does not support the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by time For more information about how to use LOG() functions in combination with GROUP BY time() clauses, see the "Advanced syntax" section.


The following sample data is used in the examples provided in this section:

> SELECT "water_level" FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  water_level

Example 1: Calculate the base-4 logarithms of the field values for the specified field key

> SELECT LOG("water_level",4) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  log

This query returns the base-4 logarithms of the field values for the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement.

Example 2: Calculate the base-4 logarithms of the field values for each field key in the specified measurement

> SELECT LOG(*,4) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  log_water_level

This query returns the base-4 logarithms of the field values for each field key that stores numeric values in the h2o_feet measurement. The h2o_feet measurement contains only the numeric water_level field.

Example 3: Calculate the base-4 logarithms of the field values for the specified field key by using a query that includes multiple clauses

> SELECT LOG("water_level",4) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 4 OFFSET 2

name: h2o_feet
time                  log

This query returns the base-4 logarithms of the field values for the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement. The specified time range is from 2015-08-18T00:00:00Z to 2015-08-18T00:30:00Z. The query results are sorted in descending order based on timestamps. The query limits the number of returned points to 4. The point offset is set to 2, which indicates that the first two points are not returned.

Advanced syntax

SELECT LOG(<function>([*|<field_key>]),<b>)[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause] GROUP_BY_clause [ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


The LOG() advanced syntax requires a GROUP BY time() clause and a nested InfluxQL function The queries that use the advanced syntax first calculate the results of the nested functions based on the time intervals specified by the GROUP BY time() clauses. Then, the queries calculate the logarithms of these results.

LOG() supports the following nested functions:

  • COUNT()

  • MEAN()

  • MEDIAN()

  • MODE()

  • SUM()

  • FIRST()

  • LAST()

  • MIN()

  • MAX()


Example: Calculate the base-4 logarithms of the average field values for the specified field key

> SELECT LOG(MEAN("water_level"),4) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                  log

This query returns the base-4 logarithms of the average field values for the water_level field key. The average field values are calculated based on a 12-minute interval.

To obtain the results, TSDB for InfluxDB® first calculates the average field values of the water_level field key based on a 12-minute interval. This process returns the same result as a query if the query uses the MEAN() function in combination with the GROUP BY time() clause, and does not use the LOG() function.

> SELECT MEAN("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                   mean

Then, TSDB for InfluxDB® calculates the base-4 logarithm of each average field value.


Returns the base-2 logarithms of the field values for the specified field keys.

Basic syntax

SELECT LOG2([*|<field_key>])[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause][GROUP_BY_clause][ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


LOG2(field_key): returns the base-2 logarithms of the field values for the specified field key.

LOG2(*): returns the base-2 logarithms of the field values for each field key in the specified measurement.

The LOG2() function supports INT64 and FLOAT64 field values.

The basic syntax supports the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by tag. However, it does not support the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by time. For more information about how to use LOG2() functions in combination with GROUP BY time() clauses, see the "Advanced syntax" section.


The following sample data is used in the examples that are provided in this section:

> SELECT "water_level" FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  water_level

Example 1: Calculate the base-2 logarithms of the field values for the specified field key

> SELECT LOG2("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  log2

This query returns the base-2 logarithms of the field values for the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement.

Example 2: Calculate the base-2 logarithms of the field values for each field key in the specified measurement

> SELECT LOG2(*) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  log2_water_level

This query returns the base-2 logarithms of the field values for each field key that stores numeric values in the h2o_feet measurement. The h2o_feet measurement contains only the numeric water_level field.

Example 3: Calculate the base-2 logarithms of the field values for the specified field key by using a query that includes multiple clauses

> SELECT LOG2("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 4 OFFSET 2

name: h2o_feet
time                  log2

This query returns the base-2 logarithms of the field values for the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement. The specified time range is from 2015-08-18T00:00:00Z to 2015-08-18T00:30:00Z. The query results are sorted in descending order based on timestamps. The query limits the number of returned points to 4. The point offset is set to 2, which indicates that the first two points are not returned.

