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Hologres:Functions to manage the SPM

Last Updated:Jul 26, 2023

This topic describes the functions that you can call to manage the simple permission model (SPM) in Hologres.

Overview of functions

The SPM supports the following functions:

  • spm_enable: enables the SPM.

  • spm_migrate: transfers the ownership of existing objects such as internal tables, views, and foreign tables in a database to the developers who are specified in the SPM.

  • spm_create_user: creates a user who has only permissions to connect to a Hologres instance. To manage databases in the instance, the user must be granted the required permissions.

  • spm_grant: adds a user to a user group.

  • spm_revoke: removes a user from a user group.

  • spm_disable: disables the SPM for a database.

  • spm_cleanup: deletes user groups of a database after the SPM is disabled.


  • Description

    spm_enable: enables the SPM.

    After you call the spm_enable function to enable the SPM for a database, the system creates the <db>_admin, <db>_developer, <db>_writer, and <db>_viewer groups for the database.

  • Syntax

    CALL spm_enable();

    To call the spm_enable function, you must be a superuser of the Hologres instance.

  • Usage notes

    After you call the spm_enable function to enable the SPM for a database, the following changes occur to the permissions of users:

    • All permissions on the database are revoked from the PUBLIC group. This prevents unauthorized users from connecting to the database.

    • All permissions on all schemas of the database are revoked from the PUBLIC group.

    • Users who are added to the <db>_admin, <db>_developer, <db>_writer, and <db>_viewer groups have permissions to connect to the database.

    • Users who are added to the <db>_admin group become the owners of the database and all the schemas of the database.

    • Users who are added to the <db>_developer, <db>_writer, and <db>_viewer groups have the USAGE permission on all the schemas of the database. Users who are added to the <db>_developer group also have the CREATE permission on all the schemas of the database.

    • Users who are added to the <db>_admin and <db>_developer groups have permissions to create objects. Users who are added to the <db>_developer group are the owners of these objects. Users who are added to the <db>_writer group have read and write permissions on these objects, and users who are added to the <db>_viewer group have read-only permissions on these objects.


  • Description

    spm_migrate: transfers the ownership of existing objects such as internal tables, views, and foreign tables in a database to the developers who are specified in the SPM.

  • Syntax

    CALL spm_migrate( [ batch_size ] );

    The following table describes the parameter in the syntax.



    Valid value


    The maximum number of objects that can be migrated at a time.

    If you set this parameter to 0, the maximum number of objects that can be migrated at a time is specified by the max_locks_per_transaction parameter.

    The value of the batch_size parameter must fall into the closed interval [0, max_locks_per_transaction]. Otherwise, this parameter is invalid. The maximum value of the max_locks_per_transaction parameter is 64.

    If the ownership of thousands of or even tens of thousands of objects needs to be transferred, you must repeatedly call the spm_migrate function until the ownership of all the objects is transferred.

    In addition, we recommend that you join the Hologres DingTalk group to ask engineers to increase the maximum value of the max_locks_per_transaction parameter before you call the function. For more information about how to join the Hologres DingTalk group, see Obtain online support for Hologres.

  • Usage notes

    • After you call the spm_migrate function in a database, if the DONE BUT NOT COMPLETED message is returned, the ownership of part of objects is not transferred. You must call the spm_migrate function again.

    • When the COMPLETED message is returned, the ownership of all the objects is transferred.

  • Sample statements

    CALL spm_migrate(); // Transfer the ownership of objects of which the number is no more than the value of the max_locks_per_transaction parameter at a time. 
    CALL spm_migrate(128); // Transfer the ownership of 128 objects at a time.


  • Description

    spm_create_user: creates a user to connect to a Hologres instance. After you call this function to create a user, the user has only logon permissions. To allow the user to perform data development, you must grant specific permissions to the user.


    To call the spm_create_user function, you must be a superuser or a member of the <db>_admin group of the database.

  • Syntax

    CALL spm_create_user( user_name [, role_name] );

    The following table describes the parameters in the syntax.




    The name of the user that you want to create. The name must meet the following format requirements:

    • The ID or display name of an Alibaba Cloud account, such as 13432193xxxx or

    • The UID of a RAM user prefixed with p4_ or the display name of the RAM user, such as p4_202338382183xxx or RAM$mainaccount:subuser.


