When you use Alibaba Cloud Command Line Interface (CLI) to call API operations, you must meet the following requirements on the names and values of request parameters:

  • Case sensitivity of parameter names: Parameter names in API operations are case-sensitive. When you enter parameter names in Alibaba Cloud CLI, you must follow the capitalization conventions of parameter names.

  • Case sensitivity of parameter values: The values of some request parameters in API operations are not case-sensitive. However, to ensure uniform writing, we recommend that you follow the capitalization conventions of parameter values when you enter parameter values.

  • Parameter values written as STRING type in API references: For STRING type values that contain no special characters, directly enter the values. For STRING type values that contain special characters, enclose the values in single quotation marks (') or double quotation marks (") when you enter the values.


    #   aliyun ecs DescribeImages --ImageName "Custom image_1-"
    #   aliyun ecs DescribeImages --ImageName 'Blue screen on Windows-Database business-'
    #   aliyun ecs DescribeImages --ImageName WindowsTest
  • Parameter values written as INTEGER type in API references: For parameter values of the INTEGER type, directly enter the values.


    #   aliyun ecs DescribeImages --ImageName WindowsTest --PageSize 10
  • Parameter values written as lists of the STRING type in API references: For STRING type parameters that support multiple values, such as ImageId, separate parameter values with commas (,) and enclose the values in single quotation marks (') or double quotation marks (") when you enter the values.


    #   aliyun ecs DescribeImages --ImageId   "m-23e0oxmbv,m-23waejuy9"
    #   aliyun ecs DescribeImages --ImageId 'm-23e0oxmbv,m-23waeju'
  • Parameter values written as JSON arrays of the STRING type in API references: For STRING type parameters that are set to a formatted JSON array, enclose the array in brackets [] and enclose the brackets [] in single quotation marks ('). Inside the brackets [], separate values in the array with commas (,) and enclose each value in double quotation marks ("). You can also enclose each value in single quotation marks (') and enclose the entire array with brackets [] in double quotation marks (").


    #   aliyun ecs DescribeDisks --DiskIds   '["d-23rssg24f","d-23vsih26x","d-23sfqfbfa"]'
    #   aliyun ecs DescribeDisks --DiskIds "['d-23rssg24f','d-23vsih26x','d-23sfqfbfa']"
  • Parameter values written as JSON array lists of the STRING type in API references: For STRING type parameters that are set to a JSON array list, enclose the list in brackets [] and enclose the brackets [] in double quotation marks ("). Inside the brackets [], separate arrays with commas (,) and enclose each array in braces {}. Inside each pair of braces, separate the key and value of an array with a colon (:) and respectively enclose the key and the value of the array in single quotation marks ('). You can also respectively enclose the key and the value of an array in double quotation marks (") and enclose the entire list with brackets [] in single quotation marks (').


    #   aliyun slb AddBackendServers --LoadBalancerId   15157b19f18-cn-hangzhou-dg-a01 --BackendServers   "[{'ServerId':'i-23g8aact0'},{'ServerId':'i-23bb03yh9'}]"
    #   aliyun slb AddBackendServers --LoadBalancerId   15157b19f18-cn-hangzhou-dg-a01 --BackendServers '[{"ServerId":"i-23g8aact0"},{"ServerId":"i-23bb03yh9"}]'
  • Parameter values written as DateTime values of the STRING type in API references: For STRING type parameters that are set to a UTC timestamp in the ISO 8601 standard, enter the parameter values in the YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format.


    #   aliyun ecs   DescribeInstanceMonitorData --InstanceId i-94ola4btx --StartTime 2015-11-28T15:00:00Z   --EndTime   2015-11-28T18:00:00Z