Service Upgrade

[Product changes] Changes of billable items, resource plans, and trial quota of Function Compute

Aug 20, 2024

Function Compute

Affected Time

2024-08-27 00:00:00

Change Content

Starting from August 27, 2024, Function Compute applies CU usage as a unified billable item for the original billable items, including the number of function invocations and resource usage. The original billable items are converted to CU usage, in CU, based on conversion factors. In addition, Function Compute introduces CU resource plans. Existing resource plans can be converted and used to offset CU usage based on the conversion factors. In light of this change, trial quotas for new users are also changed. The original trial quotas, which include GPU resource quotavCPU resource quotamemory resource quota, and function invocation quota, are combined into the CU resource plan.

To show appreciation for both new and existing users, Function Compute offers a 20% discount for CU usage from August 27, 2024, to August 27, 2025.

The details of the change can be seen in this document

Change Impact

Bills of Function Compute no longer include the original billable items, including the number of function Invocationsactive GPU usageidle GPU usageactive vCPU usageidle vCPU usagememory usage, and disk usage. You can query the number of function invocations and resource usage in the Function Compute console.

You can no longer purchase the original vCPU resource plansmemory resource plansfunction invocation plans, and GPU resource plans provided by Function Compute. Existing resource plans can be used to offset CU usage.