Elastic Block Storage (EBS) - Supports the Fee Cap Feature for Burst Performance of ESSD AutoPL Disks
Aug 22 2024
Elastic Block Storage (EBS)Content
Target customers: 1: Large enterprises customers and Internet customers. 2: Customers whose business experiences traffic spikes in scenarios such as online transactions and periodic data analytics systems. 3: Customers who use I/O-sensitive systems, such as online transaction processing (OLTP) databases and key-value databases. Features released: The performance burst fee cap for Enterprise SSD (ESSD) AutoPL disks is designed to cope with extreme business scenarios. Excess burst IOPS may cause cumulative fees to exceed expectations. To resolve the preceding issue, you can apply performance burst fee cap rules to ESSD AutoPL disks to limit performance burst fees within a controllable range even in extreme cases.
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