The migration from their previous cloud provider went smoothly as Alibaba Cloud Solution Architects guided Oniontech engineers throughout the process. In the end, their Alibaba Cloud solution leveraged ECS, VPC, RDS, and SLB. Working in concert these products solve networking and latency issues and can sufficiently deal with traffic spikes during travel seasons.

Featured Products

Elastic Compute Service - ECSVirtual Private Cloud - VPCApsaraDB RDS for MySQLServer Load Balancer - SLB

About Oniontech

One of the biggest hassles of tourists traveling abroad is standing in a long line at the airport refund counter and applying for a tax refund. Oniontech hopes to change this. It offers travelers and refund agencies an easy and affordable way to get tax refunds. Started in Korea, Oniontech also operates globally and is the world's premier tax refund solution. In 2018, Oniontech branched out to become the world’s first mobile tax refund service for Chinese travelers on Alipay. This service allows travelers to apply for a refund directly on their mobile phone instead of lining up at the airport. Once each order is verified by the local customs, the rebate is then automatically paid to customers through Alipay.

The Challenge

Initially, the new product on Alipay worked fine for Oniontech customers, especially for those connecting via local WIFI and other networks, but when travelers used data roaming they experienced a severe delay in accessing the service. It was, for this reason, Oniontech decided to switch to Alibaba Cloud.


The migration from their previous cloud provider went smoothly as Alibaba Cloud Solution Architects guided Oniontech engineers throughout the process. In the end, their Alibaba Cloud solution leveraged ECS, VPC, RDS, and SLB. Working in concert these products solve networking and latency issues and can sufficiently deal with traffic spikes during travel seasons.

Why Alibaba Cloud

By migrating to Alibaba Cloud, Oniontech improved system integration and management on a single cloud provider, operating seamlessly among HK, Mainland China, and South Korea. As a one-stop cloud provider, Alibaba Cloud was able to completely fulfill Oniontech's computer, database, network, security, and hybrid cloud requirements. Alibaba Cloud also improved network connectivity performance between China(Hong Kong) and Mainland China and South Korea. An Alibaba Cloud support team in China(Hong Kong), Mainland China, and South Korea assisted Oniontech on the analysis of what caused network latency delays and provided a test environment for troubleshooting network latency delays after migration.