The quota management feature of Alibaba Cloud CDN is integrated with Quota Center. You can query and manage quotas of Alibaba Cloud CDN and create quota alert rules in the Quota Center console. This topic describes how to manage quotas of Alibaba Cloud CDN.


Due to business growth, you may want to adjust the number of times that URLs or directories can be refreshed, the number of URLs that can be prefetched, and the number of domain names that can be accelerated. If you want to adjust these quotas, you can log on to the Quota Center console and adjust the quotas based on your business requirements.

Quota Center provides the following features:

  • Quota query: allows you to query the quotas of services, query whether you can apply for quota increases, and query the upper limit on quota increases.
  • Quota applications: allows you to submit applications and query the progress of each application.
  • Quota alerts: allows you to configure quota alert rules based on percentage values or absolute values. Quota alerts notify you of quota status at the earliest opportunity. This way, you can adjust quotas based on your business requirements.
  • API operations: facilitate and automate O&M and help improve O&M efficiency.


  • All-in-one: Quota Center provides a suite of quota management features.
  • Transparent: Quota Center displays the default quotas on services and quotas after increases.
  • Automated: Quota Center supports quota alerts, which can notify you of quota status at the earliest opportunity.
  • Efficient: Quota Center allows you to submit applications, which are more efficient than tickets.

Usage notes

  • If the quota that you want to apply for exceeds the Limits, you must submit an application. Alibaba Cloud reviews your application based on your business requirements. For more information, see Submit an application to increase a quota.
    • The system allocates quotas on the number of URLs or directories that can be refreshed and the number of URLs that can be prefetched on a daily basis. After the quota for the current day is exhausted, the quota for the next day is automatically allocated at 00:00:00 (UTC+8) on the next day.
    • The number of domain names that can be accelerated is a one-off allocation. If you want to increase the quota, you must submit an application in Quota Center.
  • You must use your Alibaba Cloud account if you want to manage quotas. If you want to manage quotas as a RAM user, the RAM user must be granted the required permissions by the Alibaba Cloud account. For more information, see Authorize a RAM User.


  1. Log on to the Quota Center console.
  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Products > General Quota.
  3. On the Products with General Quotas page, select Media Service & CDN from the Category drop-down list.
  4. Click Alibaba Cloud CDN to go to the quota management page. Then, you can perform the following operations: