
WAF 3.0 will become generally available on October 31, 2022 and billing will resume based on the original billing rules

The public preview for Web Application Firewall (WAF) 3.0 will end and WAF 3.0 will become generally available on October 31, 2022. The basic request fee for your pay-as-you-go WAF 3.0 instances will be changed back from 1 SeCU for every 7,500 requests to the original pricing (i.e., 1 SeCU for every 5,000 requests).
For more information, please visit:https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/en/web-application-firewall/latest/waf-3-0-billing-method?section-ok0-fal-hyn. If you have any questions, join the DingTalk group numbered 34657699 to contact us.