Service Upgrade

Service Update: ApsaraDB for OceanBase Moving to Alibaba Cloud Marketplace

Affected Time

2025-01-01 00:00:00 - 2027-07-01 00:00:00 (UTC+08)

Dear Alibaba Cloud Users,

Thank you for your continued support of ApsaraDB for OceanBase. As OceanBase has officially become an independent software company in 2024, Alibaba Cloud and OceanBase have mutually agreed that effective October 1, 2024, OceanBase Cloud will be repositioned as an Alibaba Cloud Marketplace product. Consequently, we will begin the process of retiring ApsaraDB for OceanBase from the Alibaba Cloud database product portal. Please find the detailed timeline and arrangements below:

I. Key Milestones:

1. OceanBase Cloud will enter public beta on the Alibaba Cloud Marketplace on December 31, 2024, with official launch scheduled for March 30, 2025.

2. Timeline for service discontinuation:

●From April 1, 2025: New customers will no longer be able to purchase ApsaraDB for OceanBase through the Alibaba Cloud database product portal.

●From January 1, 2026: Existing customers will no longer be able to make new purchases of ApsaraDB for OceanBase through the database product portal.

●From January 1, 2027: Subscription renewals and version updates will cease for existing customers.

●From July 1, 2027: Complete discontinuation of ApsaraDB for OceanBase services will be implemented through the database product portal, including the management console, product support, and ticket services.

II. Operational Changes and Service Continuity:

1. Starting April 1, 2025, new customers seeking OceanBase Cloud database services must place orders through the Alibaba Cloud Marketplace.

2. From April 1, 2025, OceanBase service specialists will proactively contact existing customers of ApsaraDB for OceanBase to discuss service continuity. From April 1, 2025 to July 1, 2027, existing customers can initiate a one-click migration through the management console of ApsaraDB for OceanBase (this feature will be available from April 1, 2025). This migration involves two changes only: (1) the management console will transition from Alibaba Cloud to OceanBase's console, and (2) the service provider will change from Alibaba Cloud to OceanBase. Throughout this transition, OceanBase database services will remain continuously available, and your business operations connected to the database will not be affected. Customers who choose not to migrate can opt for a refund or switch to other Alibaba Cloud database services during this period.

3. This transition primarily involves changes in product and service ownership, with no alterations to product functionality. For customers using OceanBase Cloud database services through the Marketplace, Alibaba Cloud (Singapore) Private Limited will remain the contracting entity, while OceanBase will provide the product services and after-sales support. Customers who have not migrated to the Marketplace will continue to receive product services and support jointly from Alibaba Cloud and OceanBase.

Alibaba Cloud and OceanBase are committed to ensuring a smooth transition from the database product portal to the Marketplace with minimal impact on your business operations. For any questions regarding this transition, please contact us through Alibaba Cloud's official service channels or reach out to OceanBase's support team at We will address your inquiries promptly.

December 30, 2024