Advanced syntax

SELECT LOG2(<function>([*|<field_key>]))[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause] GROUP_BY_clause [ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


The LOG2() advanced syntax requires a GROUP BY time() clause and a nested InfluxQL function. The queries that use the advanced syntax first calculate the results of the nested functions based on the time intervals specified by the GROUP BY time() clauses. Then, the queries calculate the base-2 logarithms of these results.

LOG2() supports the following nested functions:

  • COUNT()

  • MEAN()

  • MEDIAN()

  • MODE()

  • SUM()

  • FIRST()

  • LAST()

  • MIN()

  • MAX()


Example: Calculate the base-2 logarithms of the average field values for the specified field key

> SELECT LOG2(MEAN("water_level")) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                  log2

This query returns the base-2 logarithms of the average field values that are calculated based on a 12-minute interval for the water_level field key.

To obtain the results, TSDB for InfluxDB® first calculates the average field values of the water_level field key based on a 12-minute interval. This process returns the same result as a query if the query uses the MEAN() function in combination with the GROUP BY time() clause, and does not use the LOG2() function.

> SELECT MEAN("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                   mean

Then, TSDB for InfluxDB® calculates the base-2 logarithms of each average field value.


Returns the base-10 logarithms of the field values for the specified field keys.

Basic syntax

SELECT LOG10([*|<field_key>])[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause][GROUP_BY_clause][ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


LOG10(field_key): returns the base-10 logarithms of the field values for the specified field key.

LOG10(*): returns the base-10 logarithms of the field values for each field key in the specified measurement.

The LOG10() function supports INT64 and FLOAT64 field values.

The basic syntax supports the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by tag. However, it does not support the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by time For more information about how to use LOG10() functions in combination with GROUP BY time() clauses, see the "Advanced syntax" section.


The following sample data is used in the examples that are provided in this section:

> SELECT "water_level" FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  water_level

Example 1: Calculate the base-10 logarithms of the field values for the specified field key

> SELECT LOG10("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  log10

This query returns the base-10 logarithms of the field values for the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement.

Example 2: Calculate the base-10 logarithms of the field values for each field key in the specified measurement

> SELECT LOG10(*) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  log10_water_level

This query returns the base-10 logarithms of the field values for each field key that stores numeric values in the h2o_feet measurement. The h2o_feet measurement contains only the numeric water_level field.

Example 3: Calculate the base-10 logarithms of the field values for the specified field key by using a query that includes multiple clauses

> SELECT LOG10("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 4 OFFSET 2

name: h2o_feet
time                  log10

This query returns the base-10 logarithms of the field values for the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement. The specified time range is from 2015-08-18T00:00:00Z to 2015-08-18T00:30:00Z. The query results are sorted in descending order based on timestamps. The query limits the number of returned points to 4. The point offset is set to 2, which indicates that the first two points are not returned.

Advanced syntax

SELECT LOG10(<function>([*|<field_key>]))[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause] GROUP_BY_clause [ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


The LOG10() advanced syntax requires a GROUP BY time() clause and a nested InfluxQL function. The queries that use the advanced syntax first calculate the results of the nested functions based on the time intervals that are specified by the GROUP BY time() clauses. Then, the queries calculate the base-10 logarithms of these results.

LOG10() supports the following nested functions:

  • COUNT()

  • MEAN()

  • MEDIAN()

  • MODE()

  • SUM()

  • FIRST()

  • LAST()

  • MIN()

  • MAX()


Example: Calculate the base-10 logarithms of the average field values for the specified field key

> SELECT LOG10(MEAN("water_level")) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                  log10

This query returns the base-10 logarithms of the average field values for the water_level field key. The average field values are calculated based on a 12-minute interval.

To obtain the results, TSDB for InfluxDB® first calculates the average field values of the water_level field key based on a 12-minute interval. This process returns the same result as a query if the query uses the MEAN() function in combination with the GROUP BY time() clause, and does not use the LOG10() function.

> SELECT MEAN("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                   mean

Then, TSDB for InfluxDB® calculates the base-10 logarithms of each average field value.


Returns the moving average for each specified window of field values.

Basic syntax

SELECT MOVING_AVERAGE([*|<field_key>|/<regular_expression>/],<N>)[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause][GROUP_BY_clause][ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


MOVING_AVERAGE(): calculates the moving average of each window that contains N consecutive field values. The N parameter is required, and the value of this parameter must be an integer.

MOVING_AVERAGE(field_key,N): returns the moving average of N field values for the specified field key.

MOVING_AVERAGE(/regular_expression/,N): returns the moving average of N field values for each field key that matches the specified regular expression.

MOVING_AVERAGE(*,N): returns the moving average of N field values for each field key in the specified measurement.

The MOVING_AVERAGE() function supports INT64 and FLOAT64 field values.

The basic syntax supports the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by tag. However, it does not support the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by time. For more information about how to use MOVING_AVERAGE() functions in combination with GROUP BY time() clauses, see the "Advanced syntax" section.


The following data in the NOAA_water_database dataset is used in the examples that are provided in this section:

> SELECT "water_level" FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE "location"='santa_monica' AND time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z'

name: h2o_feet
time                   water_level

Example 1: Calculate the moving average for each window of the field values for the specified field key

> SELECT MOVING_AVERAGE("water_level",2) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE "location"='santa_monica' AND time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z'

name: h2o_feet
time                   moving_average

This query returns the moving average for each window of two field values for the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement. The first result 2.09 is the average of the first two field values in raw data, and is calculated based on the formula: (2.064 + 2.116)/2. The second result 2.072 is the average of the second and third field values in raw data, and is calculated based on the formula: (2.116 + 2.028)/2.

Example 2: Calculate the moving average for each window of the field values for each field key in the specified measurement

> SELECT MOVING_AVERAGE(*,3) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE "location"='santa_monica' AND time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z'

name: h2o_feet
time                   moving_average_water_level

This query returns the moving average for each window of three field values for each field key that stores numeric values in the h2o_feet measurement. The h2o_feet measurement contains only the numeric water_level field.

Example 3: Calculate the moving average for each window of the field values for each field key that matches the specified regular expression

> SELECT MOVING_AVERAGE(/level/,4) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE "location"='santa_monica' AND time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z'

name: h2o_feet
time                    moving_average_water_level

This query returns the moving average for each window of four field values for each specified field key. The specified field key contains level and stores numeric values in the h2o_feet measurement.

Example 4: Calculate the moving average for each window of the field values for the specified field key by using a query that includes multiple clauses

> SELECT MOVING_AVERAGE("water_level",2) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE "location"='santa_monica' AND time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 2 OFFSET 3

name: h2o_feet
time                   moving_average

This query returns the moving average for each window of two field values for the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement. The specified time range is from 2015-08-18T00:00:00Z to 2015-08-18T00:30:00Z. The query results are sorted in descending order based on timestamps. The query limits the number of returned points to 2. The point offset is set to 3, which indicates that the first three points are not returned.

Advanced syntax

SELECT MOVING_AVERAGE(<function>([*|<field_key>|/<regular_expression>/]), N )[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause] GROUP_BY_clause [ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


The MOVING_AVERAGE() advanced syntax requires a GROUP BY time() clause and a nested InfluxQL function. The queries that use the advanced syntax first calculate the results of the nested functions based on the time intervals specified by the GROUP BY time() clauses. Then, the queries calculate the moving averages of these results.

MOVING_AVERAGE() supports the following nested functions:

  • COUNT()

  • MEAN()

  • MEDIAN()

  • MODE()

  • SUM()

  • FIRST()

  • LAST()

  • MIN()

  • MAX()


Example: Calculate the moving average of the maximum values

> SELECT MOVING_AVERAGE(MAX("water_level"),2) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE "location"='santa_monica' AND time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                   moving_average

This query returns the moving average for each window of the two largest values for the water_level field key. The largest values are calculated based on a 12-minute interval.

To obtain the results, TSDB for InfluxDB® first calculates the maximum field values of the water_level field key based on a 12-minute interval. This process returns the same result as a query if the query uses the MAX() function in combination with the GROUP BY time() clause, and does not use the MOVING_AVERAGE() function.

> SELECT MAX("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE "location"='santa_monica' AND time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                   max

Then, TSDB for InfluxDB® calculates the moving average for each window of two maximum values. In the query results, the first point 2.121 is the average of the first two maximum values, and is calculated based on the formula: (2.116 + 2.126) / 2.


Returns the non-negative change rate between field values. A non-negative change rate is a positive number or 0.

Basic syntax

SELECT NON_NEGATIVE_DERIVATIVE([*|<field_key>|/<regular_expression>/][,<unit>])[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause][GROUP_BY_clause][ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


TSDB for InfluxDB® calculates the difference between each two field values and converts the results into change rates. The change rates indicate how much the field values have changed based on the time granularity that is specified by the unit parameter. The value of the unit parameter is an integer that is suffixed by a unit of time. This parameter is optional. If you do not specify the unit parameter in your query, the unit parameter is set to the default value 1s. NON_NEGATIVE_DERIVATIVE(): returns only the change rates that are positive numbers or 0.

NON_NEGATIVE_DERIVATIVE(field_key): returns the non-negative change rates for the field values of the specified field key.

NON_NEGATIVE_DERIVATIVE(/regular_expression/): returns the non-negative change rates for the field values of each field key that matches the specified regular expression.

NON_NEGATIVE_DERIVATIVE(*): returns the non-negative change rates for the field values of each field key in the specified measurement.

The NON_NEGATIVE_DERIVATIVE() function supports INT64 and FLOAT64 field values.

The basic syntax supports the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by tag. However, it does not support the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by time. For more information about how to use NON_NEGATIVE_DERIVATIVE() functions in combination with GROUP BY time() clauses, see the "Advanced syntax" section.


For more information about the syntax examples, see the DERIVATIVE() section in this topic. The NON_NEGATIVE_DERIVATIVE() function runs in the same way as the DERIVATIVE() function. The difference is that the NON_NEGATIVE_DERIVATIVE() function returns only the change rates that are positive numbers or 0.

Advanced syntax

SELECT NON_NEGATIVE_DERIVATIVE(<function>([*|<field_key>|/<regular_expression>/])[,<unit>])[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause] GROUP_BY_clause [ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


The NON_NEGATIVE_DERIVATIVE() advanced syntax requires a GROUP BY time() clause and a nested InfluxQL function. The queries that use the advanced syntax first calculate the results of the nested functions based on the time intervals specified by the GROUP BY time() clause. Then, the queries calculate the non-negative derivatives of these results.

The value of the unit parameter is an integer that is suffixed by a unit of time. This parameter is optional. You do not need to specify the unit parameter. By default, the unit parameter is set to the time interval that is specified by the GROUP BY time() clause. Note: The default value of the unit parameter in the advanced syntax is different from that of the unit parameter in the basic syntax. NON_NEGATIVE_DERIVATIVE(): returns only the change rates that are positive numbers or 0.

NON_NEGATIVE_DERIVATIVE() supports the following nested functions:

  • COUNT()

  • MEAN()

  • MEDIAN()

  • MODE()

  • SUM()

  • FIRST()

  • LAST()

  • MIN()

  • MAX()



For more information about the syntax examples, see the DERIVATIVE() section in this topic. The NON_NEGATIVE_DERIVATIVE() function runs in the same way as the DERIVATIVE() function. The difference is that the NON_NEGATIVE_DERIVATIVE() function returns only the change rates that are positive numbers or 0.


Returns the non-negative difference between field values. A non-negative difference is a positive number or 0.

Basic syntax

SELECT NON_NEGATIVE_DIFFERENCE([*|<field_key>|/<regular_expression>/])[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause][GROUP_BY_clause][ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


NON_NEGATIVE_DIFFERENCE(field_key): returns the non-negative difference between the field values of the specified field key.

NON_NEGATIVE_DIFFERENCE(/regular_expression/): returns the non-negative difference between the field values of each field key that matches the specified regular expression.

NON_NEGATIVE_DIFFERENCE(*): returns the non-negative difference between the field values of each field key in the specified measurement.

The NON_NEGATIVE_DIFFERENCE() function supports INT64 and FLOAT64 field values.

The basic syntax supports the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by tag. However, it does not support the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by time. For more information about how to use NON_NEGATIVE_DIFFERENCE() functions in combination with GROUP BY time() clauses, see the "Advanced syntax" section.


For more information about the syntax examples, see the DIFFERENCE() section in this topic. The NON_NEGATIVE_DIFFERENCE() function runs in the same way as the DIFFERENCE() function. The difference is that the NON_NEGATIVE_DIFFERENCE() function returns only the differences that are positive numbers or 0.

Advanced syntax

SELECT NON_NEGATIVE_DIFFERENCE(<function>([*|<field_key>|/<regular_expression>/]))[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause] GROUP_BY_clause [ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


The NON_NEGATIVE_DIFFERENCE() advanced syntax requires a GROUP BY time() clause and a nested InfluxQL function. The queries that use the advanced syntax first calculate the results of the nested functions based on the time intervals that are specified by the GROUP BY time() clauses. Then, the queries calculate the non-negative differences between these results.

NON_NEGATIVE_DIFFERENCE() supports the following nested functions:

  • COUNT()

  • MEAN()

  • MEDIAN()

  • MODE()

  • SUM()

  • FIRST()

  • LAST()

  • MIN()

  • MAX()



For more information about the syntax examples, see the DIFFERENCE() section in this topic. The NON_NEGATIVE_DIFFERENCE() function runs in the same way as the DIFFERENCE() function. The difference is that the NON_NEGATIVE_DIFFERENCE() function returns only the differences that are positive numbers or 0.


Raises the specified field values to the power of x.

Basic syntax

SELECT POW([*|<field_key>],<x>)[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause][GROUP_BY_clause][ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


POW(field_key, x): raises each field value of the specified field key to the power of x.

POW(*, x): raises each field value of all the field keys in the specified measurement to the power of x.

The POW() function supports INT64 and FLOAT64 field values.

The basic syntax supports the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by tag. However, it does not support the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by time. For more information about how to use POW() functions in combination with GROUP BY time() clauses, see the "Advanced syntax" section.


The following sample data is used in the examples that are provided in this section:

> SELECT "water_level" FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  water_level

Example 1: Raise each field value of the specified field key to the power of 4

> SELECT POW("water_level",4) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  pow

This query returns the results of raising each field value of the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement to the power of 4.

Example 2: Raise each field value of all the field keys in the specified measurement to the power of 4

> SELECT POW(*,4) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  pow_water_level

This query returns the results of raising the field values of each specified field key to the power of 4. The specified field key stores numeric values in the h2o_feet measurement. The h2o_feet measurement contains only the numeric water_level field.

Example 3: Raise each field value of the specified field key to the power of 4 by using a query that includes multiple clauses

> SELECT POW("water_level",4) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 4 OFFSET 2

name: h2o_feet
time                  pow

This query returns the results of raising each field value of the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement to the power of 4. The specified time range is from 2015-08-18T00:00:00Z to 2015-08-18T00:30:00Z. The query results are sorted in descending order based on timestamps. The query limits the number of returned points to 4. The point offset is set to 2, which indicates that the first two points are not returned.

Advanced syntax

SELECT POW(<function>([*|<field_key>]),<x>)[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause] GROUP_BY_clause [ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


The POW() advanced syntax requires a GROUP BY time() clause and a nested InfluxQL function. The queries that use the advanced syntax first calculate the results of the nested functions based on the time intervals that are specified by the GROUP BY time() clauses. Then, the queries raise these results to the power of x.

POW() supports the following nested functions:

  • COUNT()

  • MEAN()

  • MEDIAN()

  • MODE()

  • SUM()

  • FIRST()

  • LAST()

  • MIN()

  • MAX()


Example: Raise the average field values of the specified field key to the power of 4

> SELECT POW(MEAN("water_level"),4) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                  pow

This query returns the results of raising each average field value to the power of 4 for the water_level field key. The average field values are calculated based a 12-minute interval.

To obtain the results, TSDB for InfluxDB® first calculates the average field values of the water_level field key based on a 12-minute interval. This process returns the same result as a query if the query uses the MEAN() function in combination with the GROUP BY time() clause, and does not use the POW() function.

> SELECT MEAN("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                   mean

Then, TSDB for InfluxDB® raises each average field value to the power of 4.


Rounds the specified field values to the nearest integers.

Basic syntax

SELECT ROUND([*|<field_key>])[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause][GROUP_BY_clause][ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


ROUND(field_key): rounds each field value of the specified field key to the nearest integer.

ROUND(*): rounds each field value of all the field keys in the specified measurement to the nearest integer.

The ROUND() function supports INT64 and FLOAT64 field values.

The basic syntax supports the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by tag. However, it does not support the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by time. For more information about how to use ROUND() functions in combination with GROUP BY time() clauses, see the "Advanced syntax" section.


The following sample data is used in the examples that are provided in this section:

> SELECT "water_level" FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  water_level

Example 1: Round each field value of the specified field key to the nearest integer

> SELECT ROUND("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  round

The ROUND() function in this query rounds each field value of the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement to the nearest integer.

Example 2: Round each field value of all the field keys in the specified measurement to the nearest integer

> SELECT ROUND(*) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  round_water_level

The ROUND() function in this query rounds each field value of the specified field keys to the nearest integer. The specified field keys store numeric values in the h2o_feet measurement. The h2o_feet measurement contains only the numeric water_level field.

Example 3: Round each field value of the specified field key to the nearest integer by using a query that includes multiple clauses

> SELECT ROUND("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 4 OFFSET 2

name: h2o_feet
time                  round

The ROUND() function in this query rounds each field value of the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement to the nearest integer. The specified time range is from 2015-08-18T00:00:00Z to 2015-08-18T00:30:00Z. The query results are sorted in descending order based on timestamps. The query limits the number of returned points to 4. The point offset is set to 2, which indicates that the first two points are not returned.

Advanced syntax

SELECT ROUND(<function>([*|<field_key>]))[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause] GROUP_BY_clause [ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


The ROUND() advanced syntax requires a GROUP BY time() clause and a nested InfluxQL function. The queries that use the advanced syntax first calculate the results of the nested functions based on the time intervals that are specified by the GROUP BY time() clauses. Then, the queries apply the ROUND() function to these results.

ROUND() supports the following nested functions:

  • COUNT()

  • MEAN()

  • MEDIAN()

  • MODE()

  • SUM()

  • FIRST()

  • LAST()

  • MIN()

  • MAX()


Example: Round each average field value to the nearest integer

> SELECT ROUND(MEAN("water_level")) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                  round

The ROUND() function in this query rounds each average field value of the water_level field key to the nearest integer. The average field values are calculated based on a 12-minute interval.

To obtain the results, TSDB for InfluxDB® first calculates the average field values of the water_level field key based on a 12-minute interval. This process returns the same result as a query if the query uses the MEAN() function in combination with the GROUP BY time() clause, and does not use the ROUND() function.

> SELECT MEAN("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                   mean

Then, TSDB for InfluxDB® rounds each average field value to the nearest integer.


Returns the sines of the field values for the specified field keys.

Basic syntax

SELECT SIN([*|<field_key>])[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause][GROUP_BY_clause][ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


SIN(field_key): returns the sines of the field values for the specified field key.

SIN(*): returns the sines of the field values for each field key in the specified measurement.

The SIN() function supports INT64 and FLOAT64 field values.

The basic syntax supports the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by tag. However, it does not support the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by time. For more information about how to use SIN() functions in combination with GROUP BY time() clauses, see the "Advanced syntax" section.


