AnalyticDB for MySQL - Supports Elastic Import for Data Lakehouse Edition
Oct 15 2023
AnalyticDB for MySQLContent
Target customers: AnalyticDB for MySQL users who need to import data from MaxCompute and Object Storage Service (OSS) to AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Lakehouse Edition. Features released: Only AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Lakehouse Edition (V3.0) clusters of V3.1.10.0 or later that have job resource groups support elastic import. Elastic import consumes a small amount of storage resources or does not consume computing and storage resources. This reduces impacts on real-time data reads and writes and improves resource isolation. If job resource groups have sufficient resources, AnalyticDB for MySQL can run multiple elastic import jobs at the same time. You can also increase the maximum amount of resources for an elastic import job to accelerate the job. This improves job concurrency and elasticity. AnalyticDB for MySQL supports elastic import only from MaxCompute and OSS data sources based on external tables.
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