Alibaba Cloud provide a one-stop solution to us via their extensive global coverage. We can simply use one international cloud provider without any connectivity issues.

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About Linkbynet

Linkbynet is a French I.T. managed service company, which has a long history of providing high-quality services for our clients in Europe. Due to the high demands of APAC requirements for our customers, we had to find the best solution for our customers and this is why we went for Alibaba Cloud back in 2014.


High quality and stable cloud infrastructure is what Linkbynet is committed to providing our customers. With all the techniques and monitoring systems to guarantee our Services Levels Agreement and KPI, we need a solid foundation of cloud platform. Security is a main issue, since this is the most important topic in our industry. We had some initial concerns over the Alibaba Cloud portal and the actual coverage in terms of availability rate and response time. Also, in the beginning, we were worried about the adaptability between Alibaba Cloud with our management tools to comply with our SLA and KPI. Fortunately none of these concerns have really existed since using Alibaba Cloud.


Security was a big surprise to us and all of our engineers are very happy with the Anti-DDoS solution. It provides an extra protection to all our data. The quality of customer services is also a big PLUS to us. Alibaba Cloud provides the first borderless hosting solution across the globe, including Mainland China. This benefits Linkbynet to have such a complete platform to provide the best quality of hosting services with the best availability. Alibaba Cloud certainly provides the best solution across Asia, in terms of hosting environment and hardware infrastructure. Alibaba Cloud is also extremely user-friendly for our engineers to deploy servers over the world with one unique account. They provide a very competitive price in terms of their services as well.

Final Word

Alibaba Cloud provides a one-stop solution to us via their extensive global coverage. We can simply use one international cloud provider without any connectivity issues. We highly recommend Alibaba Cloud to all our customers.