Problem description

Configure the OSS origin station on the Alibaba Cloud Content Delivery Network console or configure the Alibaba Cloud Content Delivery Network on the OSS console. When you use the Alibaba Cloud Content Delivery Network domain name to browse a file with the suffix html, you can download the file directly.


If requests sent from a CDN-accelerated domain name to access an HTML file trigger an automatic download of the file, possible causes include:

  • The value of the HTTP header Content-Type of the OSS source file is not text/html.
  • The origin host configured in the Alibaba Cloud CDN console is an OSS bucket domain name.


  1. Check whether the value of the HTTP header Content-Type of the OSS source file is text/html.
  2. Check whether the Alibaba Cloud Content Delivery Network configured back-to-source host is the customer's accelerated domain name. If the origin host is set to an OSS bucket domain name, downloads of files are automatically triggered.
    • Yes, please continue to the next step.
    • No, see Configure back-to-origin HOST to change the origin host to the accelerated domain name of the customer.
  3. , if the access URL is still forced to download after performing the above steps, you need to refresh the URL in the Alibaba Cloud Content Delivery Network console to check whether the access is normal after refreshing the URL. For more information about how to refresh a URL, see Configure refresh and warm-up.
    • If the HTML file is no longer automatically downloaded, the issue is resolved.
    • No, submit a ticket.

Application scope

  • CDN