Queries the details of a PolarDB-X 1.0 instance.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Yes DescribeDrdsInstance

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeDrdsInstance.

DrdsInstanceId String Yes drdshbga1138****

The ID of the instance that you want to query.

RegionId String Yes cn-hangzhou

The ID of the region in which the instance is created.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
Success Boolean true

Indicates whether the request is successful.

RequestId String B4F76641-BA45-4320-BE7C-9C62CFDAC9B2

The ID of the request.

Data Object

The details of the instance.

Type String PRIVATE

The type of the instance. Valid values: PRIVATE and PUBLIC. The value of PRIVATE indicates that the instance is a dedicated instance. The value of PUBLIC indicates that the instance is a shared instance.

Status String RUN

The state of the instance.

CreateTime Long 1568620311000

The timestamp that indicates when the instance is created.

VersionAction String Upgradeable

Indicates whether the version of the instance can be upgraded.

StorageType String RDS

The type of the instance used for storage.

NetworkType String CLASSIC

The network type of the instance. Valid values: CLASSIC and VPC.

Label String NORMAL

The tag of the instance. Valid values:

  • NORMAL: The instance is a standard instance.
  • HA: The instance is a high-availability (HA) instance.
  • VPC: The instance is a VPC-based instance.
MysqlVersion Integer 5

The MySQL version that is supported by the instance.

InstanceSpec String drds.sn2.4c16g.8C32G

The specification of the instance.

VpcCloudInstanceId String drdssen12****

The ID of the instance that is deployed in the VPC.

Description String drds_test

The description of the instance.

Version Long 0

The version of the instance. The value of this parameter is 0.

ExpireDate Long 4724323200000

The timestamp that indicates when the instance expires.

MasterInstanceId String drdssen1243as

The ID of the primary instance.

Note This parameter is returned only when the instance is a primary instance.
CommodityCode String drdsPost

The commodity code of the instance.

MachineType String ecs

The machine type of the instance. The value of this parameter is ecs.

InstanceSeries String drds.sn2.4c16g

The instance series of the instance.

ProductVersion String 5.3.*

The version of .

RegionId String cn-hangzhou

The ID of the region in which the instance is created.

ResourceGroupId String NULL

The ID of the resource group to which the instance belongs. The value of this parameter can be null.

DrdsInstanceId String drdssen1243as

The ID of the instance.

ZoneId String cn-hangzhou-e

The ID of the zone in which the instance is located.

InstRole String MASTER

The role of the instance. Valid values:

  • MASTER: The instance is a primary instance.
  • SLAVE: The instance is a read-only instance to analyze complex queries
  • SLAVE_FLOW: The instance is a read-only instance for high-concurrency scenarios
OrderInstanceId String drdssen12****

The ID of the purchased instance.

Vips Array of Vip

The list of returned virtual IP addresses (VIPs).

Type String intranet

The type of the VIP. Valid values: intranet and internet.

VpcId String vpc-bp**********

The ID of the VPC.

VswitchId String vsw-bp***********

The ID of the vSwitch.

Dns String drdssen1243as.drds.aliyuncs.com

The domain name that is mapped to the VIP.

Port String 3306

The ports that are opened on the VIP.

ExpireDays Long 0

The number of remaining days before the VIP expires.

ReadOnlyDBInstanceIds Array of String drdssen12****

The details about each read-only instance that is associated with the instance.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "Success" : true,
  "RequestId" : "B4F76641-BA45-4320-BE7C-9C62CFDAC9B2",
  "Data" : {
    "Type" : "PRIVATE",
    "Status" : "RUN",
    "CreateTime" : 1568620311000,
    "VersionAction" : "Upgradeable",
    "StorageType" : "RDS",
    "NetworkType" : "CLASSIC",
    "Label" : "NORMAL",
    "MysqlVersion" : 5,
    "InstanceSpec" : "drds.sn2.4c16g.8C32G",
    "VpcCloudInstanceId" : "drdssen12****",
    "Description" : "drds_test",
    "Version" : 0,
    "ExpireDate" : 4724323200000,
    "MasterInstanceId" : "drdssen1243as",
    "CommodityCode" : "drdsPost",
    "MachineType" : "ecs",
    "InstanceSeries" : "drds.sn2.4c16g",
    "ProductVersion" : "5.3.*",
    "RegionId" : "cn-hangzhou",
    "ResourceGroupId" : "NULL",
    "DrdsInstanceId" : "drdssen1243as",
    "ZoneId" : "cn-hangzhou-e",
    "InstRole" : "MASTER",
    "OrderInstanceId" : "drdssen12****",
    "Vips" : [ {
      "Type" : "intranet",
      "VpcId" : "vpc-bp**********",
      "VswitchId" : "vsw-bp***********",
      "Dns" : "drdssen1243as.drds.aliyuncs.com",
      "Port" : "3306",
      "ExpireDays" : 0
    } ],
    "ReadOnlyDBInstanceIds" : [ "drdssen12****" ]

Error codes

HttpCode Error code Error message Description
400 ActionUnauthorized The specified action is not available for you The error message returned because you are not authorized to perform this operation. Grant the required permissions to the RAM user first.
500 InternalError The request processing has failed due to some unknown error. The error message returned because an internal error has occurred and the request failed.

For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.