Queries zones in a specified region.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
RegionId String No cn-shanghai

The ID of the region.

Language String No zh_CN

The language. Valid values: zh_CN and en_US. The value zh_CN indicates Chinese and the value en_US indicates English.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
RequestId String F67BFFF3-F5C2-45B5-9C28-6E4A1E51449B

The ID of the request.

ZoneList Array of ZoneModel

The list of zones.

LocalName String Hangzhou Zone B

The name of the zone.

ZoneId String cn-shanghai-b

The ID of the zone.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

    <LocalName>Hangzhou Zone B</LocalName>

JSON format

    "RequestId": "F67BFFF3-F5C2-45B5-9C28-6E4A1E51449B",
    "ZoneList": [
            "ZoneId": "cn-shanghai-b",
            "LocalName": "Hangzhou Zone B"

Error codes

For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.