Change of Snapshots Deletion Rules in Scenario of Overdue Payment on Snapshots in Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS)
Feb 07, 2024
Elastic Compute Service
Alibaba Cloud is going to change the rules regarding deletion of snapshots in scenario of overdue payment on snapshots in Elastic Compute Service (ECS), which will be effective on March 10th, 2024 (the “Change”). Details are as follows:
If the fees for snapshots under your account fail to be deducted on payment due date, the payment for snapshots becomes overdue. Within 15 days after the payment becomes overdue, you will be able to continue to use the snapshots. After this 15-day period, your use of the snapshots will be terminated.
● Before the Change, the snapshots under your account will be deleted 15 days after the date of termination of your use of the snapshots, except for those snapshots associated with the custom images under your account.
● After the Change, the snapshots under your account (including those associated with the custom images under your account) will be deleted 15 days after the date of termination of your use of the snapshots. At the same time, those associated custom images will also be deleted.
You may find details of the snapshots deletion rules at:
Impact of the Change
1. After the snapshots associated with custom images are deleted, relevant data cannot be recovered.
2. If there are any prepaid subscription instances created based on these associated custom images, deleting the custom images will not affect the normal use of such instances, but the system disk of the instances cannot be reinitialized.
3. If the associated custom images has been shared with other users, then after the custom images are deleted, the shared images can no longer be accessed and used to create ECS instances. ECS instances created based on the shared images cannot reinitialize the system disk.
4. If the associated custom images has been published as community images, then after the custom images are deleted, the community images will be deleted simultaneously and can no longer be used to create ECS instances. ECS instances created using the community images cannot reinitialize the system disk.
If the fees for snapshots under your account fail to be deducted on payment due date, the payment for snapshots becomes overdue. Within 15 days after the payment becomes overdue, you will be able to continue to use the snapshots. After this 15-day period, your use of the snapshots will be terminated.
● Before the Change, the snapshots under your account will be deleted 15 days after the date of termination of your use of the snapshots, except for those snapshots associated with the custom images under your account.
● After the Change, the snapshots under your account (including those associated with the custom images under your account) will be deleted 15 days after the date of termination of your use of the snapshots. At the same time, those associated custom images will also be deleted.
You may find details of the snapshots deletion rules at:
Impact of the Change
1. After the snapshots associated with custom images are deleted, relevant data cannot be recovered.
2. If there are any prepaid subscription instances created based on these associated custom images, deleting the custom images will not affect the normal use of such instances, but the system disk of the instances cannot be reinitialized.
3. If the associated custom images has been shared with other users, then after the custom images are deleted, the shared images can no longer be accessed and used to create ECS instances. ECS instances created based on the shared images cannot reinitialize the system disk.
4. If the associated custom images has been published as community images, then after the custom images are deleted, the community images will be deleted simultaneously and can no longer be used to create ECS instances. ECS instances created using the community images cannot reinitialize the system disk.