Object Storage Service (OSS) - Block Public Access
Apr 11 2024
Object Storage Service (OSS)Content
Target customers: customers who do not require public access, especially those who require strict access permissions, such as customers from the finance, Internet, and e-commerce sectors and individual developers. New feature: You can enable Block Public Access by configuring bucket policies and access control lists (ACLs). Public access allows access to OSS resources without specific permissions or authentication. Public access can cause data breaches and generate a large amount of outbound traffic over the Internet due to malicious access. To prevent risks caused by public access, OSS allows you to enable Block Public Access with a few steps for OSS, a bucket, an access point, and an Object FC Access Point. If you enable Block Public Access, existing public access permissions are ignored and you cannot configure public access permissions. This disables public data access channels and ensures data security.
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