The following table lists API operations available for use in PolarDB-X.

List of operations by function

Category API Description
Instance management CreateDBInstance Creates a PolarDB-X instance.
CheckHealth Checks the health status of PolarDB-X instances in a specified region.
ModifyDBInstanceMaintainTime Changes the maintenance window of a PolarDB-X instance.
DeleteDBInstance Deletes a PolarDB-X instance.
DescribeDBInstanceAttribute Queries the attributes of a specified PolarDB-X instance.
DescribeDBInstanceConfig Queries the parameters that are configured for a specified PolarDB-X instance.
DescribeDBInstanceTopology Queries the topology information of a specified PolarDB-X instance.
DescribeDBInstances Queries the details of PolarDB-X instances in a specified region.
DescribeScaleOutMigrateTaskList Queries the progress of the migration task that is performed to scale out a specified PolarDB-X instance.
DescribeTasks Queries the tasks that run on a specified PolarDB-X instance.
ModifyDBInstanceClass Modifies the specifications of a specified PolarDB-X instance.
ModifyDBInstanceConfig Modifies configuration items for a specified PolarDB-X instance.
ModifyDBInstanceDescription Modifies the description of a specified PolarDB-X instance.
ReleaseInstancePublicConnection Releases the public endpoint that is used to connect to a specified PolarDB-X instance.
RestartDBInstance Restarts a PolarDB-X instance.
UpgradeDBInstanceKernelVersion Changes the kernel version of a specified PolarDB-X instance.
UpdatePolarDBXInstanceNode Changes the number of nodes in a specified PolarDB-X instance.
DescribeBinaryLogList Queries the binary logs of a specified PolarDB-X instance.
Database management CreateDB Creates a database.
DescribeTableDetail Queries the schema of a specified table.
DeleteDB Deletes a database.
DescribeCharacterSet Queries the character sets that are supported by databases in a specified PolarDB-X instance.
DescribeDistributeTableList Queries the tables of a specified database.
ModifyDatabaseDescription Modifies the description of a specified database.
DescribeDbList Queries the details of a database that is stored in a specified PolarDB-X instance.
Region management DescribeRegions Queries the regions and zones that are supported by PolarDB-X.
Account management CreateAccount Creates a standard account.
ModifyAccountPrivilege Modifies the permissions that are granted to a specified standard account.
DisableRightsSeparation Disables the three-role mode.
EnableRightsSeparation Enables the three-role mode.
ResetAccountPassword Resets the password of a specified standard account.
CreateSuperAccount Creates a privileged account.
DeleteAccount Deletes a standard account.
DescribeAccountList Queries the details of one or more accounts that are created for a specified PolarDB-X instance.
ModifyAccountDescription Modifies the description of a specified account.
Data security AllocateInstancePublicConnection Creates a public endpoint for a specified PolarDB-X instance.
CheckCloudResourceAuthorized Queries whether the account that is used to connect to a specified PolarDB-XPolarDB-X instance is authorized to use Key Management Service (KMS).
DescribeDBInstanceTDE Queries whether Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) is enabled for a specified PolarDB-X instance.
DescribeSecurityIps Queries the details of whitelists that are created for a specified PolarDB-X instance.
DescribeUserEncryptionKeyList Queries the keys that are created by a user and used for TDE.
ModifySecurityIps Modifies the whitelists of a specified PolarDB-X instance.
UpdateDBInstanceTDE Enables TDE for a specified PolarDB-X instance.
Performance monitoring DescribeDBNodePerformance Queries the performance data of a specified PolarDB-X instance.
Parameter management DescribeModifyParameterLog Queries the parameter change log.
DescribeParameterTemplates Queries the details of parameter templates.
DescribeParameters Queries the details of configured parameters.
ModifyParameter Changes the values of the specified parameters.
SSL encryption DescribeDBInstanceSSL Queries the configuration of SSL encryption.
UpdateDBInstanceSSL Modifies the configuration of SSL encryption.