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ApsaraVideo Live:Usage statistics

Last Updated:Apr 07, 2024

The usage statistics feature allows you to query the usage of resources, such as the streaming bandwidth and traffic, number of ingested streams, transcoding duration, and live stream recording. This topic describes how to view the usage details of your ApasaraVideo Live resources.

Time granularity

You can query resource usage in the ApsaraVideo Live console or by calling API operations. However, the maximum time range that you can query and the maximum period of time within which historical data is available are different. The following table describes the maximum time range to query, the period within which historical data is available, and the data delay.

  • In the ApsraVideo Live console:

    Time granularity

    Maximum time range per query

    Historical data available

    Data delay

    5 minutes

    3 days

    Last 6 months

    15 minutes

    1 hour

    31 days

    Last 6 months

    4 hours

    1 day

    31 days

    Last 6 months

    04:00 on the next day

  • Call API operations:

    Time granularity

    Maximum time range per query

    Historical data available

    Data delay

    5 minutes

    3 days

    93 days

    15 minutes

    1 hour

    31 days

    186 days

    4 hours

    1 day

    90 days

    366 days

    04:00 on the next day

Query resource usage details

ApsaraVideo Live console

  1. Log on to the ApsaraVideo Live console.
  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Data Center > Billing > Statistics-Usage.

  3. View the usage of resources.

    You can select a domain name, a region, and a time range to view the usage of the following resources. ApsaraVideo Live provides the following preset time ranges: today, yesterday, last 7 days, and last 30 days. You can also specify a custom time range.



    Streaming Bandwidth/Traffic

    Displays the traffic and bandwidth usage of a specified domain name.

    Ingested Streams

    Displays the number of ingested streams for a specified domain name.


    The number of concurrent streams is equal to the total number of inbound source streams and transcoded streams.

    Transcoding Duration

    Displays the transcoding duration for different resolutions.


    For information about the definition of transcoding template in the transcoding duration statistics, see Transcoding templates.

    Live Stream Recording

    Displays the number of live recording channels and the length of container format conversion for a specified domain name in a specified region.


    Displays the number of snapshots for a specified domain name.

    Live Stream Moderation

    Displays the number of live stream moderation jobs.

    Time Shifting

    Displays the duration and data volume of time shifting for a specified domain name.

    Stream Relay

    Displays the usage of edge stream relay and live center stream relay.

    Production Studios

    Displays the streaming output duration of production studios for a specified domain name.

    Stream Delay

    Displays the duration of stream delay for a specified domain name.

    DRM Calls

    Displays the number of Digital Rights Management (DRM) calls for a specified domain name.


    Allows you to export traffic and bandwidth usage details for your account or based on domain names.

API operations

For information about how to call API operations to query resource usage details, see Statistics-Usage.

Transcoding templates

A transcoding template type is a string that consists of the resolution, prefix, and suffix fields. The fields are separated by underscores (_). Only the resolution field is required. The prefix and suffix fields are optional.

  • Resolution

    • LD: low definition.

    • SD: standard definition.

    • HD: high definition.

    • 2K: 2K resolution.

    • 4K: 4K resolution.

    • EX: resolution higher than 4K.

  • Codec prefix

    • Null: H.264.

    • 265: H.265.

  • Profile suffix

    • Null: Narrowband HDTM 1.0.

    • S: standard quality transcoding.

    • NBHD15: Narrowband HDTM 1.5 transcoding.

    • NBHD2: Narrowband HDTM 2.0 transcoding.

    • WM: watermark-based transcoding.

    • CASTER: production studio-based transcoding.

  • Output frame rate suffix

    • Null: standard output frame rate. A standard output frame rate is no more than 30 frames per second (FPS).

    • OFH: high output frame rate. A high output frame rate is higher than 30 FPS.


  • HD :H.264, high definition, Narrowband HDTM 1.0 transcoding, and standard output frame rate.

  • 265_SD_NBHD2 :H.265, standard definition, Narrowband HDTM 2.0 transcoding, and standard output frame rate.

  • LD_S_OFH: H.264, low definition, standard quality transcoding, and high output frame rate.

What to do next

To export resource usage data, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Details tab.

  2. Click Create Export Task.002

  3. In the Create Export Task dialog box, enter the task name, select a time range, and select By Account or By Domain.


    If you select By Domain, you can select up to 100 domain names.

  4. Click OK.