Queries the database shards of an PolarDB-X 1.0 instance.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Yes DescribeDrdsShardingDbs

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeDrdsShardingDbs.

DrdsInstanceId String Yes drdshbgaf3c63qbo

The ID of the PolarDB-X 1.0 instance whose database shards you want to query.

DbName String Yes drds_test

The name of the database whose shards you want to query.

DbNamePattern String No test

The matching pattern of the database name.

PageNumber Long No 1

The page number of the returned page.

PageSize Long No 20

The number of database shards returned on each page.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
Success Boolean true

Indicates whether the request is successful.

RequestId String 509BDE17-505A-4B3B-854D-30D3F092502F

The ID of the request.

ShardingDbs Array of ShardingDb

The list of returned database shards.

MinPoolSize Integer 5

The minimum size of the connection pool.

MaxPoolSize Integer 60

The maximum size of the connection pool.

DbInstanceId String rm-bp1hjzn0yv5j2****

The ID of the Apsara RDS for MySQL instance that is used as the storage of the database shard.

ConnectUrl String

The URL that is used to access the Apsara RDS for MySQL instance.

GroupName String TEMP1_1568171495522SABE_KUP4_0000

The name of group on which the database shard is stored.

DbType String mysql

The engine of the database.

IdleTimeOut Integer 30

The timeout period of an idle connection.

ShardingDbName String temp1_zhk1_0000

The name of the database shard.

BlockingTimeout Integer 5000

The timeout period for a transaction to wait for the release of the data lock.

PreparedStatementCacheSize Integer 0

The size of cache for the returned results.

ConnectionProperties String connectTimeout=3000;autoReconnect=true;failOverReadOnly=false;socketTimeout=900000;rewriteBatchedStatements=true;characterEncoding=utf8

The properties of the connection string.

UserName String pg284mi8

The username that is used to connect to the ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance.

DbStatus String running

The status of the database.

PageNumber String 1

The page number of the returned page.

PageSize String 20

The number of database shards returned per page.

Total String 1

The number of returned database shards.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "Success" : true,
  "RequestId" : "509BDE17-505A-4B3B-854D-30D3F092502F",
  "ShardingDbs" : [ {
    "MinPoolSize" : 5,
    "MaxPoolSize" : 60,
    "DbInstanceId" : "rm-bp1hjzn0yv5j2****",
    "ConnectUrl" : "",
    "GroupName" : "TEMP1_1568171495522SABE_KUP4_0000",
    "DbType" : "mysql",
    "IdleTimeOut" : 30,
    "ShardingDbName" : "temp1_zhk1_0000",
    "BlockingTimeout" : 5000,
    "PreparedStatementCacheSize" : 0,
    "ConnectionProperties" : "connectTimeout=3000;autoReconnect=true;failOverReadOnly=false;socketTimeout=900000;rewriteBatchedStatements=true;characterEncoding=utf8",
    "UserName" : "pg284mi8",
    "DbStatus" : "running"
  } ],
  "PageNumber" : "1",
  "PageSize" : "20",
  "Total" : "1"

Error codes

HttpCode Error code Error message Description
400 ActionUnauthorized The specified action is not available for you The error message returned because you are not authorized to perform this operation. Grant the required permissions to the RAM user first.
500 InternalError The request processing has failed due to some unknown error. The error message returned because an internal error has occurred and the request failed.

For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.