Optimate needs to react quickly and be able to scale in real-time during campaigns. So Alibaba Cloud’s reliability, scalability, high performance and cost-efficiency were key drivers behind their decision to use the service.

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About Optimate

Based in Singapore, Optimate (previously known as ad+platform) is a revolutionary marketing platform that helps marketing teams to unify, optimize, measure and execute an entire marketing strategy with a simple click of a button. With its niche artificial intelligence and self-learning algorithms, Optimate brings unique value to the retail and hospitality industry and any organization who use social and digital channels to boost targeting, engagement and conversion.


With Southeast Asia growing rapidly with over 252.4 million active internet users (a 12% increase from 2015), it was essential for Optimate to have highly scalable systems to address the huge and fast growing demand in this space.

Why Alibaba Cloud?

As we were undergoing expansion and required seamless connection to our Chinese clients and customers, Alibaba Cloud provided the best solution for our needs. Optimate also needs to react quickly and be able to scale in real-time during campaigns. So Alibaba Cloud’s reliability, scalability, high-performance and cost-efficiency were key drivers behind our decision to use them.


The undisrupted API calls from China to our Singapore Service engine allowed us to host our services in Singapore and deploying our applications in China, a benefit that we are not able to get from other cloud providers. Sun Wenting, CEO of Optimate.