    The group to which the user is to be added. You can add the user to one of the following groups based on your business requirements:

    • {db}_admin

    • {db}_developer

    • {db}_writer

    • {db}_viewer

  • Sample statements

    CALL spm_create_user('');
    CALL spm_create_user('RAM$my_test:mysubuser', 'mydb_developer');
    CALL spm_create_user('13532313103042xxx');
    CALL spm_create_user('p4_23319103042xxx', 'mydb_admin');


  • Description

    spm_grant: adds a user to one of the following user groups of a database: <db>_admin, <db>_developer, <db>_writer, and <db>_viewer.


    To call the spm_grant function, you must be a superuser or a member of the <db>_admin group of the database.

  • Syntax

    CALL spm_grant( role_name, user_name );

    The following table describes the parameters in the syntax.




    The group to which the user is to be added. You can add the user to one of the following groups based on your business requirements:

    • {db}_admin

    • {db}_developer

    • {db}_writer

    • {db}_viewer

    For more information about the permissions of user groups, see Overview.


    The name of the user that you want to add to the specified user group. The name must meet the following format requirements:

    • The ID or display name of an Alibaba Cloud account, such as 13432193xxxx or

    • The UID of a RAM user prefixed with p4_ or the display name of the RAM user, such as p4_202338382183xxx or RAM$mainaccount:subuser.

  • Usage notes

    • You can call the spm_grant function only in a database for which the SPM is enabled.

    • The value of the user_name parameter must be the account ID or display name of an Alibaba Cloud account or a RAM user.

    • The value of the role_name parameter must be in one of the following formats: <db>_admin, <db>_developer, <db>_writer, and <db>_viewer.

  • Sample statements

    CALL spm_grant('mydb_developer', 'p4_202338382183xxx');// Add the specified RAM user to the mydb_developer group. 
    CALL spm_grant('mydb_admin', 'RAM$my_test:xxx');// Add the specified RAM user to the mydb_admin group. 
    CALL spm_grant('otherdb_admin', '13532313103042xxx'); // This function fails to call because you can add a user only to a group of the current database. To add a user to a group of another database, connect to the database and call the spm_grant function.


  • Description

    spm_revoke: removes a user from the <db>_admin, <db>_developer, <db>_writer, or <db>_viewer group of a database.


    To call the spm_revoke function, you must be a superuser or a member of the <db>_admin group of the database.

  • Syntax

    CALL spm_revoke( role_name, user_name );
  • Usage notes

    • You can call the spm_revoke function only in a database for which the SPM is enabled.

    • The value of the user_name parameter must be the account ID or display name of an Alibaba Cloud account or a RAM user.

    • The value of the role_name parameter must be in one of the following formats: <db>_admin, <db>_developer, <db>_writer, and <db>_viewer.

  • Sample statements

    CALL spm_revoke('mydb_developer', 'p4_202338382183xxx');// Remove the specified RAM user from the mydb_developer group. 
    CALL spm_revoke('mydb_admin', 'RAM$my_test:xxx');// Remove the specified RAM user from the mydb_admin group. 
    CALL spm_revoke('otherdb_admin', '13532313103042xxx'); // This function fails to call because you can remove a user only from a group of the current database. To remove a user from a group of another database, connect to the database and call the spm_revoke function.


  • Description

    spm_disable: disables the SPM for a database.


    To call the spm_disable function, you must be a superuser.

  • Syntax

    CALL spm_disable();
  • Usage notes

    After you disable the SPM for a database, the following changes occur to the permissions of users:

    • The <db>_admin, <db>_developer, <db>_writer, and <db>_viewer groups are retained. You can execute authorization statements in the standard PostgreSQL authorization model to add users to these user groups. Members in the <db>_developer group are still the owners of the database.

    • The CONNECT and TEMPORARY permissions on the database are granted to the PUBLIC group.

    • The USAGE and CREATE permissions on the public schema of the database are granted to the PUBLIC group.

    • The EXECUTE permission on the functions and procedures of the public schema in the database is granted to the PUBLIC group.

    • The USAGE permission on the user-defined languages of the database is granted to the PUBLIC group.