The following data in the NOAA_water_database dataset is used in the examples that are provided in this section:

> SELECT "water_level" FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  water_level

Example 1: Calculate the sines of the field values for the specified field key

> SELECT SIN("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  sin

This query returns the sines of the field values for the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement.

Example 2: Calculate the sines of the field values for each field key in the specified measurement

> SELECT SIN(*) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  sin_water_level

This query returns the sines of the field values for each field key that stores numeric values in the h2o_feet measurement. The h2o_feet measurement contains only the numeric water_level field.

Example 3: Calculate the sines of the field values for the specified field key by using a query that includes multiple clauses

> SELECT SIN("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 4 OFFSET 2

name: h2o_feet
time                  sin

This query returns the sines of the field values for the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement. The specified time range is from 2015-08-18T00:00:00Z to 2015-08-18T00:30:00Z. The query results are sorted in descending order based on timestamps. The query limits the number of returned points to 4. The point offset is set to 2, which indicates that the first two points are not returned.

Advanced syntax

SELECT SIN(<function>([*|<field_key>]))[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause] GROUP_BY_clause [ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


The SIN() advanced syntax requires a GROUP BY time() clause and a nested InfluxQL function. The queries that use the advanced syntax first calculate the results of the nested functions based on the time intervals that are specified by the GROUP BY time() clauses. Then, the queries calculate the sines of these results.

SIN() supports the following nested functions:

  • COUNT()

  • MEAN()

  • MEDIAN()

  • MODE()

  • SUM()

  • FIRST()

  • LAST()

  • MIN()

  • MAX()


Example: Calculate the sines of the average field values for the specified field key

> SELECT SIN(MEAN("water_level")) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                  sin

This query returns the sines of the average field values for the water_level field key. The average field values are calculated based on a 12-minute interval.

To obtain the results, TSDB for InfluxDB® first calculates the average field values of the water_level field key based on a 12-minute interval. This process returns the same result as a query if the query uses the MEAN() function in combination with the GROUP BY time() clause, and does not use the SIN() function.

> SELECT MEAN("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                   mean

Then, TSDB for InfluxDB® calculates the sines of the average field values.


Returns the square roots of the field values for the specified field keys.

Basic syntax

SELECT SQRT([*|<field_key>])[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause][GROUP_BY_clause][ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


SQRT(field_key): returns the square roots of the field values for the specified field key.

SQRT(*): returns the square roots of the field values for each field key in the specified measurement.

The SQRT() function supports INT64 and FLOAT64 field values.

The basic syntax supports the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by tag. However, it does not support the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by time For more information about how to use SQRT() functions in combination with GROUP BY time() clauses, see the "Advanced syntax" section.


The following data in the NOAA_water_database dataset is used in the examples that are provided in this section:

> SELECT "water_level" FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  water_level

Example 1: Calculate the square roots of the field values for the specified field key

> SELECT SQRT("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  sqrt

This query returns the square roots of the field values for the h2o_feet field key in the water_level measurement.

Example 2: Calculate the square roots of the field values for each field key in the specified measurement

> SELECT SQRT(*) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  sqrt_water_level

This query returns the square roots of the field values for each field key that stores numeric values in the h2o_feet measurement. The h2o_feet measurement contains only the numeric water_level field.

Example 3: Calculate the square roots of the field values for the specified field key by using a query that includes multiple clauses

> SELECT SQRT("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 4 OFFSET 2

name: h2o_feet
time                  sqrt

This query returns the square roots of the field values for the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement. The specified time range is from 2015-08-18T00:00:00Z to 2015-08-18T00:30:00Z. The query results are sorted in descending order based on timestamps. The query limits the number of returned points to 4. The point offset is set to 2, which indicates that the first two points are not returned.

Advanced syntax

SELECT SQRT(<function>([*|<field_key>]))[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause] GROUP_BY_clause [ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


The SQRT() advanced syntax requires a GROUP BY time() clause and a nested InfluxQL function. The queries that use the advanced syntax first calculate the results of the nested functions based on the time intervals specified by the GROUP BY time() clauses. Then, the queries calculate the square roots of these results.

SQRT() supports the following nested functions:

  • COUNT()

  • MEAN()

  • MEDIAN()

  • MODE()

  • SUM()

  • FIRST()

  • LAST()

  • MIN()

  • MAX()


Example: Calculate the square roots of the average field values for the specified field key

> SELECT SQRT(MEAN("water_level")) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                  sqrt

This query returns the square roots of the average field values that are calculated based on a 12-minute interval for the water_level field key.

To obtain the results, TSDB for InfluxDB® first calculates the average field values of the water_level field key based on a 12-minute interval. This process returns the same result as a query if the query uses the MEAN() function in combination with the GROUP BY time() clause, and does not use the SQRT() function.

> SELECT MEAN("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                   mean

Then, TSDB for InfluxDB® calculates the square roots of the average field values.


Returns the tangents of the field values for the specified field keys.

Basic syntax

SELECT TAN([*|<field_key>])[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause][GROUP_BY_clause][ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


TAN(field_key): returns the tangents of the field values for the specified field key.

TAN(*): returns the tangents of the field values for each field key in the specified measurement.

The TAN() function supports INT64 or FLOAT64 field values.

The basic syntax supports the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by tag. However, the basic syntax does not support the GROUP BY clauses that are used to group data by time. For more information about how to use TAN() functions in combination with GROUP BY time() clauses, see the "Advanced syntax" section.


The following data in the NOAA_water_database dataset is used in the examples that are provided in this section:

> SELECT "water_level" FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  water_level

Example 1: Calculate the tangents of the field values for the specified field key

> SELECT TAN("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  tan

This query returns the tangents of the field values for the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement.

Example 2: Calculate the tangents of the field values for each field key in the specified measurement

> SELECT TAN(*) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica'

name: h2o_feet
time                  tan_water_level

This query returns the tangents of the field values for each field key that stores numeric values in the h2o_feet measurement. The h2o_feet measurement contains only the numeric water_level field.

Example 3: Calculate the tangents of the field values for the specified field key by using a query that includes multiple clauses

> SELECT TAN("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 4 OFFSET 2

name: h2o_feet
time                  tan

This query returns the tangents of the field values for the water_level field key in the h2o_feet measurement. The specified time range is from 2015-08-18T00:00:00Z to 2015-08-18T00:30:00Z. The query results are sorted in descending order based on timestamps. The query limits the number of returned points to 4. The point offset is set to 2, which indicates that the first two points are not returned.

Advanced syntax

SELECT TAN(<function>([*|<field_key>]))[INTO_clause] FROM_clause [WHERE_clause] GROUP_BY_clause [ORDER_BY_clause][LIMIT_clause][OFFSET_clause][SLIMIT_clause][SOFFSET_clause]


The TAN() advanced syntax requires a GROUP BY time() clause and a nested InfluxQL function. The queries that use the advanced syntax first calculate the results of the nested functions based on the time intervals specified by the GROUP BY time() clauses. Then, the queries calculate the tangents of these results.

TAN() supports the following nested functions:

  • COUNT()

  • MEAN()

  • MEDIAN()

  • MODE()

  • SUM()

  • FIRST()

  • LAST()

  • MIN()

  • MAX()


Example: Calculate the sines of the average field values for the specified field key

> SELECT TAN(MEAN("water_level")) FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                  tan

This query returns the tangents of the average field values that are calculated based on a 12-minute interval for the water_level field key.

To obtain the results, TSDB for InfluxDB® first calculates the average field values of the water_level field key based on a 12-minute interval. This process returns the same result as a query if the query uses the MEAN() function in combination with the GROUP BY time() clause, and does not use the TAN() function.

> SELECT MEAN("water_level") FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time >='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time <='2015-08-18T00:30:00Z' AND "location"='santa_monica' GROUP BY time(12m)

name: h2o_feet
time                   mean

Then, TSDB for InfluxDB® calculates the tangents of the average field values.