Modifies a cluster template.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Yes ModifyClusterTemplate

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to ModifyClusterTemplate.

BizId String Yes CT-4A6799A79D73****

The ID of the cluster template.

BootstrapAction.N.Name String Yes action_name

The name of bootstrap action N.

BootstrapAction.N.Path String Yes oss://bucket/path

The path where the script of bootstrap action N is stored.

ClusterType String Yes HADOOP

The type of the instance.

Config.N.ConfigKey String Yes fs.trash.interval

The key of custom configuration item N.

Config.N.ConfigValue String Yes 60

The value of custom configuration item N.

Config.N.FileName String Yes yarn-site

The name of the file that contains custom configuration item N.

Config.N.ServiceName String Yes YARN

The name of the custom configuration items service.

EmrVer String Yes EMR-3.15.0

The EMR version.

HostGroup.N.DiskCapacity Integer Yes 80

The data disk capacity of host group N.

HostGroup.N.DiskCount Integer Yes 4

The number of data disks in host group N.

HostGroup.N.DiskType String Yes CLOUD_SSD

The category of the data disk that you want to attach to the node group.

HostGroup.N.HostGroupName String Yes Master instance group

The name of host group N.

HostGroup.N.HostGroupType String Yes MASTER

The type of host group N.

HostGroup.N.InstanceType String Yes ecs.mn4.2xlarge

The type of instances in host group N.

HostGroup.N.NodeCount Integer Yes 4

The number of nodes in host group N.

HostGroup.N.SysDiskCapacity Integer Yes 80

The system disk capacity of host group N.

HostGroup.N.SysDiskType String Yes CLOUD_SSD

The system disk type of host group N.

RegionId String Yes cn-hangzhou

The region ID of the instance.

TemplateName String Yes new_template_name

The name of the cluster template.

ZoneId String Yes cn-hangzhou-b

The zone ID of the new instance.

LogPath String No oss//bucketname/path

The storage path of logs in OSS buckets.

SecurityGroupId String No sg-bp1id7ajv83kmqwq****

The ID of the security group.

IsOpenPublicIp Boolean No true

Specifies whether to enable the public IP address. Valid values:

  • true: enables the public IP address. If you enable this feature, the bandwidth is 8 MB by default.
  • false: disables the public IP address.
SecurityGroupName String No emr_sg

The name of the security group.

ChargeType String No PostPaid

The billing method of the instance. Valid values:

  • PostPaid: pay-as-you-go
  • PrePaid: subscription
Period Integer No 36

The subscription period of host group N. Unit: months. Valid values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 24, and 36.

AutoRenew Boolean No false

Indicates whether the subscription cluster is auto-renewal. Valid values:

  • true: enables auto-renewal
  • false: disables auto-renewal
VpcId String No vpc-bp1l4urd87xlh7i4b****

The ID of the VPC to which the instance belongs.

VSwitchId String No vsw-bp10tvjyc77psy0z5****

The ID of the vSwitch

NetType String No VPC

Indicates the network type of the ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance.

UserDefinedEmrEcsRole String No AliyunEmrEcsDefaultRole

The RAM role that is assigned to EMR to manage ECS resources.

OptionSoftWareList.N RepeatList No ["ZOOKEEPER","LIVY"]

The list of available software.

HighAvailabilityEnable Boolean No true

Specifies whether to enable high-availability clusters. Valid values:

  • true: enables a high-availability cluster. A high-availability cluster requires two master nodes.
  • false: disables the high-availability cluster.
UseLocalMetaDb Boolean No true

Specifies whether to use the local Hive metadatabase. Valid values:

  • true: The local Hive metadatabase is used.
  • false: The local Hive metadatabase is not available.
IoOptimized Boolean No true

Specifies whether to enable I/O optimization. Valid values:

  • true: I/O optimization is enabled.
  • false: disables I/O optimization.
SshEnable Boolean No true

Specifies whether to enable SSH. Valid values:

  • true: enables SSH.
  • false: disables SSH.
InstanceGeneration String No ecs-3

A reserved parameter.

MasterPwd String No pwd

The SSH password that is used to access the master node.

