New Features

Platform for AI (PAI) - PAI workspace supports custom roles

Meets the fine-grained permission management requirements of enterprise customers.

Target customers: enterprise users. New features /specifications: Workspace is a key concept in Platform for AI (PAI). Workspaces allow your organization or team to manage computing resources, user permissions, and AI assets in a centralized manner to achieve seamless collaboration at every stage of AI development. In specific scenarios, the current preset roles of a workspace cannot meet the management requirements of customers. For example, you cannot assign a RAM role the permissions to use DSW without assigning the role the permissions on DLC. PAI provides the feature that allows you to customize roles and related permissions.

7th Gen ECS Is Now Available

Increase instance computing power by up to 40% and Fully equipped with TPM chips.
Powered by Third-generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors (Ice Lake).

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