Hologres is compatible with PostgreSQL. Apart from the PostgreSQL statements that are used to create, query, and update tables and schemas, Hologres supports other PostgreSQL statements. This topic describes these PostgreSQL statements.

The following table describes the PostgreSQL statements that are supported by Hologres. For more information, see official PostgreSQL documentation.
PostgreSQL statementDescription
ALTER TABLEModifies a table. Hologres allows you to execute only the following PostgreSQL statements to modify a table:
ALTER ROLEModifies a role.
ANALYZEUpdates statistics.
BEGINStarts a transaction. The BEGIN statement must be used together with a DDL statement.
COMMITCommits a transaction. The COMMIT statement must be used together with a DDL statement.
CREATE DATABASECreates a database.
CREATE EXTENSIONInstalls an extension.
CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPERCreates a foreign data wrapper (FDW).
CREATE FOREIGN TABLECreates a foreign table. Hologres supports only foreign tables that are sourced from MaxCompute.
CREATE GROUPCreates a user group.
CREATE SERVERCreates an external server.
CREATE TABLECreates a table. Hologres does not support all the commands of the CREATE TABLE statement. The following commands are not supported:
  • TEMP
  • LIKE

Hologres supports only list partitions. You can specify only a list of discrete values of the STRING type for the partition key in the description for each partition.

CREATE VIEWCreates a view.
CREATE USERCreates a user.
CREATE USER MAPPINGCreates a user mapping.
DROP DATABASEDeletes a database.
DROP FOREIGN TABLEDeletes a foreign table.
DROP GROUPDeletes a user group.
DROP OWNEDDeletes the database objects that are owned by a database role.
DROP ROLEDeletes a role.
DROP SERVERDeletes an external server.
DROP TABLEDeletes a table.
DROP USERDeletes a user.
DROP USER MAPPINGDeletes a user mapping.
ENDStops a transaction. The END statement must be used together with a DDL statement.
EXPLAINViews an execution plan.
INSERTInserts data.
ROLLBACKRolls back a transaction.
SELECTHologres does not support all the commands of the SELECT statement. The following commands are not supported:
  • ONLY
SETSets a Grand Unified Configuration (GUC) parameter. For more information about GUC parameters, see GUC parameters.
CALL set_table_property('<tablename>', 'time_to_live_in_seconds', '<values>');Specifies the time to live (TTL) of the data in the table. The TTL of the data in the table must be accurate to seconds and must be a non-negative integer or floating-point number. Take note of the following items:
  • If you do not specify the TTL, the data in the table is retained for 100 years by default. In Hologres V1.3.24 and later, the minimum TTL can be set to 1 day, which is equivalent to 86,400 seconds.
  • The system counts the TTL from the time when the data is first written to the table, rather than the time when the data is last modified. If the TTL expires, the data of the table is deleted at an unspecified point in time. The table is still retained.
  • You can separately execute this statement to modify the TTL of the data in the table.
  • Different from the DELETE FROM statement, this statement consumes few resources and does not lock the table. However, this statement does not ensure the consistency of expired data. In this case, the following situations may occur:
    • You may fail to read the expired data or may read the expired data that was not last modified.
    • If you modify or delete the expired data, the operation may fail due to unexpected causes. For example, the data of a primary key column is duplicate.
    • If you specify the TTL of the data in the table, make sure that the expired data will not be read or modified, or make sure that you do not need to ensure the consistency of the expired data.