New Features

Security Center - SOAR Supports Cloud Service Interactions Between Tencent Cloud and Huawei Cloud

Oct 30 2023

Security Center
The cloud service interactions between Tencent Cloud and Huawei Cloud are supported, and the data of these clouds can be accessed. This helps perform closed-loop security operations.

Target customers: users who are experienced in security operations and expect to automate playbook orchestration and form a closed-loop of automated operations. Features released: a. Security Center launched multi-cloud playbooks, which support interactions with Tencent Cloud Web Application Firewall (WAF) and Cloud Firewall (CFW), and Huawei Cloud WAF and CFW to block the source IP addresses of attacks. b. Security Center supports multi-cloud service interactions during the running of a playbook. This enables automated and closed-loop operations on multi-cloud services for which alerts and logs are generated during detection and response.

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