PolarDB-X 1.0 supports global secondary indexes (GSIs). This topic describes how to use the SHOW GLOBAL INDEX statement to view the GSIs that have been created or are being created.


SHOW GLOBAL {INDEX | INDEXES} [FROM [schema_name.]tbl_name]

schema_name and tbl_name are optional and are used to filter table names or view table information in other databases.

show global index; # Queries the GSIs of all tables in the current database.
show global index from xxx_tb; # Queries the GSI of xxx_tb in the current database.
show global index from xxx_db.xxx_tb; # Queries the GSI of xxx_tb in xxx_db. This is a cross-database query.


mysql> show global index;
| SCHEMA              | TABLE                | NON_UNIQUE | KEY_NAME                      | INDEX_NAMES                | COVERING_NAMES                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           | INDEX_TYPE | DB_PARTITION_KEY | DB_PARTITION_POLICY | DB_PARTITION_COUNT | TB_PARTITION_KEY | TB_PARTITION_POLICY | TB_PARTITION_COUNT | STATUS   |
| XXXX_DRDS_LOCAL_APP | full_gsi_ddl_renamed | 1          | g_i_c_ddl_c_blob_long_renamed | c_blob_long                | id, c_bit_1, c_bit_8, c_bit_16, c_bit_32, c_bit_64, c_tinyint_1, c_tinyint_1_un, c_tinyint_4, c_tinyint_4_un, c_tinyint_8, c_tinyint_8_un, c_smallint_16, c_smallint_16_un, c_mediumint_1, c_mediumint_24, c_mediumint_24_un, c_int_1, c_int_32, c_int_32_un, c_bigint_1, c_bigint_64, c_bigint_64_un, c_decimal, c_decimal_pr, c_float, c_float_pr, c_float_un, c_double, c_double_pr, c_double_un, c_date, c_datetime, c_datetime_3, c_datetime_6, c_timestamp_1, c_timestamp_3, c_time, c_time_1, c_time_3, c_time_6, c_year, c_year_4, c_char, c_varchar, c_binary, c_varbinary, c_blob_tiny, c_blob_medium, c_text_tiny, c_text, c_text_medium, c_text_long, c_enum, c_set, c_json, c_point, c_linestring, c_polygon, c_multipoint, c_multilinestring, c_multipolygon, c_geometrycollection, c_geometory                            | NULL       | c_blob_long      | HASH                | 4                  | c_blob_long      | HASH                | 3                  | PUBLIC   |
| XXXX_DRDS_LOCAL_APP | full_gsi_ddl_renamed | 1          | g_i_c_ddl_c_mediumint_1       | c_mediumint_1              | id, c_bit_1, c_bit_8, c_bit_16, c_bit_32, c_bit_64, c_tinyint_1, c_tinyint_1_un, c_tinyint_4, c_tinyint_4_un, c_tinyint_8, c_tinyint_8_un, c_smallint_16, c_smallint_16_un, c_mediumint_24, c_mediumint_24_un, c_int_1, c_int_32, c_int_32_un, c_bigint_1, c_bigint_64, c_bigint_64_un, c_decimal, c_decimal_pr, c_float, c_float_pr, c_float_un, c_double, c_double_pr, c_double_un, c_date, c_datetime, c_datetime_3, c_datetime_6, c_timestamp_1, c_timestamp_3, c_time, c_time_1, c_time_3, c_time_6, c_year, c_year_4, c_char, c_varchar, c_binary, c_varbinary, c_blob_tiny, c_blob_medium, c_blob_long, c_text_tiny, c_text, c_text_medium, c_text_long, c_enum, c_set, c_json, c_point, c_linestring, c_polygon, c_multipoint, c_multilinestring, c_multipolygon, c_geometrycollection, c_geometory, c_smallint_1, c_timestamp_6 | NULL       | c_mediumint_1    | HASH                | 4                  | c_mediumint_1    | HASH                | 3                  | PUBLIC   |
| XXXX_DRDS_LOCAL_APP | full_gsi_ddl_renamed | 1          | g_i_c_ddl_c_smallint_16_un    | c_smallint_16_un, c_time_1 | id, c_bit_1, c_bit_8, c_bit_16, c_bit_32, c_bit_64, c_tinyint_1, c_tinyint_1_un, c_tinyint_4, c_tinyint_4_un, c_tinyint_8, c_tinyint_8_un, c_smallint_16, c_mediumint_1, c_mediumint_24, c_mediumint_24_un, c_int_1, c_int_32, c_int_32_un, c_bigint_1, c_bigint_64, c_bigint_64_un, c_decimal, c_decimal_pr, c_float, c_float_pr, c_float_un, c_double, c_double_pr, c_double_un, c_date, c_datetime, c_datetime_3, c_datetime_6, c_timestamp_1, c_timestamp_3, c_time, c_time_3, c_time_6, c_year, c_year_4, c_char, c_varchar, c_binary, c_varbinary, c_blob_tiny, c_blob_medium, c_blob_long, c_text_tiny, c_text, c_text_medium, c_text_long, c_enum, c_set, c_json, c_point, c_linestring, c_polygon, c_multipoint, c_multilinestring, c_multipolygon, c_geometrycollection, c_geometory                                           | NULL       | c_smallint_16_un | HASH                | 4                  | c_smallint_16_un | HASH                | 3                  | PUBLIC   |
| XXXX_DRDS_LOCAL_APP | t_order              | 0          | g_i_seller                    | seller_id                  | id, order_id                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             | HASH       | seller_id        | HASH                | 4                  | seller_id        | HASH                | 2                  | CREATING |
4 rows in set (0.01 sec)
Table 1. List of column names
Column name Description
SCHEMA The name of the database.
TABLE The name of the table.
NON_UNIQUE Indicates whether the index is a unique GSI. Valid values:
  • 1: a common GSI
  • 0: a unique GSI
KEY_NAME The name of the index.
INDEX_NAMES The index column.
COVERING_NAMES The covering column.
INDEX_TYPE The index type. Valid values:
  • NULL: not specified
  • HASH
DB_PARTITION_KEY The database shard key.
DB_PARTITION_POLICY The database sharding function.
DB_PARTITION_COUNT The number of database shards.
TB_PARTITION_KEY The table shard key.
TB_PARTITION_POLICY The table sharding function.
TB_PARTITION_COUNT The number of table shards.
STATUS The current status of the index. Valid values: