
Announcing ECS c6&g6&r6/c7&g7&r7 Instances Price Reduction

ECS Price Reduction Announcement

【Alibaba Cloud】【ECS】【Price Reduction Announcement】
Effective Time:July 6, 2022
Price Reduction Content:Alibaba Cloud will adjust prices of certain ECS products on several instances,new price will take effect from July 6, 2022,the specific price adjustment is as follows:

China Mainland(Except Heyuan): ecs.c7/ecs.g7 9% off, ecs.r7 7% off
Heyuan: ecs.c7/ecs.g7 19% off, ecs.r7 17% off; ecs.c6/ecs.g6/ecs.r6 10% off
The reduction include monthly price, hourly price, reserved instance and saving plan

For specific price, please refer to:https://www.alibabacloud.com/product/ecs