KeyPairName String No test_kp

The name of the key pair bound to the instance.

MetaStoreType String No local

The unified metadata type. Valid values:

  • local: internal metadata of the cluster
  • unified: unified metadata
  • user_rds: user-created RDS
MetaStoreConf String No

The configuration information of Hive Metastore.

HostGroup.N.HostGroupId String No 0

A reserved parameter.

HostGroup.N.ClusterId String No 0

A reserved parameter.

HostGroup.N.Comment String No comment

A reserved parameter.

HostGroup.N.CreateType String No ON_DEMAND

A reserved parameter.

HostGroup.N.ChargeType String No PostPaid

Indicates the billing method of the ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance that is used to store the data of the specified database. Default value: OFF. Valid values:

  • PostPaid: pay-as-you-go
  • PrePaid: subscription
HostGroup.N.Period Integer No 36

The subscription period of host group N. Unit: months. Valid values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 24, and 36.

HostGroup.N.AutoRenew Boolean No true

machine group whether the machine is auto-renewal. Valid values:

  • true
  • false: manual renewal
HostGroup.N.VSwitchId String No vsw-bp10tvjyc77psy0z5****

The ID of the vSwitch

HostGroup.N.MultiInstanceTypes String No ecs.sn1.xlarge,ecs.sn2.xlarge

The multi-specification machine model list, separated with commas (,).

BootstrapAction.N.Arg String No --a

The argument that you pass into bootstrap action N.

BootstrapAction.N.ExecutionTarget String No core_group

The scope of script execution. Default value: OFF. Valid values:

  • For the entire cluster, specify a null value.
  • The name of the machine group.
BootstrapAction.N.ExecutionMoment String No BEFORE_INSTALL

The execution timing of the script. Valid values:

  • BEFORE_INSTALL: The command is executed before the service is installed.
  • AFTER_STARTED: The service is executed after it is started.
BootstrapAction.N.ExecutionFailStrategy String No FAILED_BLOCKED

The script failure execution policy. Valid values:

  • FAILED_BLOCKED: The workflow is manually processed after a failure.
  • FAILED_CONTINUE: Continue after failure
Configurations String No [{"classification": "core-site","properties": {"fs.trash.interval": "61"}},{"classification": "hadoop-log4j","properties": {"hadoop.log.file": "hadoop1.log","hadoop.root.logger": "INFO","a.b.c": "ABC"}}]

Software-defined configuration. (Before the cluster starts, you can specify a JSON file to modify the software configuration.)

EasEnable Boolean No true

Indicates whether the cluster is a high-security cluster. Valid values:

  • true: high-security cluster
  • false: non-high-security clusters
DepositType String No HALF_MANAGED

The managed type of the cluster. Valid values:

  • HALF_MANAGED: semi-managed
  • MANAGED: fully managed
MachineType String No ECS

A reserved parameter.

UseCustomHiveMetaDb Boolean No false

A reserved parameter.

InitCustomHiveMetaDb Boolean No false

A reserved parameter.

Config.N.Encrypt String No 0

A reserved parameter.

Config.N.Replace String No 0

A reserved parameter.

Tag.N.Key String No TestKey

The tag key of the EMR instance and node ECS instance. Valid values of N: 1 to 20. The tag value cannot be an empty string. Valid values: 1 to 128. The tag key cannot start with aliyun or acs:. It cannot contain http:// or https://.

Tag.N.Value String No TestValue

The tag values of EMR instances and node ECS instances. Valid values of N: 1 to 20. The tag key can be an empty string. The value of the tag value ranges from 1 to 128. It cannot start with a acs: and cannot contain http:// or https://.

ResourceGroupId String No rg-bp67acfmxazb4p****

The ID of the enterprise resource group to which the EMR instance and node ECS instances belong.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
ClusterTemplateId String CT-4A6799A79D73****

The ID of the cluster template.

RequestId String BF4FBAC6-B03E-4BFB-B6DB-EB53C34F2E22

The ID of the request.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format


JSON format

  "ClusterTemplateId": "CT-4A6799A79D73****",