"ApsaraDB for MongoDB enabled Brother & Brother to cut down on time-consuming and repetitive database management tasks, allowing it to focus on improving their application and provide better services for its customers. "

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ApsaraDB for MongoDB

About Brother & Brother

Brother & Brother Co. Ltd. is a manufacturer and distributor of packaging boxes for snacks and food for SME businesses, established on September 7, 2005. Running under the brand name Boxjourney, the company offers more than 3,000 products with unique designs that are available through online distribution in stores and department stores.


Brother & Brother is focused on producing quality products that are safe and are able to meet the strictest demands from its customers. It used to rely solely on local service providers to deploy its solutions. However, due to the constant changes in requirements and rapid business growth, this cooperation model was no longer sustainable as it could not satisfy all of the customers' needs.

Why Alibaba Cloud

In order to overcome these challenges, Brother & Brother sought the help of Alibaba Cloud, owing to its technical capabilities and familiarity with the region. The team at Alibaba Cloud proposed a Hybrid Solution that leveraged both local and global clouds by cooperating closely with local providers.


In particular, the company adopted ApsaraDB for MongoDB — Alibaba Cloud's secure, reliable, and elastically scalable cloud database service, capable of automatic monitoring, backup, and recovery by time point. ApsaraDB for MongoDB enabled the company to cut down on time-consuming and repetitive database management tasks, allowing it to focus on improving their application and provide better services for its customers.

Looking Forward

Brother & Brother is committed to continually improving the quality of its services for its customers by adhering to global standards. It envisions being a market leader and innovator in its field, and hopes to closely collaborate with Alibaba Cloud and local partners to keep its business sustainable and cost-effective.