Announcement of Price Reduction for the 7th Generation Intel ECS Cloud Server Instances in Malaysia
Nov 27, 2024
Elastic Compute ServiceAffected Time
Aliyun (also known as Alibaba Cloud) will adjust the pricing for certain ECS (Elastic Compute Service) products effective immediately (hereinafter referred to as the "Effective Date"). The new pricing adjustments will take effect on Decenmber 3th, 2024. Following the effectuation, your purchases of certain ECS products will be billed according to the new prices.
The specific details of the price adjustment are as follows:
Malaysia regions(ap-southeast-3), the specifications of ecs.c7, ecs.g7, and ecs.r7 have been reduced by 20.7%, 20.4%, and 20.5% respectively. This reduction includes monthly pricing, hourly rates, reserved instances, and saving plans.
Please note that this price adjustment applies only to eligible orders placed after the effective date for the aforementioned monthly prices, hourly rates, reserved instances, and savings plans, including new purchases, renewals, and upgrades or downgrades. Alibaba Cloud reserves the right to the final interpretation of this price adjustment.
The final effective price shall be based on the product pricing displayed on the official website.
Note: The term "official website discount price" in the text refers to the price at which the product is sold on the official website, which is the catalog price with an additional discount applied.