When confronting technical complexity and international expansion, Remark Holdings turned to Alibaba Cloud to grow their AI and Data businesses.

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Elastic GPU Service

About Remark Holdings

Remark Holdings is at the forefront of digitization and artificial intelligence. In addition to a robust application and digital media portfolio, their KanKan Data and Artificial Intelligence Platform provides users behavioural analysis based upon billions of users' activities both online or offline. Through its proprietary artificial intelligence based on data models, KanKan Data and Artificial Intelligence Platform offers disruptive solutions for fintech, retail, safety, marketing and so on. When first deciding on a cloud provider in 2014, KanKan had many options, but only one provider could provide the coverage in China needed to be successful in the Asian market. Alibaba Cloud successfully helped KanKan to enter Asian markets.


Elastic GPU Service (EGS) is a GPU-based computing service ideal for scenarios such as deep learning, video processing, scientific computing, and visualization. The powerful parallel computing capabilities allow KanKan Data and the Artificial Intelligence Platform to train their AI models. The Elastic GPU Service provided by Alibaba Cloud is reliable and secure. It allows KanKan Data and Artificial Intelligence Platform to train AI models efficiently, and serve their clients from diverse sectors like government, retail, agriculture, traffic control, education and construction. KanKan Data and Artificial Intelligence Platform required GPUs so powerful that they can process enormous datasets for applications ranging from facial recognition, computer vision technology, NLP and their KanKan Smart Eyes system. Alibaba Cloud, as an IaaS provider, offers a stable cloud infrastructure to optimize the accuracy. Improvements were made in both web and business applications. Not only has the performance of the GPU gone above and beyond Remark Holdings expectations, but is also delivers business value, regarding business growth and customer reach.

Why Alibaba Cloud?

Remark Holdings, as a SME, has chosen Alibaba Cloud , who undoubtedly offers sizable supports to SMEs, provides both technology and business solutions to KanKan Data and Artificial Intelligence Platform. To many SMEs, Alibaba Cloud contributed a big part to their growth; The ecosystem that Alibaba Cloud has allowed KanKan Data and Artificial Intelligence Platform to reach a larger customer base efficiently. Most importantly, Alibaba Cloud empowers SMEs to scale their businesses faster and sustainably which in turns allows them to compete with the giants, be more competitive, and grow internationally. “Targeted marketing was crucial to international expansion. Back in 2014, we were facing a tough situation where Alibaba Cloud was the sole public cloud player in China," remarked Shing Tao, Remark Holdings CEO. "Alibaba Cloud helped Remark Holdings to scale our business efficiently and sustainably." As of now, Remark Holdings is very satisfied with Alibaba Cloud’s public cloud offering and customer service and is looking forward to establishing deeper partnership with Alibaba Cloud in its continuous growth in Asian markets. From end to end, Alibaba Cloud contributed the initial technology, which was fundamental to grow and evolve with business needs.