February 6 to 9 Alibaba Cloud Table Store Upgrade Notice

[Alibaba Cloud] [Table Store] [Upgrade Notice]
Upgrade Window: Beijing time 14:00 on February 6, 2018 - 08:00 on February 9, 2018
Upgrade Content: In order to provide better service quality, Alibaba Cloud Table Store in China East 1 (Hangzhou) and China East 2 (Shanghai) region will be upgraded during Beijing time 14:00 on February 6, 2018 - 08:00 on February 9, 2018
Upgrade Impact:
Because of the large size of the cluster, the upgrade cycle may be long to ensure a very low error rate, which may have the following impacts during the upgrade:
1. During the hot upgrade, one single data partition under each data table will be affected no more than 2 times;
2. The single impact time of each data partition is about 1 second;
3. During the upgrade, the delay of accessing to the table storage service may be slightly elevated, and there will be very low error rate, which can be resolved by retrying;
4. The data table creation, deletion and update operations my fail during the upgrade. Please reply if there is any errors;
5. There will be no impact if no requests sent during the upgrade.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by submitting a ticket any time.