MYStartup is a national initiative by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), powered by Cradle. Established in 2021, under the Malaysia Startup Ecosystem Roadmap (SUPER), MYStartup has been empowered as the Single Window since April 2024 to Malaysia's startup ecosystem, offering a platform that fosters inclusive and sustainable growth for founders, developers, and investors. In line with the nation's aim to be one of the top global startup ecosystems and the ASEAN Centre of Excellence by 2030, MYStartup nurtures the ecosystem through capacity-building programmes, including hackathons, accelerators, pre-accelerators, bootcamps and more. This effort is also in tandem with MOSTI's target of creating 5,000 startups by 2025 and 10,000 coders by 2030.
To learn more about MYStartup, visit https://www.mystartup.gov.my
Self-paced Learning and Self Test
Module |
Course Name |
Objective |
Introduction |
Alibaba Cloud Introduction |
This course can help you understand Alibaba Cloud basic knowledge, concepts and products, including cloud computing, security, networking, storage and database. This course is a good start for non-technical people to start cloud journey. |
Elastic Compute Services Overview - Part 1 |
In this course, you will start with the basic concepts of ECS, including regions and zones as well as instance families. After the basics, the course will help you understand how to choose the right ECS type for different workloads and how to purchase ECS on Alibaba Cloud. Lastly, storage and networking features of ECS will be introduced. |
Elastic Compute Services Overview - Part 2 |
In this course, we are going to continue with Alibaba Cloud ECS product, but focus more on additional settings, including instance matadata and user data. After all the concepts, this course will also show you how to use ECS with multiple demos. |
ECS: Image Import And Export – Live Demo |
Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service Image Import & Export video shows how to manage images. This live-demo webinar will give an overview about the platform, its UI, Image management use-cases, etc. |
Introduction to Alibaba Cloud EIP and Premium EIP |
You will learn how public IP address resources can be bound and dynamically unbound to Alibaba Cloud VPC-type ECS instances, NAT gateway, and Intranet Server Load Balancer in order to meeting the needs for flexible management. |
Using ECS to Construct a Dynamic Website |
Want to learn how to construct a dynamic website that can actively update its content? In this Clouder course, you will learn how to build a WordPress website on Alibaba Cloud. |
A Quick Demo of How to Easily Migrate Your Linux Server to Alibaba Cloud |
In this demo video, we will show you how to use go2aliyun_client tool to migrate your Linux server to Alibaba Cloud with only a few necessary data configured. |
Quickly Build A WordPress Website Using Resource Template On The Cloud |
In this Clouder course, you will learn how to conveniently publish a WordPress website with a set of prescribed scripts using Alibaba Cloud ROS service. |
How to Troubleshoot Web Hosting Service Issues |
This video will show how to find and resolve issues including database connection, DNS record and invalid response. |
Module |
Course Name |
Objectives |
Course Video |
Storge Service Overview and Application |
This course explains the basic concepts of OSS along with demos, including bucket management, object storage operations, image processing, website hosting, and monitoring. It also introduces the OSS related security features. |
Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service – Live Demo |
This live-demo webinar gives an overview of the concepts and specially emphasizes on features that differentiate this offering from competitive offerings of other cloud providers in terms of cost efficiency, high availability and durability. |
Using OSS to Publish a Static Website |
In this course, you will learn how to publish a static website using Alibaba Cloud services and complete the ICP process. |
Database |
MySQL for Beginners - Basic Queries |
This course mainly introduces the usage of SELECT statement and its clauses. It also describes how to use warning and error messages to troubleshoot problems in MySQL, how to set SQL mode, and how the SQL mode affects the intepretation of SQL syntax. |
Database |
MySQL Database Concepts and Operations |
In this course, the trainees will have a comprehensive understanding of MySQL database by mastering the MySQL relevant basic concept, deployment procedure, HA solution, commonly used backup and recovery method, and daily inspection skills. |
Database |
Cloud Database and Operation |
This course introduces basic concepts of RDS, its benefits (comparing to conventional database solutions), and key features, along with demos of database / account management, security settings, read-only instances, database backups, and third-party tool integration. |
Network |
Network Essential |
In this course, you will understand computing network knowledge comprehensively with basic concepts, including routing and switching knowledge system, load balancing working theory as well as widely used network security solutions. |
Module |
Course Name |
Objective |
Course Video |
Network |
Alibaba Cloud Network Solution |
This course helps Alibaba Cloud individual or enterprise users quickly understand Alibaba Cloud Network technologies and products to select Alibaba Cloud Network services properly based on scenarios. |
Network |
Internetworking with VPC |
The Alibaba Cloud Interconnecting VPC with Express Connect and VPN Gateway course provides fundamental knowledge to plan, configure and administer VPC connections. In this course we will discuss deployment best practices and use cases of interconnecting VPC using Express Connect and VPN Gateway. |
Service Load Balance Overview |
This course introduces you the basics of Alibaba Cloud Server Load Balancer (SLB) to help you master the power of elastic computing with SLB. |
Lab Demo for SLB Configuration |
This course covers a step-by-step operations demonstration on how to use Server Load Balancer to realize web service high availability. |
Auto Scaling |
Auto-Scaling Concept and Demo |
This course provides fundamental knowledge for you to obtain the ability of scaling your architecture with Alibaba Cloud Auto Scaling. |
Security |
Cloud Platform Security Overview |
This course introduces Alibaba Cloud security products line and the design strategy for you to better understand the transition from traditional IT infrastructure to cloud infrastructure, including current information security best practices and trends, and security risks reduction with cloud platform. |