Key Management Service (KMS) - Accounts of PolarDB Clusters Can Be Managed in a PolarDB Secret of KMS
Nov 28 2024
Key Management Service (KMS)Content
Target customers: users who own PolarDB clusters. Features released: If your business applications need to access a PolarDB cluster and the accounts of the PolarDB cluster are not protected, application data may be leaked, critical user data may be stolen, and the cluster may be attacked. To deal with preceding issues, KMS provides the PolarDB secret feature. You can manage the accounts of the PolarDB cluster in PolarDB secrets of KMS. If you integrate Alibaba Cloud SDK, KMS Instance SDK, or a secret SDK into your applications, your applications can dynamically retrieve the accounts from the PolarDB secrets to log on to the PolarDB cluster. You can also rotate the secrets and regularly change the accounts to reduce the account leak risks.