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Platform For AI:Billing example of Machine Learning Designer

Last Updated:Apr 03, 2024

This topic describes how to calculate the fees for Machine Learning Designer (formerly known as Machine Learning Studio). In this topic, the Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis (PLDA) component is used as an example.

Background information

A pipeline in Machine Learning Designer of Platform for AI (PAI) consists of multiple algorithm components. An algorithm component is composed of multiple subtasks. To calculate the fees for a pipeline, you need to calculate the fees of the subtasks in each algorithm component and then add the fees of all components that are used in the pipeline.


  1. Determine the category of an algorithm component.

    1. Log on to the PAI console.

    2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Workspaces. On the Workspaces page, click the name of the workspace that you want to manage.

    3. Choose Model Development and Training > Visual Modeling (Designer).

    4. On the Pipelines page, select a pipeline and click Open to go to the canvas.

    5. In the component list, the PLDA component is in the Natural Language Processing folder. The price of the PLDA component is USD 0.27 per billable hour.


  2. View the resources consumed for the job.

    1. On the canvas, right-click the PLDA component.

    2. In the menu that appears, click View Log.

    3. On the Log-PLDA tab, click a hyperlink. Each hyperlink corresponds to a subtask.


    4. On the LogView page, click the SourceXML tab.

    5. In the TaskPlan section, view the value of the CPU and Memory fields.查看资源

      • The number of used CPU cores is calculated by dividing the value of the CPU field by 100. In this example, 1 CPU core is used to run the job.

      • The unit of the Memory field is MB. In this example, 1 GB of memory is used to run the job.

    6. On the LogView page, click the Job Details tab.

    7. Click the task object on the AlgoTask_0_0 tab. In the section that appears, click the Terminated tab. The Latency field indicates the running duration of each job.任务详情

      In this example, the subtask has 49 jobs, and each job runs for approximately 26 seconds.

  3. Calculate the fee of the subtask.

    1. Calculate the number of billable hours used in the subtask. For information about how to calculate the number of billable hours, see Billing of Designer.

      Number of billable hours used in the subtask = Max (Number of CPU cores × Usage duration, Memory size × Usage duration/4) = Max [49 × 1 × (26/3,600), 49 × 1 × 26/3,600/4] ≈ 0.35 billable hours

      The subtask consumes approximately 0.35 billable hours.

    2. Calculate the fee of the subtask.

      Subtask fee = Number of billable hours × Unit price = 0.35 × 0.27 ≈ USD 0.095

      The subtask costs approximately USD 0.095.

  4. Calculate the total fee of all subtasks running in the PLDA component.

  5. Add the fees of all subtasks to calculate the fee of the PLDA component.

  6. Repeat the preceding steps to calculate the fees of all components used in the pipeline.

  7. Add the fees of all components to calculate the fee for the pipeline.