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:Implement load balancing among gRPC servers

Last Updated:Jun 05, 2023

Service Mesh (ASM) allows you to evenly distribute requests to gRPC servers that uses different programming languages. This topic describes how to deploy a gRPC service in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster to implement load balancing among gRPC servers. This topic also describes how to verify the load balancing effect.

Background information

In this topic, four gRPC clients also use different programming languages. Assume that the gRPC clients call the grpc-server-svc.grpc-best.svc.cluster.local service that is specified by the GRPC_SERVER variable. When ASM receives the internal requests, it evenly routes the requests to the four gRPC servers. In addition, you can configure an ingress gateway to route external requests to the four gRPC servers based on a load balancing policy. Diagram of the load balancing process

Sample project

For information about the sample project of gRPC, download hello-servicemesh-grpc. The directories in this topic are the directories of hello-servicemesh-grpc.


The image repository in this topic is for reference only. Use an image script to build and push images to your self-managed image repository. For more information about the image script, see hello-servicemesh-grpc.

Step 1: Create a gRPC service on the gRPC servers

In this example, a gRPC service named grpc-server-svc is created on all gRPC servers.


The value of the parameter must start with grpc.

  1. Create a grpc-server-svc file that contains the following content:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      namespace: grpc-best
      name: grpc-server-svc
        app: grpc-server-svc
        - port: 9996
          name: grpc-port
        app: grpc-server-deploy
  2. Run the following command to create the gRPC service:

    kubectl apply -f grpc-server-svc.yaml

Step 2: Create a Deployment on each gRPC server

The following steps show you how to use the grpc-server-node.yaml file of a Node.js language gRPC server to create a Deployment on the gRPC server. For more information about the Deployments for gRPC servers in other languages, see the hello-servicemesh-grpc file downloaded in the Sample project section.


You must set the app label to grpc-server-deploy for the four Deployments on the gRPC servers to match the selector of the gRPC service that you created in Step 1. Each of the Deployments on the four gRPC servers in different languages must have a unique version label.

  1. Create a grpc-server-node YAML file that contains the following content:

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      namespace: grpc-best
      name: grpc-server-node
        app: grpc-server-deploy
        version: v3
      replicas: 1
          app: grpc-server-deploy
          version: v3
            app: grpc-server-deploy
            version: v3
            - name: grpc-server-deploy
              imagePullPolicy: Always
                - containerPort: 9996
                  name: grpc-port
  2. Run the following command to create the Deployment:

    kubectl apply -f grpc-server-node.yaml

Step 3: Create a Deployment on each gRPC client

The Deployments for the gRPC clients and those for gRPC servers are different in the following aspects:

  • The gRPC servers continuously run after they are started. The gRPC clients stop running when the requests are complete. Therefore, an endless loop is required to keep client-side containers from stopping.

  • You must set the GRPC_SERVER variable on the gRPC clients. When the pod of a gRPC client is started, the value of the GRPC_SERVER variable is passed to the gRPC client.

You must create a Deployment on each of the four gRPC clients. The following steps show you how to use the grpc-client-go.yaml file of a Go language gRPC client to create a Deployment on the gRPC client.

  1. Create a grpc-client-go file that contains the following content:

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      namespace: grpc-best
      name: grpc-client-go
        app: grpc-client-go
      replicas: 1
          app: grpc-client-go
            app: grpc-client-go
            - name: grpc-client-go
              command: ["/bin/sleep", "3650d"]
                - name: GRPC_SERVER
                  value: "grpc-server-svc.grpc-best.svc.cluster.local"
              imagePullPolicy: Always
  2. Run the following command to create the Deployment:

    kubectl apply -f grpc-client-go.yaml

The command: ["/bin/sleep", "3650d"] line indicates the command that is executed to keep the pod of the Go language gRPC client running in sleep mode after the pod is started. The GRPC_SERVER variable in env is set to grpc-server-svc.grpc-best.svc.cluster.local.

Step 4: Deploy the gRPC service and the Deployments

  1. Run the following commands to create a namespace named grpc-best in the ACK cluster:

    alias k="kubectl --kubeconfig $USER_CONFIG"
    k create ns grpc-best
  2. Run the following command to enable automatic sidecar injection for the namespace:

    k label ns grpc-best istio-injection=enabled
  3. Run the following commands to deploy the gRPC service and the eight Deployments:

    kubectl apply -f grpc-svc.yaml
    kubectl apply -f deployment/grpc-server-java.yaml
    kubectl apply -f deployment/grpc-server-python.yaml
    kubectl apply -f deployment/grpc-server-go.yaml
    kubectl apply -f deployment/grpc-server-node.yaml
    kubectl apply -f deployment/grpc-client-java.yaml
    kubectl apply -f deployment/grpc-client-python.yaml
    kubectl apply -f deployment/grpc-client-go.yaml
    kubectl apply -f deployment/grpc-client-node.yaml

Verify the result

Use pods to verify the load balancing of the gRPC service

You can verify load balancing among gRPC servers by sending requests from the pods of the gRPC clients to the gRPC service on the gRPC servers.

  1. Run the following commands to obtain the names of the pods of the four gRPC clients:

    client_java_pod=$(k get pod -l app=grpc-client-java -n grpc-best -o jsonpath={})
    client_go_pod=$(k get pod -l app=grpc-client-go -n grpc-best -o jsonpath={})
    client_node_pod=$(k get pod -l app=grpc-client-node -n grpc-best -o jsonpath={})
    client_python_pod=$(k get pod -l app=grpc-client-python -n grpc-best -o jsonpath={})
  2. Run the following commands to send requests from the pods of the gRPC clients to the gRPC service on the four gRPC servers:

    k exec "$client_java_pod" -c grpc-client-java -n grpc-best -- java -jar /grpc-client.jar
    k exec "$client_go_pod" -c grpc-client-go -n grpc-best -- ./grpc-client
    k exec "$client_node_pod" -c grpc-client-node -n grpc-best -- node proto_client.js
    k exec "$client_python_pod" -c grpc-client-python -n grpc-best -- sh /grpc-client/
  3. Use a FOR loop to verify load balancing among the gRPC servers. In this example, the Node.js language gRPC client is used.

    for ((i = 1; i <= 100; i++)); do
    kubectl exec "$client_node_pod" -c grpc-client-node -n grpc-best -- node kube_client.js > kube_result
    sort kube_result | grep -v "^[[:space:]]*$" | uniq -c | sort -nrk1

    Expected output:

      26 Talk:PYTHON
      25 Talk:NODEJS
      25 Talk:GOLANG
      24 Talk:JAVA

    The output indicates that the four gRPC servers where the gRPC service is deployed receive an approximate number of requests. The load balancing result indicates that ASM can route external requests to the four gRPC servers on which the gRPC service is deployed based on a load balancing policy.

Use an ingress gateway to verify load balancing of the gRPC service

You can verify load balancing among gRPC servers by using an ingress gateway.

  1. Create an ingress gateway that exposes the port 9996.

    For more information, see Create an ingress gateway service.

  2. Use the following YAML code to create an Istio gateway:

    For more information, see Manage Istio gateways.

    kind: Gateway
      namespace: grpc-best
      name: grpc-gateway
        istio: ingressgateway
        - port:
            number: 9996
            name: grpc
            protocol: GRPC
            - "*"
  3. Use the following YAML code to create a virtual service:

    For more information, see Manage virtual services.

    kind: VirtualService
      namespace: grpc-best
      name: grpc-vs
      - "*"
      - grpc-gateway
      - route:
        - destination:
            host: grpc-server-svc.grpc-best.svc.cluster.local
              number: 9996
  4. Run the following command to obtain the IP address of the ingress gateway:

    INGRESS_IP=$(k -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
  5. Use a FOR loop to verify load balancing among the gRPC servers.

    docker run -d --name grpc_client_node -e GRPC_SERVER="${INGRESS_IP}" /bin/sleep 3650d
    client_node_container=$(docker ps -q)
    docker exec -e GRPC_SERVER="${INGRESS_IP}" -it "$client_node_container" node kube_client.js
    for ((i = 1; i <= 100; i++)); do
    docker exec -e GRPC_SERVER="${INGRESS_IP}" -it "$client_node_container" node kube_client.js >> kube_result
    sort kube_result | grep -v "^[[:space:]]*$" | uniq -c | sort -nrk1

    Expected output:

      26 Talk:PYTHON
      25 Talk:NODEJS
      25 Talk:GOLANG
      24 Talk:JAVA

    The output indicates that the four gRPC servers where the gRPC service is deployed receive an approximate number of requests. The load balancing result indicates that ASM can route external requests to the four gRPC servers on which the gRPC service is deployed based on a load balancing policy.