Alibaba Cloud SSL Certificates Service allows you to renew a certificate before it expires. The remaining validity period of the original certificate is added to the validity period of the renewed certificate. To comply with the requirements of CAs, SSL Certificates Service does not support auto-renewal. You must manually renew certificates.

A renewed certificate must be consistent with the original certificate in terms of the certificate type, brand, and enterprise information. Otherwise, the renewed certificate is identified as a purchased certificate. In this case, the remaining validity period of the original certificate is not added.

You must renew a certificate in the SSL Certificates Service console. For more information, see Certificate renewal.

Note If your existing certificate is due to expire and you purchase a new certificate instead of renewing the existing certificate, the remaining validity period of the existing certificate cannot be added to the new certificate. For example, a certificate expires on August 1, 2022. If the certificate is renewed and the renewed certificate is issued on July 20, 2022, the validity period of the renewed certificate starts from July 20, 2022 and ends on July 20, 2023.