    • The USAGE permission on the user-defined types of the database is granted to the PUBLIC group.

  • Sample statement

    CALL spm_disable();


  • Description

    spm_cleanup: deletes the <db>_admin, <db>_developer, <db>_writer, and <db>_viewer groups of a database after the SPM is disabled.


    To call the spm_cleanup function, you must be a superuser.

  • Syntax

    CALL spm_cleanup( db_name [, batch_size ] );

    The following table describes the parameters in the syntax.



    Valid value


    The name of the database for which you want to delete user groups. If the database name contains special characters or uppercase letters, enclose the name by using double quotation marks (" "). Example: "MYDB".



    The maximum number of objects that can be migrated at a time.

    If you set this parameter to 0, the maximum number of objects that can be migrated at a time is specified by the max_locks_per_transaction parameter.

    The value of the batch_size parameter must fall into the closed interval [0, max_locks_per_transaction]. Otherwise, this parameter is invalid.

    If the ownership of thousands of or even tens of thousands of objects needs to be transferred, you must repeatedly call the spm_migrate function until the ownership of all the objects is transferred.

    In addition, we recommend that you join the Hologres DingTalk group to ask engineers to increase the maximum value of the max_locks_per_transaction parameter before you call the function. For more information about how to join the Hologres DingTalk group, see Obtain online support for Hologres.

  • Usage notes

    • After you call the spm_cleanup function in a database, if the DONE BUT NOT COMPLETED message is returned, the ownership of part of objects is not transferred, and no user groups are deleted. You must call the spm_cleanup function again.

    • When the COMPLETED message is returned, the ownership of all the objects is transferred, and the user groups are deleted.

  • Sample statements

    CALL spm_cleanup('mydb'); // Delete all user groups of the specified database and transfer the ownership of objects of which the number is no more than the value of the max_locks_per_transaction parameter at a time to the current user who calls this function. 
    CALL spm_cleanup('mydb', 128);// Delete all user groups of the specified database and transfer the ownership of 128 objects at a time to the current user who calls this function.

    • Scenario 1: Delete a database and then user groups of the database.

      drop database mydb;
      CALL spm_cleanup('mydb');  // You can delete user groups of a deleted database at a time.

    • Scenario 2: Delete user groups of an existing database. In this case, you must connect to the database.

       CALL spm_cleanup('otherdb');
      ERROR:  Permission Denied. execute in database otherdb, or drop database before call spm_cleanup.

Permissions on calling SPM functions

The following table describes the permissions on calling SPM functions that are granted to different user groups.





db_developer | db_writer | db_viewer


Enables the SPM.


Not granted

Not granted


Disables the SPM.


Not granted

Not granted


Adds a user to a user group.



Not granted


Removes a user from a user group.



Not granted


Transfers the ownership of all tables and table-like objects in a database to the specified developers after the SPM is enabled for the database.



Not granted


Deletes all user groups of a database.


Not granted

Not granted


Creates a user and grants the user only permissions to connect to a Hologres instance.



Not granted

Restricted statements in the SPM

The SPM limits the usage of part of statements related to permissions, as described in the following table.



alter table owner to xx

After you enable the SPM for a database, the ownership of all tables under schemas of the database is automatically transferred to the members of the <db>_developer group. You are not allowed to transfer the ownership of these tables.


You can call the spm_grant function to add a user to a user group. In this case, you no longer need to execute the GRANT statement.


You can call the spm_revoke function to remove a user from a user group. In this case, you no longer need to execute the REVOKE statement.

alter default privileges

In the standard PostgreSQL authorization model, you can grant users the permissions only on existing tables and objects. To enable users to manage new tables and objects, you must grant them the required permissions again. In the SPM, you can add users to user groups to grant them the required permissions on all tables or objects of the specified types, including objects and tables of these types created in the future.

create role / drop role / alter role / alter role set default user groups

You are not allowed to execute these statements to manage the <db>_admin, <db>_developer, <db>_writer, and <db>_viewer groups. These user groups are generated by the system when the SPM is enabled and cannot be created or modified by users, including superusers.

rename to/from default user groups

You are not allowed to execute these statements to rename the <db>_admin, <db>_developer, <db>_writer, and <db>_viewer groups. These user groups are generated by the system when the SPM is enabled.