You can query bills of Alibaba Cloud CDN by day or month based on your business requirements. Bills of Alibaba Cloud CDN provide billing details about data transfer (pay-by-data-transfer), bandwidth resources (pay-by-peak-bandwidth), value-added services, and log entries delivered to the specified location by the real-time log delivery feature. You can query bills to learn about the billing details and make informed business decisions. This topic describes how to query bills.


  1. Log on to the Alibaba Cloud CDN console.
  2. In the top navigation bar, choose Expenses > Bills.
  3. Query the bills.
    1. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Bill Details > Consumption by Bill. You can set Billing Cycle, enter an order number or bill number in the Order/Bill No. field, and then click Search. The system displays all bills that match the search conditions. You can select Alibaba Cloud CDN from the drop-down list in the Product Name column. You can also filter bills by Product Detail, Subscription Type, Item, and Status.
    2. Click the Billing Details tab. Set Billing Cycle, enter an instance name or an instance ID in the Instance Name or Instance ID field, and then click Search. The system displays all bills that match the search conditions. You can set Statistic Item and Statistic Period to filter bills. You can select Alibaba Cloud CDN from the drop-down list in the Product Name column. You can also filter bills by Product Detail and Subscription Type.
  4. Customize the column filter and export billing details as a comma-separated values (CSV) file.
    1. To customize the column filter, click Customize Column Options, select the columns that you want to display, and then click OK.
    2. To export billing details as a CSV file, click Export Billing Overview (CSV), select the content that you want to export, enter the CAPTCHA code, and then click OK.