Storage fees will be charged for local snapshot starting July 8,2020
Jul 08, 2020
Elastic Compute Service
Dear Alibaba Cloud customers,
The public preview of Alibaba Cloud local snapshot has ended. Starting July 8, 2020, Alibaba Cloud begins charging for local snapshot. Storage fees will be charged for local snapshot including those generated before July 8, 2020. We recommend that you delete the unwanted local snapshot to avoid extra fees. For more information about the billing rules and pricing of local snapshot, visit .
Thank you for your support for the public preview of local snapshot.
The public preview of Alibaba Cloud local snapshot has ended. Starting July 8, 2020, Alibaba Cloud begins charging for local snapshot. Storage fees will be charged for local snapshot including those generated before July 8, 2020. We recommend that you delete the unwanted local snapshot to avoid extra fees. For more information about the billing rules and pricing of local snapshot, visit .
Thank you for your support for the public preview of local snapshot.