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:Register an Oracle instance

Last Updated:Apr 16, 2020


  • This topic describes the precautions for registering an Oracle database with DMS Enterprise. This topic helps you more quickly and efficiently register the Oracle database for subsequent unified management.


  1. Register the database instance information.

  2. Set related parameters. For basic information required for registering a database instance, see Instance management. Pay special attention to the following parameters:

    • (1) Instance Source: Set this parameter to ECS, Public Network, VPC, or IDC as required.
    • (2) Network Type: Set this parameter to Classic Network or VPC as required.
    • (3) Environment: Set this parameter to Production or Test as required.
    • (4) ECS Instance ID: This parameter is required when the Instance field is set to ECS.
    • (5) ECS Region: This parameter is required when the Instance field is set to ECS.
    • (6) Host: Set this parameter to the IP address of your database server.
    • (7) Port: Set this parameter to the port number of the corresponding database instance.
    • (8) SID/Database: Set this parameter to the SID of the database instance. Make sure that the SID is accurate.
  3. Make sure that the database account that you register with DMS Enterprise has the permission to collect metadata dictionary information. The following is an example of authorization statements:

    1. create user [user_name] identified by [your_user_password];
    2. grant connect to [user_name];
    3. grant select any table to [user_name];
    4. grant select_catalog_role to [user_name];
    5. grant execute on dbms_metadata to [user_name];
    6. grant create any table to [user_name];
    7. grant create any sequence to [user_name];
    8. grant alter any table to [user_name];
    9. grant alter any sequence to [user_name];
    10. grant alter any index to [user_name];
    11. grant create any index to [user_name];
    12. grant drop any index to [user_name];
    13. grant select any dictionary to [user_name];
    14. grant select any sequence to [user_name];
    15. grant update any table to [user_name];
    16. grant insert any table to [user_name];
    17. grant delete any table to [user_name];
    18. grant execute any procedure to [user_name];
  4. Calculate the number of instances.

    You can register SIDs of multiple Oracle databases on an IP address. In this case, database instances on one IP address are considered as one instance.